Split Fiction Chapter 4: Notebook Side Mission Guide

Enter a hand-drawn world in the Notebook side mission of Split Fiction, solving puzzles and facing hilarious challenges in this 2D adventure.

Notebook Side Mission
Split Fiction Notebook side mission (Image via EA)

The Notebook side story can be found in Chapter 4 (Final Dawn) of Split Fiction and presents a refreshing change of art style. The creative mission will have you shooting arrows and solving puzzles through a pencil-sketched 2D adventure. Written by Mio as a fantasy story for children, this humorous and artistic segment is a must-have in the delightful co-op game.

Finding the Notebook Side Mission

Notebook Side Mission
Entering the Notebook side mission (Image via EA)

Notebook is the final side quest of Split Fiction Chapter 4 and can be found shortly after defeating the Overseer. Using your newly acquired jetpacks, head to the left of the giant, spike-covered spinning wheel. Mio will point out a side story past the wheel, and you have to fly over to it while avoiding the deadly obstacle.

Notebook Mission Guide

Notebook Side Mission
Cyclops’ riddle (Image via EA)

After being introduced to the new game mechanics and a few different weapons, you’ll encounter your first puzzle, presented by a cyclops. Regardless of your answers, the bridge collapses, and Mio turns into a horse.

Notebook Side Mission3
Horsing around (Image via EA)

As you approach the closed gate ahead, have Zoe stand on the horse’s back. Move the horse close to the platform with the lever and jump. While it is airborne, Zoe can jump off its back, reach the lever, and open the way forward.

Climb up the misty mountain with a combination of double jumps and dashes. As soon as the boulder materializes, turn back and hide under the crevice. Upon reaching the summit of the mountain, you will enter a dark cave. Avoid the spikes and explore to the right until you find the prince.

Notebook Side Mission
Pick your own boss fight (Image via EA)

The narrator will ask you to choose the monster that has kidnapped the prince. The options are demon, crab, and duck. If you choose the duck or the crab, partway through the fight, the narrator will consider it too silly and force you to pick again from the remaining choices. Upon defeating the boss, shoot the target above the dangling prince to save him. Take him to the ship, and the Notebook side mission is complete.

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