Legendary brawlers are the most unique brawlers out there. In this list, we mention the best legendary brawlers in Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars is filled with characters known as Brawlers. Each of these characters comes with a unique playstyle and abilities. These brawlers can easily be differentiated using rarities. Rarities determine how unique a brawler is by itself.
The rankings go from Rare being the lowest to Legendary being the highest one. Legendary brawlers can be very difficult to master due to their very unique abilities. In this list, we have talked about the best legendaries in Brawl Stars and everything we know about them.
10) Spike
Spike is the first legendary brawler on the list and is a damage dealer. He is a walking cactus who uses various needle-based attacks. For his basic attack, Spike throws a small cactus at his enemies, which deals damage on contact and explodes, shooting spikes in all directions.
For his super attack, Spike lobs a thorny grenade, which creates a field of spikes in the target area. The spike field constantly damages and slows enemies down when they are in its radius. This makes Spike a good brawler when it comes to crowd control.
9) Crow
Crow is a legendary assassin brawler who specializes in anti-healing. Crow has a very fast movement speed and throws a set of three poisoned daggers as his basic attack. The daggers apply poison on the target, dealing damage over time and inflicting enemies with healing reduction. Enemies regain 40% less health while under Crow’s poison. This makes Crow a good harassing unit, as he can halt enemies’ healing while dealing damage to them from afar.
For his super attack, Crow leaps into the sky, throwing poisonous daggers all around him while going up and landing. This helps Crow escape from sticky situations or enter into battles, debuffing enemies. Every Crow player should keep their distance from enemies as they have lower-than-average health. This can result in an easy defeat if not careful.
8) Meg

Meg is the first legendary tank brawler on this list. She has two modes- Human Form and Mech Form. When she spawns in, she will be in her Mech From. In this mode, her basic attack shoots a barrage of blasts that heavily damage enemies. Her super attack does a huge swing using her mech’s mechanical arms, which is good at damaging grouped-up enemies. Meg is very slow in her mech form, which is balanced by her high health.
Once defeated, Meg jumps out of the mech and stays in human form until she dies or activates her super. Her basic attack turns into two shots from a blaster, and her super attack recalls the mech after a short delay. Meg is very good at soaking up damage while playing on the frontline.
7) Kenji
Kenji is another legendary assassin brawler on this list. His specialty is him slicing away at his enemies using his katana. For his basic attack, he alternates between two types of attacks. One is a short dash in a direction dealing damage along the way, and the other is a wide slash in front of him dealing heavy damage. You always have to be wary of which type of basic attack you are using during fights.
For Kenji’s super attack, he lobs a fish in the air and slices at it, forming an ‘X’ shape. During this, Kenji gains invulnerability, which he retains for a short time. Kenji excels in dealing high amounts of damage while also having high mobility.
6) Kit

Kit is currently the only legendary support in Brawl Stars. He has a very fun playstyle that is heavily involved around his team. His basic attack changes depending on if he is alone or on a friendly brawler. When Kit normally uses his basic attack, he swipes at enemies in front of him with his claws, and when on someone’s back, he throws an exploding ball of yarn at his enemies.
Kit’s super attack makes him leap forward and latch onto any friendly brawler on the way. This heals the brawler and damages enemies around him. Staying on someone’s back constantly heals them as well. Playing as Kit can be a very fun time, but he needs a tank on his team. Therefore, without tanks, Kit can have a very hard time surviving on low-health brawlers.
5) Cordelius
Cordelius is a legendary assassin brawler who is both the gardener and caretaker of the enchanted forest. For his basic attack, he shoots two mushrooms forward in a normal range that damages enemies on contact.
His super attack is what makes him so unique. He shoots a spectral mushroom that can pass through walls and has a high range. On a hit, it transfers the enemy and Cordelius into the Shadow Realm for eight seconds. During this, no one can interfere with them as it becomes a one-on-one fight. While in the Shadow Realm, Cordelius gains 20% higher movement speed and 30% faster reload speed. This should be used to isolate high-priority brawlers who cannot survive with their team.
4) Amber
Amber is a legendary controller brawler who specializes in dealing with grouped-up enemies. Her basic attack is a breath of flame that has a high amount of reach. It reloads fast, but you have to be careful once you run out of ammo. This is great to poke at enemies from far away as they try to get close to you.
Her super throws a Molotov bottle, which coats the ground with oil. You can then use your basic attack to light up the oil on the ground anytime, which burns away at enemies and destroys grass around the area. Only one puddle of oil can exist at a time. Amber can use her super to cover the ground of an important objective, which can deter enemies from stepping on it as they can get burned anytime. This can also help you create distance between you and enemies in case they are pushing your team.
3) Sandy

Sandy is another legendary controller in Brawl Stars who is constantly sleepy. He has a very simple yet effective kit, which sometimes can be very game-changing. For his basic attack, Sandy pelts enemies in front of him with sharp pebbles that pierce as well. It has a decent range, which means Sandy can attack from a safe distance.
Sandy’s super attack is what makes him so special. It creates a huge sandstorm in the targeted area that lasts a total of nine whole seconds. Friendly brawlers can hide inside the sandstorm, which makes them invisible from enemy view. They can still attack or be attacked in the sandstorm, but enemies will have no idea where they are getting attacked from. The sandstorm doesn’t harm or heal. Sandy shines when capturing objectives, as the sandstorm can make your team go invisible on command.
2) Chester

Chester is one of the best legendary brawlers in Brawl Stars. He has a very unique playstyle that revolves around being chaotic and unpredictable. For his basic attack, Chester shoots out bells from his cap in a sequential order. First, he throws one bell, then two bells, then three bells, and then four bells, after which he restarts at one. The bells deal damage to enemies on contact and have a very long range.
Chester’s super ability is known as Jack in the Box, and it randomly switches between five different super attacks, each having completely different effects. These can range from high AOE damage to healing himself. To master using Chester, you have to know which super attack to use when during the fight. Additionally, this is the only character in-game with such a varied moveset, making Chester one of the best damage dealers in the game.
1) Surge
Surge is, without a doubt, the best legendary brawler in Brawl Stars right now. He is a very strong damage dealer who can upgrade himself during fights. His basic attack shoots a ball of juice in any direction, which damages enemies and then splits into two projectiles, each dealing even more damage.
With each super attack, Surge upgrades himself. He jumps up in the air and lands down, dealing damage to enemies in the area. This also upgrades him by a stage, with each stage doing something completely different.
Stage 1 provides Surge with boosted movement speed, while Stage 2 provides him with more range. Stage 3 changes his basic attack, and now it splits into six projectiles rather than two. This massively increases his attack capabilities as enemies take more damage now. Be careful; Surge loses all his upgrades on defeat, so you have to upgrade yourself once again.
Finally, here’s another list of the epic brawlers in Brawl Stars.
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