All Strength Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Strength Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is handy for players who hate managing their inventory and keep collecting several items.

Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (Image via Deep Silver)

Perks in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 make the gameplay easier since they provide benefits like stat boosts to a particular skill. Although getting new Strength Perks is beneficial for all players, beginners get the most value out of them.

Strength Perks improve melee combat, decrease the strength required for a particular weapon, increase the carrying capacity of the player, and more. Let’s take a look at all the Strength Perks available in KCD 2.

Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Strength Perks

All Strength Perks
All Strength Perks (Image via Deep Silver)

For late-stage players, Strength Perks are essential for inventory management. Most players might reach a point in their playthrough where they face this issue due to an abundance of items. Take a look at the Perks down below and see which ones suit you the best.

Hard-Working LadCarrying capacity is increased by 8 pounds. Weight counts as half when carrying a sack or a dead body. Additionally, carrying them will not cost any StaminaLevel 6
Train Hard, Fight Easy!Required Strength for all weapons is reduced by 2Level 6
Pack MuleCarrying capacity in increased by 12 poundsLevel 8
WrestlerMakes it harder for enemies to react to attacks when in a fightLevel 8
Tight GripEasier to knock out or kill enemies stealthily with an increase in the Strength SkillLevel 10
Train Hard, Fight Easy! IIRequired Strength for all weapons is reduced by 5Level 10
Train Hard, Fight Easy!
Strong as a BullCarrying capacity is increased by 20 poundsLevel 12
VanguardShield blocks take up 30% less StaminaLevel 12
Grand SlamMelee weapon Blunt damage increases by 5%Level 14
ThrasherCharged attack damage increased by 5%Level 14
Strong ArmStamina recovers slowly while in fully charged attack modeLevel 16
Grand Slam IIMelee weapon Blunt damage increases by an additional 5%Level 18
Grand Slam
HeraclesCharisma increases by 1 for every 5 levels of StrengthLevel 18

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