Brawl Stars has many characters to choose from. In this list, we talk about the top ten best epic brawlers in Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars is a free multiplayer arena battle game launched by Supercell back in 2018 on Android and iOS. Over these years, many new brawlers have been introduced, expanding the playable characters by quite a lot.
Additionally, these characters can be distinguished easily by their rarity, ranging from Rare to Legendary. In this list, we talk about the best epic rarity brawlers in Brawl Stars and why you should play as them.
10) Colette
Colette is a damage dealer brawler in Brawl Stars. She has a long-range basic attack that shoots out hearts at enemies. She is built for shredding tanks, but that makes her a very situational brawler.
Her super ability upon activation makes Colette dash back and forth between places, dealing damage based on enemies maximum health. She is a great pick in the heist mode in which she shines.
9) Gale

Gale is an easy controller-type brawler. His basic attack hurls six balls of snow in a straight line towards enemies. Additionally, he is a great tank buster and can quickly build up his super.
His super unleashes a mighty gust of icy wind toward enemies that pushes them back. This can create much-needed space during fights, which can alter the course of the game.
8) Lola
Lola is a damage dealer in Brawl Stars. For her basic attacks, she makes her pet shoot a barrage of light bullets through its diamond eyes. Also, she does a great job at engaging with mid-ranged brawlers and uses her super to set up traps.
Using her super, she lobs a diamond chain at the target location. A mimic of Lola spawns when it lands, which copies every action of yours. Additionally, the closer the mimic is to Lola, the less damage it deals.
7) Belle
Belle is a very fun marksman-type brawler carrying an electric sniper rifle. Her basic attacks shoot bolts of electricity at her enemies and have a very long range. Additionally, these bolts can jump between nearby targets up to three maximum times, dealing damage with each bounce.
Her super shoots a marking shot, which marks any enemies it hits. Marked enemies take extra damage from any source. Although only one enemy can be marked at a time. Belle is a jack of all trades and can be used in any mode.
6) Piper
Piper is another marksman-type brawler inspired by Mary Poppins. Her basic attack shoots a high-caliber bullet from her umbrella, which has a very high range. A good Piper always shines in 1v1 matchups due to her long-ranged attacks and ability to escape with her super.
Using Piper’s super makes her fly up in the air, which allows her to reposition during fights. She also leaves many grenades on the grounds for any unfortunate brawler not being able to leave the blast zone in time.
5) Larry & Lawrie

Larry & Lawrie are a pair of artillery brawlers in Brawl Stars. Among these two twins, you play and control Larry, who lobs a roll of tickets at enemies from a long distance. These rolls of tickets deal high amounts of damage upon landing and deal additional AOE damage in that area after a while.
In addition, using the super, calls in your twin brother Lawrie for help, who uses his blaster to seek out enemies and damage them in a barrage of lasers. This is a very easy-to-use brawler that can eliminate enemies with ease if you utilize Lawrie well.
4) Angelo

Angelo is another marksman-type brawler on this list. His kit is very simple as his basic attacks shoot arrows at his enemies. The longer you charge his basic, the higher damage it will deal. Angelo can deal out very huge chunks of damage when shooting fully charged shots. These can sometimes leave enemies with a very low amount of health.
Use Angelo’s super to quickly finish these low-health enemies. Angelo’s super creates a cloud of poisonous smoke around him, which damages enemies when standing in it. Angelo shoots poison-coated arrows when shooting from this poisonous cloud, which deals poison damage over time to enemies it hits.
3) Frank
Frank is the first epic melee brawler on our list. He is a huge Frankenstein monster carrying a massive hammer. For his basic attacks, he charges up and swings down his hammer, dealing a huge amount of damage in an area in front of him. Also, the lower Frank’s HP is, the faster he swings down his hammer.
For his super, Frank slams his hammer down and sends a huge shockwave in a massive area in front of him. The shockwave deals massive damage, stuns enemies, and destroys any obstacle in its way. Frank has been a solid epic brawler for years because of his easy-to-utilize kit and usefulness in battle. He can absorb most attacks quite well while constantly causing pain to the enemies in close range.
2) Stu

Stu is a stuntman assassin-type brawler of epic rarity in Brawl Stars. He is a brawler who needs a high amount of skill to be of use but can be devastating if utilized properly. His basic attack shoots two pyrotechnic fireworks that deal massive damage on contact. Furthermore, hitting enemies with any basic attack instantly charges up his super.
Stu’s super is a short dash in any direction of choice, which leaves fire on the ground. Not to mention, this trail of fire can hurt enemies that stand on it. Stu can use his super without any cooldown as long as he hits enemies with his basic attack, this encourages players to get up and personal in their enemies’ faces.
1) Shade
Shade is currently the best epic brawler you can play with in Brawl Stars. He is an assassin-type ghost who has a very unique kit of moves and abilities. He is a ghost who goes around and hugs people. His basic attack is a huge hug in front of him, which deals damage to anyone caught in it. Additionally, brawlers in the center of the hug suffer additional damage. Shades’ basic attack can also go through walls, which can disorient enemies.
For his super, Shade gains the ability to go through walls himself. He can still attack in this spectral form, which is indicated by a timer on when it runs out. Another great thing about this super is that it can charge by simply moving around. All of these abilities combined can make a very annoying character to deal with that is only of epic rarity.
Finally, here’s another list of brawlers of mythical rarity.
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