Veibae Left in Tears As Sodapoppin Reveals She Won’t Be Raiding in Upcoming OnlyFangs WoW Classic Hardcore Raid

Veibae decided that she won’t participate in WoW hardcore raids following multiple claims from the community that she doesn’t deserve it.

WoW streamers Sodapoppin and Veibae. (Image via @mizkifsliceoflife/ YouTube)
WoW streamers Sodapoppin and Veibae. (Image via @mizkifsliceoflife/ YouTube)

Sodapoppin recently had been responding to various claims regarding his girlfriend Veibae, who is also a WoW streamer. A number of community members had said that Veibae was undeserving and shouldn’t be a part of WoW Classic Hardcore raids. However, Sodapoppin defended her and responded to these claims, saying she deserved to be a part of the raids. He stated:

“No. Viggy hasn’t streamed lately but she is a 4-5k Andy. She carried the first three weeks of RP for OnlyFangs. The only downside is, one, I think it Tyler1’s chat finds that funny to spam, but it’s not ideal. That’s not good. Poke and Hubert are probably the only competitive spots or people I might have swatted. I might have swapped out Poke and put in Hubert. Poke hasn’t logged in at all for a while. But he is a 3k or 5k Andy. Whatever it is. What’s done is done over there.”

However, just a few hours later, the streamer announced that Veibae would not be a part of the upcoming raids. Additionally, he told the viewers that she is persistent in her decision and doesn’t want people to think that she is there just because she is Sodapoppin’s girlfriend. The streamer stated during his livestream:

“Alright, also, Vei doesn’t wanna go to raid. No, she doesn’t wanna deal with all the people telling her that she is in just because she is my girlfriend or anything like that. She doesn’t wanna go. And she is dead set on it, I cannot convince her, so. As viewers are being, way too fucking aggressive, on every one.”

Moreover, after his statement, Veibae was heard talking to him and was in tears as she spoke. She said:

“I don’t, I don’t wanna cry on the stream because it is so stupid. But um, I think I’d rather just rather go to someone else.”

She ends the conversation wishing Sodapoppin “good luck” for the upcoming raids. You can watch the clip through the below-given Reddit post.

Sodapoppin Shared His Thoughts About Tyler1’s Community While Defending Veibae

Sodapoppin discussed his opinions about Tyler1’s community after outlining why Veibae should be included in the next World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore raid. He said:

“Tyler’s chat had a completely different perspective as like most everyone else. I haven’t looked at Tyler’s chat, from what I’ve gathered though, if you haven’t ever dungeoned with Tyler, who the f**k are you? Why are you in the raid? It’s like… not everyone has dungeoned with Tyler.”

Then the streamer saw someone commenting on the “hate train” against other members of the OnlyFangs guild. To which Sodapoppin replied:

“‘It was a hate train on Julia and Bean, nothing else.’ I think people definitely hated Bean because I think Bean went hard on Tyler, like, a little over the top with some bulls*bt. Well, the Emilya drama was an AoE by the guild. The whole guild f* ked that up. I think they didn’t f* k it up, it’s just the internet sucks.”

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