How to complete For Victory Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Learn how to complete the For Victory Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 including all its main objectives and best choices.

how to complete for victory quest in kcd2
How to complete For Victory Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Saving Hans Capon from execution and working for von Bergow to gain information on the Bandits’ ambush will put you in a tough position of either siding with the Semines or von Bergow. Upon making your final decision during the Necessary Evil quest, you will reach the first Point of No Return in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. For Victory! quest is the first major quest after the first Point of No Return. You will not be able to complete any other side quests in Trosky for a good amount of time if you pursue this quest. In this guide, we will walk you through the For Victory quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

For Victory! Quest Overview in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

The For Victory! is a main storyline quest that begins automatically after the Necessary Evil quest. It follows the plan of attacking Nebakov to eliminate all the hiding bandits in the fortress. Henry relaxes in the night before going out for an attack at dawn with Chamberlain leading the attack. However, the bandits attack the army in the forest before it reaches Nebakov and the whole situation turns to survival and protecting Hans.

How to Prepare for For Victory! Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

for victory quest in kcd2

For Victory! is a crucial main quest that is a part of the first Point of No Return. Before you speak to Hans in the evening to start this quest for good, you must complete all of the major side quests including:

Combat Training I and II will teach you essential weapon combos and techniques that will help you defeat Jan Zizka in a duel at the end of the For Victory! quest. Furthermore, make sure that you repair your armour and weapons before starting the quest or heading out for the attack. The blacksmith in Trosky Castle will give you a few pieces of armour. Keep the helmet with the visor for yourself and any other armour that you feel is useful for yourself. The rest, you can give them to Hans.

How to complete For Victory! Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

Completing the For Victory! quest requires you to join the assault on Nebakov, a fortress filled with bandits. On the command of Lord Otto von Bergow, Chamberlain Ulrich will lead the attack on Nebakov with Henry and Hans joining the army. On the night before the attack, players will get to enjoy a meal with the nobles and prepare for the assault at dawn. However, things will turn when the army reaches the forest. From here, players will have to survive and protect Hans at all costs.

Here are all the main objectives that you must complete in the For Victory! quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

1. Speak with Hans in the Evening

Speak with hans in the evening in kcd2

Once you are ready to pursue the quest, speak with Hans in the evening at the Trosky Castle. Hans will ask about the incident in Semine. Based on your crucial choice of whether to side with Semine or von Bergow, select the next dialogue. Now, you will be in a feast with all the nobles and find yourself speaking with von Bergow and Chamberlain. Here, you will get a couple of skill checks. You can select the “Stay Silent” dialogue option to prevent losing some reputation.

2. Go into the Kitchen for wine

go into the kitchen for wine in kcd2

During the conversation, you will hear Chamberlain asking for more wine from Katherine. She will leave to fetch some more wine so, it is a perfect chance to speak with Katherine. Moreover, Hans will also tell you to get some wine for him. Make your way to the kitchen just below the feast room. However, you will not find Katherine here. Instead, speak with Cook Manyeta and ask her about Katherine. She will happily fetch some wine for Hans but she will ask you to open a chest first.

open the spice chest in the kitchen kcd2

After speaking with the cook, go to the left end of the kitchen to find a locked spice chest with medium difficulty lock. It took us a couple of tries before we unlocked it using the lockpicks. So, focus on lockpicking to unlock it. Once done, speak with the cook and she will give you the wine.

3. Go and get the armour

go and get the armour in kcd2

Now, go out in the courtyard and meet with Blacksmith Osina. Speak with him and ask him for the armour. Here, you will get a skill check. Select the “I’ll tell the Chamberlain” to pass the skill check and the blacksmith will give you better armour.

Now, go back to the castle and into the feast room and speak with Hans. Select the “Chamberlain is a fool” dialogue and “you have to keep your word” dialogue options to gain some reputation.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

get a good night's sleep in kcd2

Now, sleeping in your quarters is the main objective to pass the time until dawn. You can go straight to your quarters to sleep, but there is another yet efficient way through which you can get the “Time Well Spent” buff.

If you stay for a while around the tables in the feast room, the Widow of Johanka of Zhernov will call you. Talk to her and she will ask you tell her about your adventures. Accept to tell her the story and you will get a skill check to tell the story perfectly. Select the “Margrave Jobst wants to end the war” option to pass the skill check easily. After that, select the “We escaped” option to continue the story, then select the “The Bailiff was right to punish us” dialogue to end the story delightfully.

telling a successful story to Johanka in kcd2

After telling the story, Johanka will ask you to escort her. Accept to escort her and you will get to speak with her in private. During the conversation, select the “I think I can convince you” option to have a pleasant time with her and get a good night’s sleep.

5. Hand over the wine and armour to Capon

After waking up in the dawn, speak with Hans to hand him the wine and armour pieces that Blacksmith gave you.

NOTE: Keep the helmet with a visor for yourself, and give the rest of them to Hans.

Once done, mount on the horse and follow Hans down to the main gate of the castle to begin the journey for the battle.

6. Go to Capon

go to capon in kcd2

After watching a long cutscene and the ambush scene in the forest, you need to get to Capon and save the Chamberlain. Attack the enemies along the way and reach Capon. Watch him free Chamberlain and push ahead on the route with him. As you reach a barricade, loot the potions from the cart on the left of the road, and then go to the right up on the hill to make your way around the barricade.

Now, stick close to Capon and attack any enemy close to Capon to protect him. Keep on following him along the road ahead until a cutscene starts.

7. Survive the Duel

survive the duel in kcd2

After the cutscene, you will get to do a duel with Captain Zizka. Zizka is a challenging enemy, but you can easily catch him with a true combo and master strike. The easiest way to defeat him in a duel is to use the Master strike technique. Just keep an eye on which side he is holding his sword, keep yours on the opposite side than him, and wait until he attacks. As he attacks a green shield symbol appears, attacking at the same time will let you counterattack and hit Zizka.

Performing the Master strike technique a few times will initiate a cutscene and end the duel. After the cutscene, the For Victory! quest will conclude.

Best tips and tricks to beat the For Victory! Quest

Here are the best tips and tricks for completing the For Victory! quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

  • Repair all of your armour and weapons before the quest or heading out for the assault on Nebakov.
  • Keep the Helmet with a visor for yourself as it is one of the best armour that will help you from getting one shot on the head during combat.
  • Have a pleasant time with Johanka of Zhernov on the night before the assault to get the “Time Well Spent” buff.
  • Stick close to Hans during the assault in the fortress.
  • Use the Master strike technique on Zizka (Captain) to defeat him easily in the duel.

Rewards for completing For Victory! Quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

There are not any certain rewards for completing the For Victory! quest as both Henry and Hans will be held prisoners at Nebakov. Until then, you have to play with Father Godwin in the Divine Messenger quest to find and free Hans and Henry.

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