Find out what exactly a BT in Death Stranding is. How can you defeat these creatures, and what role do they play in the game?

Death Stranding is a supernatural science fiction game that introduces a variety of creepy and mildly concerning things about its world as the story progresses. But perhaps none is scarier and more mysterious than a BT.
These are supernatural enemies that you encounter throughout the game. And, for a significant portion of your playtime, you won’t even know what these terrible beings are and why they are after Sam Bridges, the protagonist.
In this guide, we’ll take a look at BT in Death Stranding and help you understand these creatures in greater detail.
Understanding a BT in Death Stranding

A BT, or Beached Thing, is a creature that is trapped in The Beach, which is a plane of existence between life and death. During a cataclysmic event, known only as the ‘Death Stranding,’ the BTs were somehow able to travel into the world of the living. After their journey into the land of the living, the BTs resulted in the apocalypse that killed off most of the world’s population.
New BTs also form when a person dies and their body doesn’t undergo proper incineration. In the game’s world, dead bodies start to leak tar as they decompose and soon will sink in a pit of tar if left to decompose for too long. This eventually replaces the dead body with a massive BT.
Every Beached Thing that roams the world is hostile to human beings. The creatures will try to engulf and eat people, including Sam, during his journeys across the land. If they are successful, consuming the living leads to an event dubbed a Voidout. It is basically an explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb going off. BTs are also responsible for a special type of rain, which can lead to rapid aging for anyone caught in it.
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Types of BT in Death Stranding

There are three types of BTs you encounter in the game. Understanding each of their attack patterns is crucial if you want to avoid them.
- Hunter: A Hunter BT is invisible, and you can spot one only through the tar handprints that appear alongside Sam. You need to throw these BTs off quickly; failing which, the BT will emerge from a pool of tar, and hands will start grasping at Sam. If you fail to get out of their grasp, another terrifying BT type appears.
- Gazer: These are the floating BTs that you’ll encounter often during your journeys. They don’t attack or do anything. However, if you don’t hold your breath while approaching, a Gazer BT will alert any other BT types in the area to your presence.
- Catcher: The Catcher is the largest and scariest of all BT types. When Sam fails to escape the hunters, a catcher will appear and drag Sam down into the tar. You have an opportunity to engage in a fight with the Catcher. If you win this boss fight, you can escape. Otherwise, the BT will consume Sam, and the surrounding area where it happened will be wiped off the game’s map forever due to a Voidout.
How To Defeat BTS in the Game?

Initially, the game would like you to believe that BTs are unbeatable. However, that isn’t the case. As the story progresses, you’ll unlock the ability to kill Gazers with Sam’s handcuffs. You’ll also unlock a variety of blood-based weapons, such as grenades. You can use these grenades to stun Gazers and get away before they can recover.
You can also defeat Catchers, although the fights are always challenging. It involves managing your blood and stamina levels while attacking using anti-BT weaponry. For the quicker Catchers, you have to rely on the faster attack speed of guns. On the other hand, you can rely on the area of effect damage from grenades when tackling larger BTs.
Still, we recommend trying to get past BTs without engaging them. Hold your breath around Gazers whenever you spot them to prevent the situation from escalating. If you have no other option than to get into a fight, you should know that BTs can be killed if you progress far enough in the story.
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