Welcome to our ESO Alliance War Assault Skill Line. This shows all the ESO Alliance War Assault Skill Line from the Elder Scrolls Online Patch 1.6. Note, these aren’t final and will be updated later on.
War Horn – Sound a war horn to rally your forces, increasing max magicka, health and stamina for you and your allies by 15%.
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Sturdy Horn – Has increased duration and gives spell resist and armor.
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Aggressive Horn – Critical strikes do more damage.
Active Ability
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Rapid Maneuver – Mobilize your forces, granting major expedition and major gallop to you and your allies, increasing movement speed by 40% and mounted speed by 40%. Also grants immunity to snares and immobilization. The effect end if you initiate an attack.
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Charging Maneuver – Keep some movement bonus when attacking.
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Retreating Maneuver – Also removes all snares and immobilization from affected allies.
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Caltrops – Hurl an exploding ball of caltrops that scatter over the target area, dealing X physical damage each second and reducing movement speed by 30%.
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Razor Caltrops – When the caltrops land, enemies in the area take additional damage and are snared.
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Anti-Cavalry Caltrops – Increased duration and forces mounted enemies to dismount.
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Magicka Detonation – Curse enemy with a magical bomb that explodes after 4 seconds, dealing X Magic Damage to all enemies in the area.
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Proximity Detonation – Activate a magical bomb on yourself that explodes after 4 seconds, dealing X Magic Damage to all enemies in the area.
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Inevitable Detonation – Curse enemy with a magical bomb that explodes after 4 seconds, dealing X magic damage to all enemies in the area. If effect is dispelled or removed early, the explosion is triggered immediately.
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Vigor – Renew your forces’ resolve, healing yourself and nearby allies for X health over 5 seconds.
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Resolving Vigor – Renew your forces’ resolve, healing yourself and nearby allies for X health over 5 seconds and nearby allies for X health over 5 seconds
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Echoing Vigor – Renew your forces’ resolve, healing yourself and nearby allies for X health over 5 seconds.
Continuous Attack – Increases weapon damage by 10% and magicka and stamina regeneration by 20% for 10 minutes after capturing a lumber mill, farm, mine or keep.Reach – Increases the range of long-range abilities by 5 meters while near a keep. Any ability with a range greater than 15 meters is affected.Combat Frenzy – Grants an additional 20 ultimate when killing an enemy player.
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