The Noblestalk Mushroom allows players to remove status ailments and also plays a crucial role in advancing the story.

The Noblestalk mushroom is a story item found in Baldur’s Gate 3 during the “Find the Mushroom Picker” quest in Act 1 of the game. It can be used in a multitude of ways. In this guide, we shall take a look at where to find the Noblestalk mushroom, its uses and effects, and more.
Find the Mushroom Picker Quest
To log the “Find the Mushroom Picker” quest, you must meet Derryth Bonecloak in Ebonlake Grotto in the Underdark. Derryth reveals that she’s in search of her husband, who is a mushroom picker by profession. Her husband, Baelen, had left to pick mushrooms but never returned. Derryth requests your help, and you can then set out to find the mushroom picker.
To locate Baelen, head southwest from Ebonlake Grotto towards the Susur Tree (X: -21, Y: -62). Baelen is stuck inside a cave filled with Bibberbang mushrooms.
As you approach, the mushroom picker warns you to stop, stating that any movement could trigger the mushrooms to explode. To help him out, you can toss a Misty Step scroll to him, which he can use to teleport out of the cave.
Alternatively, you can drag Baelen’s pack to him, as it contains a scroll that he can use to teleport outside. Use the Mage Hand spell to do so. Or, you can even use Misty Step to teleport to the pack and then toss it to him yourself.
What is the Noblestalk mushroom in BG3?
The Noblestalk mushroom is a quest item players find during the “Find the Mushroom Picker” quest, where they have to find Baelen. The item can be used to progress a quest, or instead could be used to help Shadowheart get her memories back.
Where to Find the Noblestalk Mushroom
Inside the cave where Baelen is stuck, you will find the Noblestalk mushroom. Setting off the bibberbang mushrooms will destroy the Noblestalk mushroom, so you must tread carefully. The sought-after mushroom lies in the top right corner of the field and can be retrieved using the Mage Hand.
If you do not have the Mage Hand, you can teleport over and pick it up. This, however, must be done before the bibberbangs are ticked off into an explosive frenzy.

What to Do With the Noblestalk Mushroom
Upon retrieving the Noblestalk mushroom, you can use it to cure status ailments and other negative effects. You can hand it over to player companion Shadowheart, who can use the mushroom to get her memory back. This will open up new story possibilities in Act 3 of the game. Alternatively, you can give it to a Dark Urge companion to bring back their memory.
You can also give the mushroom to Baelen or Derryth. The former will revert to his old self. The latter will not give you any reward, but she may prove to be a friend down the road.
Do note that there is only one Noblestalk mushroom in the game.
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