Top 5 Shard Cards in FragPunk

There are a lot of Shard Cards in FragPunk. Let’s talk about the top five cards that can help you win the game.

Choose the best cards and lead your team to victory (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

FragPunk is an amazing game with unique characters, a great storyline, and mechanics. At launch the game had 13 lancers, 13 maps, and 169 Shard Cards. These cards are the backbone of FragPunk. To simplify, it is a card that changes the scenario of a round. You can slide on frozen land, delete a site from the map, make your team’s head smaller, and much more. The possibilities are endless in FragPunk.

While there are good cards in the game, there are some mediocre ones too. Some cards actually hurt your team, and you do not want to do that. With that in mind, we decided to make a list of the top 5 Shard Cards in FragPunk that you grab every time they appear.

Top 5 Shard Cards in FragPunk

1) Big Heads

The best Shard Cards in FragPunk (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

As the name suggests, this card makes the enemies’ heads bigger than usual. It does not sound great at first, but it does make headshotting an enemy easier. FragPunk is a fast-paced game, and connecting your shots is very vital. This card ensures that you get plenty of area to deliver a headshot.

Read more: How To Fix Broken Audio in FragPunk.

2) Bio-Warrior

Transform into a zombie and devour enemies (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

A card that gives your team the ability to respawn as a zombie. You might think about what a zombie can do, but it can change the outcome of a round very quickly. Zombies have less health and can only do melee attacks. However, this does not change the fact that the team is still alive. This card can be helpful in denying the enemy team from defusing the converter.

3) Site Deletion

Let there be only one site on the map (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

As a defender, this is one of the best cards in the game. The Site Deletion card deletes a site randomly from the map, meaning players cannot plant on that specific site. This way defenders can focus all their manpower on a single site. The game also has the feature to change lancers in-between rounds. Therefore, you and your team can fortify the site with multiple traps and win the round easily.

Also read: How To Change Your Name in FragPunk.

4) Eagle Eyes

See through your enemies (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

Lancers like Zephyr like to hide in plain sight, and Eagle Eyes pierces through her invisibility. This card can expose anyone who comes into your line of sight, whether they are invisible or not. When attacking, this card can be used to reveal hidden enemies. Moreover, it helps in commencing an attack on the site. The exposed enemy’s location is revealed to the whole team.

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5) Pull the Plug

No Shard Cards, only skills (Source: Bad Guitar Studio)

A very situational card, which can literally pull the plug on the opponent’s plan. There might come a time when opponents have the best set of cards; on the other hand, you have nothing. If you get the Pull the Plug card, it will disable all Shard Cards for that specific round. This way both teams can have a fair fight. Moreover, now the round becomes a pure skill show, and only the best players will become victorious.

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