This is a list of the top 10 hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds. Beating these beasts will require you to master the game.

The Monster Hunter series relies on players taking on increasingly challenging hunts as they progress further, and the latest entry in the series is no different in this regard. There is a wide range of terrifying beasts to slay or capture in MH Wilds.
But here, we’ll only talk about the top 10 hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds that’ll likely keep you up at night. These are the battles where even seasoned players struggled and sweated. And if you’re a new player, you better master every mechanic in the game before facing off against these challenging foes.
10 Hardest Monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds
The following is a ranked list of the most challenging monsters in the game, from the least to the most difficult.
- Blangonga
- Xu Wu
- Yian Kut-Ku
- Guardian Fulgur Anjanath
- Nu Udra
- Uth Duna
- Zoh Shia
- FW Arkveld
- Jin Dahaad
- Gore Magala
Now, let’s delve deeper to understand why these are the most difficult encounters in the entire game.
10. Blangonga

At number 10 on our list is a beast that Monster Hunter veterans might have been familiar with even before MH Wilds. Blangonga made its first appearance in Monster Hunter Generations. In the latest entry in the series, the monster roams the Iceshard Cliffs. Usually, you’ll spot it leading a pack of Blangos.
If you decide to attack, make sure your equipment and armor are ready for a battle with this High-Rank beast. Its icy breath can eat away at your stamina bar easily. If you’re rocking a bow as your primary weapon, make sure you have plenty of rations for this fight.
One of the major challenges in this fight is just how quick the large beast is, and every hit will take away a large chunk of your HP if you’re not careful. Additionally, while fighting the Blangonga, you’ll also have to fend off the Blangos. Doing all of these things at once can quickly overwhelm you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the fight.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Blangonga (Weaknesses and Rewards)
9. Xu Wu

Xu Wu is a tentacled monster that you face in Chapter 3 of MH Wilds. Looking at it, the creature looks like a hideous mix of a spider and an octopus. It only gets worse from there as the fight starts. The monster can unleash a flurry of swipe attacks using its long tentacles. So, even distancing yourself from Xu Wu isn’t an effective move when trying to avoid its attacks. Also, the monster has an attack in its arsenal where it will try to chomp down on you. If this attack succeeds, you’ll see a large portion of your HP vanish at once.
Make sure you take advantage of Ice elemental attacks because the monster is weak against them. Another key point to remember is that you can’t let Xu Wu out of your sight even for a second. So use tracking mode at all times to avoid being surprised.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Xu Wu (Weaknesses and Rewards)
8. Yian Kut-Ku

The next name on our list of the hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds is Yian Kut-Ku. Similar to the Blangonga, this monster is making a comeback with MH Wilds. You’ll first run into Yian Kut-Ku during Chapter 4 of the campaign. It has a host of fiery attacks that can be difficult to dodge, especially when you face off against the monster for the first time. Besides that, if you approach too closely, the monster will peck at you repeatedly. This too can eat away at your health and cause you to faint quickly.
From time to time, Yian Kut-Ku will charge toward you and knock you down. In these split seconds, the monster will take advantage of the opportunity and keep unleashing devastating physical and fire attacks. Make sure you arm yourself with ice- or water-based weapons and items. These elemental attacks have the greatest chance of hurting the monster and ending the battle quickly.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Yian Kut-Ku (Weaknesses and Rewards)
7. Guardian Fulgur Anjanath

The Guardian Fulgur Anjanath is a more terrifying and artificially created cousin of the Fulgur Anjanath that players first met in Monster Hunter World. The Guardian variant is much more aggressive and dangerous than its standard variety. You will meet this beast during Chapter 4 of Monster Hunter Wilds.
During a fight with this monster, you can expect devastating physical attacks regardless of which side of the beast you’re standing on. Besides these moves, the monster will also come at you with thunder-based attacks, such as a foot stomp that does thunder damage.
Since it’s a Guardian variant, the monster will drop explosive crystals all across the battlefield as the fight progresses. If you aren’t careful, these crystals can blow up in your face and damage you significantly. So maneuver carefully and try to explode the crystals near the monster to damage it instead. Stock up on Nulberries and use ice- or water-based elemental attacks to take down the beast.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Guardian Fulgur Anjanath (Weaknesses and Rewards)
6. Nu Udra

Another tentacled monster, the Nu Udra is a cephalopod that’s the apex predator of the Oilwell Basin region. Fighting the monster during a campaign mission in Chapter 2 quickly shows why it earns its spot on this list. You will have to dodge several of its tentacle attacks that slam on the ground. In some instances, the monster will jump and slam down on top of you if you let it. And if that doesn’t sound too scary, the Nu Udra can also light its tentacles on fire. Any of its incoming attacks after this will also cause fire damage.
The best way to come out of this fight on top is to learn all of the monster’s telegraphed moves. In this way, you’ll be able to predict its moves and take action beforehand. Use water-elemental attacks or items to douse the fires that the monster sets to its tentacles. This will help reduce any incoming damage while also weakening the beast.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Nu Udra (Weaknesses and Rewards)
5. Uth Duna

The next entrant on our list of the hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds is Uth Duna. Although you meet the leviathan relatively early on during the game, you shouldn’t mistake your battle with it as anything but challenging. This beast is the apex predator in the Scarlet Forest biome, which just goes to show how dangerous it can be. When the fight begins, watch out for its slam attack. Also, it can inflict you with Waterblight. This particular ailment will reduce your stamina recovery rate, making the fight much harder.
Make sure you consume Nulberries or roll repeatedly to get rid of the Waterblight status ailment. Additionally, avoid using any water-based attacks on the monster because it is immune to such damage. Instead, focus on Thunder-based items and attacks to chip away steadily at the Leviathan’s health.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Uth Duna (Weaknesses and Rewards)
4. Zoh Shia

The final monster you face at Low Rank is Zoh Shia. This fight is particularly complicated because of the various transformations that the beast goes through. In each of the phases, the monster will have different attacks that you will need to watch out for if you want to survive.
For instance, during the first phase of the fight, you’ll encounter a range of AoE attacks that can deal significant damage to you. On the other hand, during the second phase, you’ll also have to watch out for fireballs that the monster rains down on you from above.
Keep in mind that the monster is weak against Dragon attack types, so use ammo or equipment that deals Dragon damage to ensure the fight ends quickly. Make sure you are also equipped with armor and talismans that reduce incoming Thunder and Fire damage.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Zoh Shia (Weaknesses and Rewards)
3. FW Arkveld
![Monster Hunter Wilds Arkveld [Source: Capcom]](
By the time you face off against Arkveld in the final mission of Monster Hunter Wilds, you will have already taken on the Guardian variant a couple of times. This might cause you to let your guard down when facing the FW Arkveld. However, doing so would be a major mistake. This final boss that you face in Monster Hunter Wilds is a nightmare compared to the earlier Arkveld, as evident from it being the only 7-star hunt in the game.
Watch out for its chainblade attacks, which can rip right through. From time to time, the FW Arkveld will release an explosive blast from its wings. And if that doesn’t sound too bad, the monster will also strike the ground to create explosive traps all around you. Your best bet here would be to focus your attacks on the creature’s chainblades and wings. Use Dragon ammo or attacks on its chainblades, as that’s the only body part weak against this type of attack.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat FW Arkveld (Weaknesses and Rewards)
2. Jin Dahaad
![Jin Dahaad's unique desgin in MHWilds [Source: Capcom]](
Easily one of the hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds, Jin Dahaad is a leviathan that you first come across in Chapter 3. However, to defeat it, you’ll need to reach Chapter 5 of the main story. Jin Dahaad has a wide range of attacks in its arsenal, but its Ultimate attack is the most powerful of them.
With it, the monster can cause you to faint in one hit, regardless of how much HP you had remaining before it strikes. The only recourse is to use ice blocks as cover when the beast uses its Ultimate. Besides that, the monster can also use a range of ice abilities to immobilize you for certain periods.
The fight with Jin Dahaad occurs in phases, where the beast will move to different regions. You have to utilize these small breaks to recover lost health and consume hot drinks, which can help alleviate ice-related ailments. Also, make sure to use the Seikret to avoid many of the monster’s attacks. Your trusty ride can get you out of harm’s way quickly, even when fighting Jin Dahaad in close quarters.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Jin Dahaad (Weaknesses and Rewards)
1. Gore Magala

And the final spot on our list of the hardest monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds goes to Gore Magala. The huge black dragon is a familiar beast to many Monster Hunter veterans, as it was introduced in Monster Hunter 4. Extremely aggressive, Gore Magala has two major tricks up its sleeve during fights. The first one is its flight ability, which can take the monster out of reach of many of your attacks. When it’s up in the air, the beast will eventually swoop down with a slam attack, which can immediately cause your hunter to faint.
The second terrifying ability is its Frenzy attack. When it hits you, you’re infected with a Frenzy virus after a few seconds, which debuffs your defense stats significantly. You can either consume Nulberries or hot drinks to get rid of the virus once infected.
Alternatively, you can try and attack the monster consistently to ensure that the Frenzy attack doesn’t progress into the virus infliction. You should also lure the monster into a turf war with Arkveld. Doing so will ensure that the ensuing battle takes a chunk of Gore Magala’s health away.
Also Read: Monster Hunter Wilds: How To Beat Gore Magala (Weaknesses and Rewards)

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