Weight Guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Discover everything you need to know about the Weight guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and the best ways to improve carrying capacity.

Weight Guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Weight Guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Source: Plaion)

Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 shows the total burden of all the items Henry is carrying in his inventory. It affects movement speed, stamina, and combat efficiency, making it essential to manage your carry load. Henry becomes encumbered when the total weight of items exceeds your carry limit. Every strength point increases the carry capacity by 5 units.

Use the horse’s inventory to transfer items from your inventory to remove the burden or use potions and perks that increase your strength and carrying capacity. In this guide. We’ll discuss how weight works in Kingdom Come Deliverance and tips and tricks for managing it while progressing.

How Does Weight Work in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a unit of measure that tells the player how heavy or light an item is. Weight is measured in pounds (1 lb= 0.45 kg). You can carry a base Carryweight of 70. If you surpass this weight, you will be encumbered and can’t jump, sprint, or use fast travel. Your movement speed will be reduced proportionately to the excess weight. You can’t even mount your horse if you’re carrying more than 150 % of your carrying capacity. Increasing the strength allows you to enhance your Carryweight. Each level in strength adds another 4 points of Carryweight for a total of 80 points at 20 Strength.

The game offers several consumables, perks, and buffs that improve strength and ultimately enhance your Carryweight. However, these bonuses can not increase Strength past 20. You can craft several potions to increase your strength and therefore Carryweight for a specific time. Your horse also has an inventory that you can use to store your items from your inventory to avoid overweighing your character. Your gameplay mostly depends on how well you manage your character’s weight. You will face more penalties when you try to exceed your carrying limit.


strength stats kcd2

Strength determines how well you can tackle physical objectives and challenges. High Strength means less stamina depletion and more powerful attacks while equipping heavy weapons. Your inventory capacity is also enhanced when you level up the Strength in the game. It also influences your movement speed with a heavy load or weapon. You can increase Strength by fighting enemies in combat.

Your inventory capacity increases by 4 with each level of Strength. Use the longswords, axes, and maces to gain more experience. Any type of combat will automatically level Strength. Your abilities improve with Strength which allows you to win combat by enhancing the damage output. You also gain a window up to several seconds long against NPCs with much lower Strength.

Which Factors Affect Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Certain factors influence your character’s weight in KCD 2. Every player must know how you can affect your weight unintentionally. However, one thing to note is that the more you add items to your inventory the more characters gain weight which limits your capabilities. From swords to potions and food items to heavy armor, each plays a crucial role in weight in the game.

Armor and Weapons

sell weapons kcd2

The heavier weapons and armor add to your weight but on the other hand, they also offer protection and damage output. You can store extra weapons you find throughout the world in a chest available in a rented room. It’s best to use the lightweight armor while exploring the weight and heavy armor only when you’re in combat. Swords are heavier weapons that can add weight to your character, so carry any lightweight offhand weapon to maintain the balance. Boots and helmets add to the weight burden while heavy plate armor weighs more than the lighter ones. Simple clothing has less weight but doesn’t provide you with any defensive system. The more items of these types you have in your inventory the more they affect your movement speed when over-encumbered. Stamina drains more quickly and that leaves you vulnerable, especially during combat.


get some food for the poor kcd2
Weight Guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Several foods, potions, and herbs have a weight that can overweigh your inventory if you have a large stock of them. Herbs do not have much weight as they’re natural ingredients but still, they make a huge difference while exploring the world. Saviour Schnapps is the only potion that you should always carry in your inventory because it not only heals your character but also lets you save the game. Several healing potions can make your progress faster, so equip them in limited quantities.


Looting everything like bulky or heavy items can quickly weigh you down. Items like swords, armor, and large treasures can overload your inventory, so it’s best to collect only valuables that are short. You can place these items in your home to remove the burden from your shoulders. Killing bandits and large enemy camps allows you to loot their items and their camps. Most players get greedy and start picking all the items that are found in loot, overloading their inventory. This limits their sprinting, running, and jumping while exploring the world. The more loot items have in your inventory the more your stamina drains over time.

Belt and Pouch Increase Weight

noble belt kcd2
noble belt kcd2

The belt and pouch you purchase to add an extra slot to put weapons into can also influence your weight. Though it will allow you to equip your weapons fast it still overweighs your character. A noble belt is used to hold weapons, which are then much easier and faster to access. The amount of things that can be attached to the belt is limited. Pouches are worn on the belt and hold small items such as food, bandages, or potions. You can take them out more quickly as compared to the items available in your inventory.

Which Factors Help You Balance the Weight

Your movement speed is reduced when you are overweight but there are some buffs and items that you can use to increase your carrying capacity. You can either use some perks and potions to avoid penalties of overweighing. The more you have stamina the more your character can carry weight.

Best Potions for Weight

strong saviour schnapps kcd2
strong saviour schnapps kcd2

Several potions increase your stamina and strength in the game. The more strength and stamina you have the more you can add weight to your inventory. You can find the potions from the enemies, purchase them from merchants, or craft them at an alchemy bench using the required ingredients. Here are some potions that boost your stamina and strength when you consume.

  • Bowman’s Brew- Increases Marksmanship by 3 and slows down stamina loss when aiming by 20% for 10 minutes.
  • Buck’s Blood- Increases stamina by 30% for 20 minutes.
  • Painkiller Brew- Suppresses the effects of injury and your maximum stamina decreases with health 30% less, lasts 15 minutes.
  • Strong Artemisia- Increases strength by 4 and both attack and defense cost 25% less stamina, lasts 10 minutes.
  • Strong Embrocation- Increases agility by 4 and sprint will cost 20% less stamina, and lasts 15 minutes.
  • Strong Saviour Schnapps- Save the game, heals 20 health points, and increases strength, vitality, and agility by 2 for 5 minutes.

Best Perks for Weight

best perk for weight
best perk for weight

You can invest in some perks that increase your strength, allowing you to increase your Carryweight capacity. Here are the best perks you can use to increase carrying capacity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Pack Mule- Your carrying capacity is increased by 12 pounds.
  • Strong as a Bull- Your carrying capacity will be increased by 20 pounds.
  • Hard-Working Lad- If you carry a sack or even a dead or unconscious body, the weight only counts as a half. Therefore, they will hardly burden you, and carrying them will no longer cost you extra stamina. Additionally, your carrying capacity is permanently increased by 8 pounds.
  • Red Mist- When your health drops below 25 health points during combat, you gain a +3 bonus to strength and agility for a time, and your stamina regenerates 4 times faster.

Store Items in Chest

You have the opportunity to rent a room for one night and rent indefinitely. An empty chest in the room allows you to store heavy items that can outweigh your inventory. The items stored in the chest are accessible from the chests of any other rented room. You will also come across several heavy Armour that can overweight your character, so you can place it in the rented chest to make the same in your inventory for other useful items. Doing this is strongly encouraged as being overweight can slow down the next part of your journey quite a bit as you will be on foot for most of it even if you initially took a horse. We recommend storing everything apart from a torch, shield, bow, arrows, and worn gear.

Horse Inventory

move items to horse kcd2
move items to horse kcd2

Your horse has inventory that you can use to store extra loot. Upgraded saddles increase the horse’s capacity. Different horses have different carrying capacities, which can be further increased with a saddle. The horse cannot become overloaded. The items stored on your horse reduce the direct burden on Henry. Based on the saddle type and perks, each horse has their own weight limits. This is a useful way to manage your loot and avoid being over-encumbered.

Open the inventory menu by pressing the “I” key on the PC. Switch to the Horse tab to manage your horse’s storage. You can transfer items back and forth between Henry and the horse by using the designated button. The saddles determine your horse’s maximum carry capacity. Prioritize transferring weapons, armor, and other bulky loot in the horse inventory.

Weight Mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Explained

The Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 affects your inventory management, movement, and combat efficiency. You start with a base carry capacity and each point in strength increases the carry capacity. If your inventory weight exceeds your carry capacity you will face movement penalties, stamina drain, and combat performance.

Manage your inventory using your horse’s inventory, perks, potions, and chests available in your rented room. Keep heavy, unnecessary loot stored on your horse and carry only essential combat and quest gear. The more your character’s strength the more your carrying capacity in the game. The encumbrance effects can badly influence your gameplay while exploring the world or completing the quests. Your blocking, dodging, and sprinting become less effective when you’re overweight.

Weight Tips and Tricks in KCD2

Here are the tips and tricks for managing the weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • You can sell the items that you don’t want to either store in your inventory, horse’s inventory, or in your chest to earn money.
  • Carry your best weapon and put your offhand weapon in horse inventory.
  • Keep a small amount of food and a few potions in your inventory and the rest of them should be in a chest available in a rented room.
  • Equip your horse with large saddlebags for maximum storage options.
  • Use perks to increase your carrying capacity in the game.
  • Use potions to enhance your carrying capabilities to store more items without facing any movement penalties.
  • Longswords weigh more than short swords, so choose accordingly according to your needs.
  • Store rare items in chests located in inns or at your home.
  • Eat the food that increases your strength and stamina. Avoid eating spoiled food as you will get food poisoning.
  • Choose lighter armor pieces for stealth and heavier armor to fight the enemies in long battles.

FAQs about Weight Guide for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What is Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Weight in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a unit of measure that tells the player how heavy or light an item is. Weight is measured in pounds (1 lb= 0.45 kg).

What happens when you surpass the weight?

If you surpass this weight, you will be encumbered and can’t jump, sprint, or use fast travel. Your movement speed will be reduced proportionately to the excess weight and you can’t even mount your horse.

How to increase your carrying capacity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

You can increase your carrying capacity in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 by using perks, potions, and a horse’s inventory. The more strength your character has the more carrying capacity you gain. Store your extra items in the chest available in inns and at your home.

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