Dragon Age: The Veilguard – All Companions and Everything We Know

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you can recruit seven companions, each featuring diverse classes, specializations, factions, and races.

Dragon Age The Veilguard - All Companions and Everything We Know

Companions are one of the key elements of each modern RPG. Having a reliable team that you will love to travel with is one of the best experiences of story-driven games, where your choices matter. One such game is the Dragon Age series. In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you can recruit seven companions: two warriors, two rogues, and three mages.

However, perhaps the most important aspect of companions is how much they help you immerse in the story. The friendships and romances you can create, the comments they bring during exploration, and how they interact with each other. From what we learned, the fourth iteration of the series should bring all those aspects in an exceptional package.

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Qunari and Elf Race Characters

Their involvement, factions, and backgrounds will be crucial in Dragon Age: The Veilguard narrative. In this guide, we reveal all the companions, what we know about them, and the mechanics and features connected to them in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The seven companions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard are:

  • Davrin – Warrior
  • Taash – Warrior
  • Lace Harding – Rogue
  • Lucanis Dellamorte – Rogue
  • Bellara – Mage
  • Emmrich Volkarin – Mage
  • Neve Gallus – Mage

Firstly, we have more information about some of them, such as Scout Harding or Lucanis, because they have appeared before in the game or other Dragon Age media sources; others are new additions to the narrative and lore.


Davrin character features and information:

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Male
  • Class: Warrior
  • Specialization: Unknown
  • Factions: Grey Wardens, Dalish
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Davrin - Warrior

He made a name for himself as a monster hunter. Davrin is described as bold and charming. His Valaslin indicates his origin is in one of the Dalish elves’ clans, which he left to become a Grey Warden. We also know that he takes care of young griffon, Assan. Davrin has a unique, personalized Vallaslin design.


Taash character features and information:

  • Race: Qunari
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Warrior
  • Specialization: Unknown
  • Faction: Lords of Fortune
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Taash - Warrior

This Qunari warrior is a big unknown. On multiple screenshots and promotional pictures, she wears Antaam-saar, or a mixture of dragon hunter and Shokra-taar, which are Qunari armors. While it might be only a design choice, it’s also possible that she still follows the Qun and is somehow part of Par-Vollen forces- similar to the Iron Bull from Inquisition. Taash is described as a thrill-seeker and doesn’t mind taking risks.

Lace Harding

Lace Harding character features and information:

  • Race: Dwarf
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Rogue
  • Specialization: Unknown
  • Faction: Inquisition
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Lace Harding - Rogue

Scout Harding was raised as a surface dwarf in the Fereldan Hinterlands near Redcliff. In the Inquisition, she mentions that when the rift opened, she joined the Inquisition and quickly became a master scout for the organization. She traveled with the Inquisitor to various places across all Thedas. As a result, her scouting and combat skills, in combination with her experience, will be helpful as a companion in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. She is afraid of heights.

An interesting piece of information in her description mentions that she has “unexpected magical powers.” – which can be tied to the story or her specialization. Regardless, it’s a well-known fact that dwarfs don’t have any connection to the fade. Consequently, they cannot be mages, so her “magical powers” are very mysterious.

Lucanis Dellamorte

Lucanis Dellamorte character features and information:

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Class: Rogue
  • Specialization: Unknown
  • Faction: Antivan Crows
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Lucanis Dellamorte - Rogue

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, Lucanis Dellamorte is a rogue class companion and Caterina Dellamorte’s grandson, the Antivan Crows’ First Talon. Trained harshly by Caterina, he developed resilience and skill, although he long resented her methods. Despite this, Caterina favored Lucanis and planned to name him her heir, although he had no interest in becoming the First Talon.

SPOILER: Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights – The Wigmaker Job

In “The Wigmaker Job,” Lucanis and his cousin Illario take on a contract to assassinate Ambrose Forfex, a Venatori blood mage. Using his cunning and combat prowess, Lucanis infiltrates Forfex’s mansion, freeing elven slaves and battling demonic forces. He ultimately kills Forfex, earning the nickname ‘the Demon’ for his actions.

Currently, Lucanis is presumed dead, and his comrades were holding a wake in his honor. His deeply affected cousin Illario often reflects on their shared past, highlighting Lucanis’s significant impact on those around him. Lucanis’s fate and future role remain a mystery, promising intriguing consequences in The Veilguard.


Bellara character features and information:

  • Race: Elf
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Mage
  • Specialization: Unknown
  • Faction: Veil Jumpers
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Bellara - Mage

There is little known about Bellara. She is a member of The Veil Jumpers, who are explorers of ancient elven ruins. They welcome anyone brave enough to face Arlathan Forest’s reality-warping magic, and this elf mage is obsessed with ancient secrets. Bellara is creative and romantic.

She is a mage, yet she uses a bow as her primary weapon, which is new compared to other games where mages were forced to use exclusively the staff.

Emmrich Volkarin

Emmrich Volkarin character features and information:

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Class: Mage
  • Specialization: Necromancer
  • Faction: Mortalitasi
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Emmrich Volkarin - Mage

A necromancer and member of the Mourn Watch within the Mortalitasi, Emmrich Volkarin will be a companion in the upcoming Dragon Age: The Veilguard. With over thirty years of experience in the Mourn Watch, Emmrich is known for his expertise in necromancy and is always accompanied by his skeletal assistant, Manfred.

SPOILER: Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights – Down Among the Dead Men & The Flame Eternal

In “Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights – Down Among the Dead Men,” Emmrich is called upon to investigate a disrupted funeral procession in Nevarra City. Lord Penrick Karn’s corpse becomes prematurely possessed and escapes, prompting Emmrich to assist in the search. With the help of Audric Felhausen, a city guardsman who later discovers he is actually a spirit, Emmrich locates Karn’s remains. His efforts help put Karn’s spirit to rest, and he later assists in finding a suitable role for Audric as a librarian.

In “The Flame Eternal,” Emmrich teams up with Joanna Hezenkoss to reunite a spirit with his wife’s remains, showcasing his skill in sub-astral manifestation. Joanna notes Emmrich’s considerable talent and dedication to his craft.

Emmrich’s long-standing role within the Mourn Watch and deep knowledge of necromancy make him a valuable asset. His presence in The Veilguard, along with his loyal skeletal assistant, Manfred, promises to bring a worth of experience and unique abilities to the player’s team.

Neve Gallus

Neve Gallus character features and information:

  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Class: Mage
  • Specialization: Ice Mage
  • Faction: Shadow Dragons
  • Romance: Yes
Dragon Age The Veilguard - Companions - Neve Gallus - Mage

She is a private detective and a member of Tevinter’s rebellious group, the Shadow Dragons, fighting for a better future in the harsh streets of Minrathous. Known for her sharp wit and cynical outlook, Neve Gallus is deeply committed to justice and reform in Tevinter. Despite her tough exterior, Neve is highly respected as an investigator. She moves with a prosthetic leg made from dwarven-crafted metal, a testament to her resilience and resourcefulness.

Her special abilities tree is Ice Mage. She uses a short staff/wand as her special weapon.

SPOILER: Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights – The Streets of Minrathous

In “The Streets of Minrathous,” Neve takes on a job for Otho Calla, investigating his nephew Quentin Calla’s involvement with the Venatori. Her investigation reveals a deeper conspiracy involving a plot to free a powerful demon. Neve’s relentless search leads her through a series of murders, ultimately uncovering Venatori’s plan to release the demon using enchanted clay disks. She bravely confronts Aelia, the Venatori leader, and with the templars’ help, she successfully stops the ritual, saving Minrathous from catastrophe.

In “The Missing,” Neve collaborates with Varric Tethras and Lace Harding to track down Solas in Minrathous. She provides crucial intelligence about Solas’s actions against the Venatori and helps the group navigate the city’s treacherous political landscape. Together, they rescue escaped elven slaves from a Venatori ambush, stopping the Venatori’s plans.

Neve’s reputation as a determined detective and involvement with the Shadow Dragons make her a great ally in the fight against Tevinter’s corrupt regime. The Shadow Dragons’ mission to oppose corrupt rulers and end slavery aligns perfectly with Neve’s own values, making her an essential companion.

Companions in DA: The Veilguard

Companions in DA: The Veilguard are the NPC characters who will join you on your journey through the story. They will have complex backstories, problems, and motivations, making them three-dimensional characters.

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Tavern

You and your comrades will have a main hub, the lighthouse, where you, as a player, can speak with them and learn more about them, their opinions, and desires. Lighthouse will be customizable, similar to what we could do in Skyhod in Inquisition. Not only your main operation base will react to your decisions and progress, but developers also foreshadow that the world and other locations will change based on what players do.

In Dragon Age, this type of location, like Lighthouse, is also a moment of peace in the world crumbling around you. Companions will be there with you, and that’s where you will be able to develop friendships and romances. Speak with everyone, customize your gear, and prepare for the next missions.

Conversations and Dialogue in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dialogue Wheel - Choices

In character creation, among many decisions you must make for our protagonist in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you will choose the background tied to one of six factions. As a result, companions may comment on those, especially your origins, making them more alive and an opportunity for interesting conversations. We could see a glimpse of that in a 15-minute gameplay preview, where Varrick and Neve comment more than once on Rook’s(protagonist) involvement with Shadow Dragons.

As in previous games, we can expect companion banter during exploration and missions. With only two companions in the team simultaneously, developers described exploration and traveling as a more intimate experience, where they could focus more on stories and companion personalities, especially their interactions during banter. So, they feel like they have relationships and lives outside the protagonist and main story.

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Approval System and Dialogue Choices - How They Influence Romances

Companions will also share their opinions during quests and conversations. Additionally, your decisions will also result in your companion’s approval or disapproval – a mechanic present throughout the whole series.

Companion Missions in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Bioware confirmed that in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, quests are handcrafted and mission-based, curated with alternate paths, secrets to discover, and optional content. While more open areas exist to explore, there is no open world. However, a bigger focus on missions gives more opportunities for impactful comments and more ways to bring up companions’ personalities and stories. One of the developers, Busche, said: “Some of the quests are highly curated, especially when it involves the motivations and the experiences of the companions. You’re really along with this journey with them….”

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Dwarf Race -Harding

First and foremost, all companions will be necessary for the Dragon Age: The Veilguard story. All of them bring something, and you will need all seven of them to succeed. Also, all are recruited within the first Act.

Moreover, each companion has unique missions that play into the larger story, which differs from the previous approach, where companion missions would often be standalone side quests. On the other hand, in DA: The Veilguard, if you do their quests, you will get a better reward in the end. This reminds me of Mass Effect 2 and the suicide mission, where companions would affect the final outcome.

Friendships and Romances in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Party members will grow alongside the protagonist, creating closer bonds with your character and allowing companions to unlock new skills and abilities. The player will have the biggest impact on them, and the more you interact with them, the more options you will have. Buche said: “…along the way, we’ll make consequential decisions for each of them, sometimes affecting who they are, sometimes heart-wrecking – I’ve cried more than once – and sometimes joyous…”

Romance Options and System in Dragon Age The Veilguard

Bioware wanted to focus on friendships in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, making them meaningful and rich in storytelling and experience, romance or no. Yet, developers reassured that that also applies to romances.

All seven companions are pansexual – romanceable regardless of your character creation decisions. Each romance has a different flavor. For example, Emmrich is described as a gentleman with intimate and sensual romance.

Dragon Age The Veilguard - Human Race - Neve

However, if you don’t flirt or engage in romantic relationships with some of them, they may develop their own bonds and love, similar to what we saw in Mass Effect between Tali and Garrus or in Inquisition, between Dorian and Iron Bull. For those wondering, nudity is confirmed, as well as the on/off setting for it, and romances and cutscenes were described so that they can get “a little spicy.”

Lastly, companions can leave you if they hate the main protagonist enough, but they will return when dealing with the biggest threat Thedas have ever seen, unless… – and here, devs didn’t finish the sentence. Does that mean companions can die, and that’s the reason why they wouldn’t return? We’ll need to wait and see.

Other Information about Companions

Dragon Age - The Veilguard Classes and Specializations and combat
  • Companions will have unique abilities unavailable to any other character, including the protagonist. For example, Neve is the only Ice mage and will have abilities connected to this characteristic.
  • Every time you rank up a companion’s Relationship Level, you unlock a skill point to spend specifically on that companion. As a result, forming connections with companions will also have combat consequences.
  • Companion skill trees are less complex than Rook’s expansive tree, however, there’s still some customization there. 
  • You can’t control your companions during combat like in previous games. Instead, you can order them to do certain tasks or use specific skills using the ability wheel.
  • The party was downsized to three, allowing you to have only two companions with you simultaneously.
  • You can create skill combos with your companions.
  • Companions have their colors and styles, but players will have a decent range of options to change their appearance, armor, and outfits to customize the team.
  • No Mabari companion or pet.
  • The small griffon, Assan, will fulfill the role of the party’s pet, and there will be several interactions and stories tied to him. Players can pet and interact with griffon, who will live in the lighthouse just like other companions.

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