The Sims 4 PS4 and PS5 Cheats

Are you looking for The Sims 4 cheat codes? Here we have the complete list of all The Sims 4 cheat codes for PS4 and PS5.

8 best The Sims 4 Mods in 2024
Use these cheats to make your gameplay easier (Image Via: Electronic Arts)

The Sims 4 allows players to live out their fantasies virtually. While our daily lives come with no easy cheats, you will have access to plenty of cheat codes when playing the game. You can achieve almost anything and unlock many secrets if you are willing to experiment with different cheat codes. EA, the developer of The Sims, actually encourages players to utilize various cheat codes and mods.

In this article, we have provided a comprehensive list of all the cheat codes you can use in The Sims 4 for PS4 and PS5. 

Disclaimer: Some game updates may break the cheat codes, or some may also be disabled by the developers. So, if you have entered a cheat code correctly and it doesn’t work, you may have to wait until the developers fix it.

How to Enable Cheat Codes for PS4 and PS5 in The Sims 4

The cheat code option is turned off by default. You can press all four shoulder buttons (L1 + L2 + R1 + R2) combined to open the cheat console. Entering either “testingcheats true” or “testingcheats on” will enable the cheat codes. This can be turned off by entering “testingcheats off” or “testingcheats false”. 

Now, all you have to do is type the appropriate cheat code in the cheat console. Do keep in mind that turning on the cheat codes restricts several in-game achievements and rewards.

Several cheats require the players to click on the Sim or objects to take effect. This can be done on the PlayStation by pressing X while holding Circle. 

The Sims 4 PS4 and PS5 Cheat Codes 

There are various types of cheat codes in The Sims 4 (Image Via: Electronic Arts)

Let’s see the various cheat codes available in The Sims 4:

Money Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
Kaching1,000 Simoleons 
Rosebud1,000 Simoleons 
Motherlode50,000 Simoleons
Money # (Enter a specific number after money)Set the Household Simoleons as the specified number. 

Relationship Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
modifyrelationship (Sim 1 First name) (Sim 1 Last name) (Sim 2 First name) (Sim 2 Last name) (Any Number between -100 to 100) Ltr_Friendship_MainCustomize the friendship level between two Sims with the specified number.
modifyrelationship (Sim 1 First name) (Sim 1 Last name) (Sim 2 First name) (Sim 2 Last name) (Any Number between -100 to 100) Ltr_Romance_MainCustomize the romance level between two Sims with the specified number.

Pregnancy Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester1The Pregnant Sim enters the first trimester of pregnancy.
sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester2The Pregnant Sim enters the second trimester of pregnancy.
sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_Trimester3The Pregnant Sim enters the third trimester of pregnancy.
sims.add_buff buff_Pregnancy_InLaborThe Pregnant Sim instantly goes into labor.
pregnancy.force_offspring_count (Sim ID) (number of babies)The Pregnant Sim gives birth to the specified number of babies.

Related: Best Pregnancy Cheats in The Sims 4

Parenthood Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
traits.equip_trait ArgumentativeAdd Argumentative Trait.
traits.equip_trait BadMannersAdd Bad Manners Trait.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_BearAdd Bear Phase.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_ClingyAdd Clingy Phase.
traits.equip_trait CompassionateAdd Compassionate Trait.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_DistantAdd Distant Phase.
traits.equip_trait EmotionalControlAdd Emotionally Controlled Trait.
traits.equip_trait GoodMannersAdd Good Manners Trait.
traits.equip_trait IrresponsibleAdd Irresponsible Trait.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_LoudAdd Loud Phase.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreakAdd Mean Streak Phase.
traits.equip_trait MediatorAdd Mediator Trait.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_(Any Alphabet from A-F) Add Picky Eater Phase from A-F.
traits.equip_trait ChildhoodPhase_RebelliousAdd Rebellious Phase.
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_ResponsibleAdd Responsible Trait.
traits.equip_trait UncontrolledAdd Uncontrolled Trait.
traits.equip_trait LifeSkills_UnfeelingAdd Unfeeling Trait.
curfew.set_curfew <time>Quickly change the curfew of the current household.
traits.remove_trait ArgumentativeRemove Argumentative Trait.
traits.remove_trait BadMannersRemove Bad Manners Trait.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_BearRemove Bear Phase.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_ClingyRemove Clingy Phase.
traits.remove_trait CompassionateRemove Compassionate Trait.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_DistantRemove Distant Phase.
traits.remove_trait EmotionalControlRemove Emotionally Controlled Trait.
traits.remove_trait GoodMannersRemove Good Manners Trait.
traits.remove_trait IrresponsibleRemove Irresponsible Trait.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_LoudRemove Loud Phase.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_MeanStreakRemove Mean Streak Phase.
traits.remove_trait MediatorRemove Mediator Trait.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_PickyEater_(Any Alphabet from A-F)Remove Picky Eater Phase from A-F.
traits.remove_trait ChildhoodPhase_RebelliousRemove Rebellious Phase.
traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_ResponsibleRemove Responsible Trait.
traits.remove_trait UncontrolledRemove Uncontrolled Trait.
traits.remove_trait LifeSkills_UnfeelingRemove Unfeeling Trait.
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_ConflictResolution <value>Sets Conflict Resolution Value.
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_EmotionalControl <value>Sets Emotional Control Value.
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Empathy <value>Sets Empathy Value.
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Manners <value>Sets Manners Value.
stats.set_stat lifeSkillStatistic_Responsibility <value>Sets Responsibility Value.

Skill Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Fishing to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Mischief to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Guitar to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Reaping to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Programming to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Gardening to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Gourmet Cooking to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Comedy to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Charisma to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Writing to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Video Gaming to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Violin to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Rocket Science to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Painting to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Piano to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Logic to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Handiness to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Homestyle Cooking to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major Bartending to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Major_Dj (1-10)Sets your skill level on Major DJ to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness (1-10)Sets your skill level on Fitness to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social (1-10)Sets your skill level on Child Social to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor (1-10)Sets your skill level on Child Motor to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity (1-10)Sets your skill level on Child Creativity to the specified level.
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental (1-10)Sets your skill level on Child Mental to the specified level.

Career Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
careers.promote PoliticianPromotes the selected Sim in the Politician career.
careers.promote ActingPromotes the selected Sim in the Acting career.
careers.promote AstronautPromotes the selected Sim in the Astronaut career.
careers.promote AthletePromotes the selected Sim in the Athlete career.
careers.promote BusinessPromotes the selected Sim in the Business career.
careers.promote CriminalPromotes the selected Sim in the Criminal career.
careers.promote CriticPromotes the selected Sim in the Critic career.
careers.promote CulinaryPromotes the selected Sim in the Culinary career.
careers.promote DetectivePromotes the selected Sim in the Detective career.
careers.promote DoctorPromotes the selected Sim in the Doctor career.
careers.promote EntertainerPromotes the selected Sim in the Entertainer career.
careers.promote PainterPromotes the selected Sim in the Painter career.
careers.promote ScientistPromotes the selected Sim in the Scientist career.
careers.promote Secret AgentPromotes the selected Sim in the Secret Agent career.
careers.promote Social MediaPromotes the selected Sim in the Social Media career.
careers.promote Style InfluencerPromotes the selected Sim in the Style Influencer career.
careers.promote Tech GuruPromotes the selected Sim in the Tech Guru career.
careers.promote WriterPromotes the selected Sim in the Writer career.
careers.add_career PoliticianAdds the Politician career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career ActingAdds the Acting career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career AstronautAdds the Astronaut career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career AthleteAdds the Athlete career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career BusinessAdds the Business career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career CriminalAdds the Criminal career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career CriticAdds the Critic career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career CulinaryAdds the Culinary career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career DetectiveAdds the Detective career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career DoctorAdds the Doctor career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career EntertainerAdds the Entertainer career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career PainterAdds the Painter career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career ScientistAdds the Scientist career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career Secret AgentAdds the Secret Agent career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career Social MediaAdds the Social Media career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career Style InfluencerAdds the Style Influencer career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career Tech GuruAdds the Tech Guru career to the selected Sim.
careers.add_career WriterAdds the Writer career to the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career PoliticianRemoves the Politician career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career ActingRemoves the Acting career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career AstronautRemoves the Astronaut career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career AthleteRemoves the Athlete career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career BusinessRemoves the Business career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career CriminalRemoves the Criminal career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career CriticRemoves the Critic career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career CulinaryRemoves the Culinary career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career DetectiveRemoves the Detective career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career DoctorRemoves the Doctor career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career EntertainerRemoves the Entertainer career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career PainterRemoves the Painter career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career ScientistRemoves the Scientist career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career Secret AgentRemoves the Secret Agent career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career Social MediaRemoves the Social Media career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career Style InfluencerRemoves the Style Influencer career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career Tech GuruRemoves the Tech Guru career from the selected Sim.
careers.remove_career WriterRemoves the Writer career from the selected Sim.

Ghost Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
Traits.remove_trait ghost_angerTurn Anger Ghost into a Living Sim.
Traits.remove_trait ghost_fireTurn Fire Ghost into a Living Sim.
Traits.remove_trait ghost_hungerTurn Hunger Ghost into a Living Sim.
Traits.remove_trait ghost_oldageTurn Normal Ghost (Old Age Ghost) into a Living Sim.
Traits.equip_trait ghost_angerTurn Living Sim into an Anger Ghost.
Traits.equip_trait ghost_fireTurn Living Sim into a Fire Ghost.
Traits.equip_trait ghost_hurgerTurn Living Sim into a Hunger Ghost.
Traits.equip_trait ghost_oldageTurn Living Sim into a Normal Ghost (Old Age Ghost).

Build Mode Cheats

Cheat CodeCheat Effect
bb.moveobjectsAllows to place objects closer together or even overlap them.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlementInstantly unlocks all the furnishings.
bb.showhiddenobjectsAllows you to buy additional items that aren’t normally available.
Select any object , hold (L2 + R2) and press up buttonIncreases the size of an object.
Select any object , hold (L2 + R2) and press down buttonDecreases the size of an object.

Interaction Cheat

To enable all CAS abilities, you need to enter the cheat code “cas.fulleditmode” on the console.

You need to select any Sim or Object as the target before using these cheats. You can access these cheat codes on the console by pressing X while holding Circle after moving the cursor on any Sim or Object. 

SimModify in CASOpens the Create a Sim interface
SimReset ObjectResets the currently selected sim
SimAdd to FamilyAdds the sim to your household.
SimRemove from FamilyRemoves the sim from your household.
SimCheat NeedInstantly fills all needs of the selected sim or disables the decay of their needs.
SimMarriageAllows you to end marriages.
MailboxAlter NeedModifies the needs of all sims in the neighborhood or just within your household
Random ObjectsSet as HeadReplace the sim’s head with the selected object.
Dirty objectMake CleanCleans the object.
Clean objectMake DirtyMakes the object dirty.
The groundTeleport HereInstantly teleports the currently selected sim to the specified location.


Many will not know about the Sims Spawn secret cheat in Sims 4, which allows a Sim to directly spawn in your household. To make this work, type “sims.spawn” on the cheat console. 

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