Learn how to complete Fortuna quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 with all of its main objectives and best choices.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is an open-world action role-playing video game taking place right after the events of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After a brief prologue of the game, where you play as Father Godwin trying to hold the fortress against an army, you will witness Henry and Hans Capon coming to Trosky to deliver a letter for assistance. However, things will take a wild turn during the Easy Riders quest putting Hans and Henry’s lives in grave danger. In this guide, we will walk you through the Fortuna main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
Fortuna Quest Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Fortuna is the second main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 that begins automatically after completing the Easy Riders quest. The quest begins at the same place where the last quest ends, continuing the story of Hans and Henry as they look for a place to rest and seek help. As the quest begins, you will go through a long sequence of flashbacks as Hans carries Henry through the woods in search of a safe place. After getting help for Henry, you will gain control of Henry again but find Hans injured. You will have to gather various materials to brew a healing potion and help Hans get back on his feet.
How to Prepare for Fortuna Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

As the Fortuna quest continues the story from the point where the Easy Riders quest ends, there is nothing that you can do prior to the quest. However, you must consider listening to the NPCs and pay attention to the initial tutorials to make the best decisions and get through the objectives easily. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is all about patience and playing your part carefully. Otherwise, you can get into trouble very quickly. For the Fortuna quest, we have explained everything in detail to help you complete this quest without any trouble.
How to Unlock Fortuna in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
The Fortuna quest in KCD2 will happen automatically shortly after the start of the game. While fighting a bandit Henry will fall down a cliff and become injured. Hans will quickly come into help Henry get away, and in the process you will reach Fortuna.
How to Complete Fortuna Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
The Fortuna quest will teach some of the major mechanics including bleeding, washing, brewing potions, and more. The quest itself is not that difficult but learning the process and remembering them is crucial. You must fix yourself and gather materials from the wild. After that, you must brew the potion correctly to help recover Hans.
At the start of the quest, you just have to go through the dialogues with Hans. You will see several flashbacks as Henry while Hans carries you through the woods. Select any choices throughout this sequence until you reach a cottage which will begin a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will get the control of Henry.
Here are all the objectives that you must fulfill to complete the Fotuna quest.
Fortuna Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Quest Walkthrough
Our walkthrough guide for the Fortuna quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 will take you through each of the following quest objectives:
- Stop the bleeding.
- Eat.
- Splash water on yourself at the tub.
- Show yourself to Bozhena.
- Pick Chamomile.
- Pick Sage.
- Take the Spade.
- Pick up the corpse.
- Dig a grave.
- Fetch herbs for Bozhena.
- Find out what’s happening at Bozhena’s.
- Repel the men who’ve come!
- Look in the book.
- Read the recipe and return to the bench.
- Pour the correct base into the cauldron.
- Open your inventory.
- Prepare the herbs.
- Toss in two handfuls of chamomile.
- Turn the sandglass over.
- Brew the chamomile for one turn of the sandglass.
- Move the cauldron up.
- Grind a handful of sage.
- Toss the ground sage into the cauldron.
- Pour out the remedy.
- Brew a healing potion.
- Give Bozhena the potion.
- Sleep until morning.
- Pick up Mikesh.
- Carry Mikesh to the stream.
- Put Mikesh down near the grave.
- Sleep until morning.
- Talk to Capon about leaving for Trosky.
- Join the others for breakfast.
Fix Yourself Up – Bleeding, Washing, Eating, Putting on Clothes
As the cutscene ends, you will speak with Bozhena, the lady who helped you and now taking care of Hans. Go through the dialogues with Bozhena to learn about what happened to Hans. Bozhena will give you some bandages to help you with the bleeding. After speaking with Bozhena, fix yourself up as follows.
Stop the Bleeding

Open the Inventory by pressing the Down button on the D-Pad and use the Bandages under the “Utility” section. Press X (PS5) to select the Bandages and then use 4 bandages in total to stop the bleeding. A sub-menu will open as you select the bandages. Move the bar to set the number of bandages you want to use.
Put on the Tunic
After stopping the bleeding, put on the Short Tunic that Bozhena gave you. Open the inventory to find the Short Tunic. Select the Short Tunic to put it on.

In front of your bed, there will be a pot with food in it. Go over to the pot and press the X button to eat the food from the pot. You will not be able to pour a portion for yourself as you will not have any respective item. Simply eat the food from the pot to continue.
Wash Yourself

Now, before you head out of the cottage to wash yourself, head up the stairs in the cottage to find a Marksman’s kit. After that, head down the stairs and out of the cottage. There will be a tub on the left side. Interact with it to wash yourself. Washing yourself and doing laundry is a very crucial mechanic in KCD2 as it can make you more charismatic which can help you pass the skill checks. If you are dirty or your clothes have blood on them, it will impact your overall look and charisma.
Show yourself to Bozhena

Now, head back inside and speak with Bozhena. While speaking with Bozhena, she will ask you to gather a couple of types of herbs. Here you will get a skill check. With low points, you will not be able to pass the skill check. It is best to select the “How do I recognize the herbs?” option. Doing so will let Bozhena tell you the appearance of the herbs and where to find them. Moreover, select the “I think I can manage.” option up ahead to gain some reputation.
Pick Spade

After the conversation with Bozhena, head outside the cottage and pick up the spade. The spade will be near the dead body of the bandit. Moreover, look on the ground beside the bandit’s body to pick up the Hunting Sword. Furthermore, go to the right side of the cottage to pick up a couple of apples, cheese, bread, and a Weak Saviour Schnapp.
Pick Chamomile and Sage

After getting all the valuables around the cottage, it’s time to find the herbs. Follow the path on the left side of the cottage and go to the highlighted area. Look for the purple flowers on the ground to find Sage. Interact with the purple flower to gather Sage. Now, head to the next highlighted area on the map. Look for the White Flowers on the ground to find Chamomile. Interact with the White Flowers to gather Chamomile.
TIP: It is best to gather a bunch of Chamomile and Sage from this area. As you will learn to brew a potion using these herbs, you can brew a bunch more that can help you in the adventure.
Repel the men who’ve come

Now, go back to the cottage to find a couple of bandits asking the whereabouts of you and Hans. Draw out the sword and fight the bandits to repel them. You just have to strike each bandit a couple of times and they will retreat.
After repelling the bandits, speak with Bozhena and tell her the truth. Telling the truth will gain you more reputation. As the conversation goes on, select the option to brew the potion.
Brew a Healing Potion

Follow Bozhena to the Alchemy Station. Interact with the Alchemy Station to start alchemy. Henry will set up the recipe book in which you can find the steps to brew the potion. You must read all the steps carefully and follow the steps in order as demonstrated in the book. Here are all the steps that you need to follow to brew the Chamomile Decoction potion.
- Look on the shelf on the left side and select the Wine to pour into the cauldron.
- Interact with the cauldron to lower it to the flames and use the bellows to boil the wine.
- Once you see bubbles on the wine, interact with the cauldron to move it up.
- Now, open the inventory and select the Chamomile and Sage herbs.
- Look over to the shelf on the right and interact with the Chamomile to add it to the cauldron. You need to add Chamomile two times into the cauldron.
- Now, interact with the Sandglass behind the cauldron to rotate it.
- Move the cauldron down to the flames to boil it only for one turn of the sandglass.
- Interact with the cauldron to move it up.
- Now, select the Sage from the shelf and add it to Mortar.
- Interact with the Pestle to start grinding the Sage.
- Add the grind sage into the cauldron.
- Now, take the Phial from the shelf on the left and pour the potion into it.

NOTE: If you have made any mistake during the alchemy process, you have reset the whole thing and start over.
After brewing the potion, leave the alchemy station to give the potion to Bozhena.
Sleep until morning
Now, head inside the cottage and go to your bed to sleep. Set the timer for the morning. A brief cutscene will play and then you will find yourself in a conversation with Pavlena. Go through the dialogues with Pavlena to continue ahead.
Join the others for breakfast
After the conversation with Pavlena, head outside to join Hans and Bozhena. Share some stories about your adventures with Bozhena and Pavlena. Pavlena will give you the recipe for Saviour Schnapps, a potion necessary for saving the game manually.
Once you have done with the conversation, speak with Hans and go through the dialogue to proceed to the ending cutscene of the quest.
Best Tips and Tricks to beat the Fortuna Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

As the Fortuna quest is one of the beginning quests of the game, you will get tutorials on various mechanics. It is best to learn the mechanics by following the tutorials and help pop-ups. However, some of the things that can help you later in the game during this quest are as follows.
- Take the Marksman’s Kit in the cottage. You can find it up the stairs.
- Make sure to pick up the Hunting Sword beside the dead bandit’s body outside the cottage.
- Grab the food items and the saviour schnapps from the table outside the cottage.
- Gather a bunch of Chamomile and Sage so that you can brew some healing potions for yourself.
Rewards for completing Fortuna Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Completing the Fortuna quest will reward you with some of the most important things in the game. A couple of Saviour Schnapps and the recipe to make Saviour Schnapps. The Saviour Schnapps are rare potions that you can use to manually save the game. Without these schnapps, you cannot save the game manually. It is best to learn the recipe as soon as you can so that you can brew some schnapps for your adventure.
FAQs about the Fortuna Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Can you get a weapon during the Fortuna Quest in KCD2?
Answer: Yes, you can get a Hunting Sword as soon as you get control of Henry. Simply, go out of the cottage and look on the ground beside the dead bandit’s body to find the sword.
What herbs do you need to collect for a healing potion in KCD2?
Answer: You need to collect Chamomile and Sage to brew a Chamomile Decoction potion. It is a healing potion that will heal you as you sleep.
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