Learn about the Cynosure God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Cynosure is a strand adaptive frame rocket launcher introduced during Episode Heresy into the Vanguard Playlist. Rocket Launchers are a very popular option for both PvE and PvP for their ease of use and high damage output. Adaptive frames are typically considered the best rocket launchers for PvE damage phases as they do more damage than all the other archetypes except aggressive frames. The Cynosure can be enhanced, granting it access to enhanced perks in Columns 3 and 4. As it is a playlist weapon, the Cynosure has a huge perk pool making it have several good rolls but also causing it to be difficult to get those rolls. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Cynosure rocket launcher.
How to Get Cynosure in Destiny 2
You obtain the Cynosure from Vanguard playlist activities and by turning in Vanguard engrams at Commander Zavala. During Episode Revenant, the Cynosure can be focused for a single Vanguard Engram at Commander Zavala at the Courtyard section of the Tower destination. You do not have to earn the weapon in the playlist before you can focus it.

What Is the Cynosure God Roll in Destiny 2?
Finding the absolute best perk combination for a god roll on playlist weapons like the Cynosure is typically more difficult than other weapons. Their large perk tables mean that there are several great combinations to comb through. Cynosure lacks a lot of great PvE options that are typically found on adaptive frame rocket launchers but comes with a new trait, Elemental Honing, that may shake up the damage meta. The PvP god roll falls in line with other rocket launchers’ god rolls of the same frame.

PvE Cynosure God Roll
The best perks for the Cynosure PvE God Roll are Quick Launch, Impact Casing, Envious Arsenal, and Elemental Honing. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Cynosure PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Launcher Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Impact Casing
- Column 3 Trait: Envious Arsenal
- Column 4 Trait: Elemental Honing
- Masterwork: Handling
- Origin Trait: Suros Synergy
- Weapon Mod: Quick Access Sling
PvE Breakdown
While Cynosure at first glance doesn’t look like anything special in the rocket launcher world, it has a new trait that will make it a great damage option that could make it more desirable than other rocket launchers. As with any PvE rocket launcher Quick Launch and Impact Casing are the go-to options for the barrel and magazine perks. Quick Launch improves the weapon’s handling and Impact Casing directly improves the rocket’s damage. Increasing the handling of the weapon further with a Handling masterwork and either a Quick Access Sling or Tactical mod will further improve the weapon.
The main traits of the Cynosure are where it really comes into its own. It comes with the now favored trait for damage rotation reloads for most weapons, Envious Assassin. This trait reloads the magazine of the weapon when you hit an enemy with all of your weapons. The new trait, Elemental Honing, increases the damage of the rocket launcher for every different element you deal damage to an enemy to. This means it gets a damage boost easily just by hitting with 3 to 4 different elements, and if you can work to getting the max stack of 5 different elements, then it can do more damage than even Bait and Switch.
PvP Cynosure God Roll
The best perks for the Cynosure PvP God Roll are Volatile Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, Impulse Amplifier, and Quickdraw. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Cynosure PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Volatile Launch
- Magazine: High-Velocity Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Impulse Amplifier
- Column 4 Trait: Quickdraw
- Masterwork: Velocity
- Origin Trait: Vanguard’s Vindication
- Weapon Mod: Aerodynamics
PvP Breakdown
Rocket launchers like the Cynosure are common PvP weapons as they basically allow for a one-shot free kill for picking up some heavy ammo. They aren’t as effective as grenade launchers or machine guns for getting multiple kills, but their ease of use makes them a worthy choice. You want to increase Velocity and Blast Radius as much as you can on PvP rocket launchers. Which way you decide to go is really personal preference, but a well-rounded choice of increasing both as much as possible is also effective. Volatile Launch will increase the blast radius and you can mitigate the loss in Velocity by taking High-Velocity Rounds. A Velocity masterwork will take this even further and you can increase both again by taking an Aerodynamics mod.
The main traits of a rocket are less important on rocket launchers. While Timed Payload sounds like fun and can be effective if used correctly, it takes away from the whole easy-to-use strategy of most rocket launchers. Instead, you should opt for traits that improve the weapon passive,y like Impulse Amplifier or Tracking Module in Column 3. Column 4 also has some great options like Chain Reaction or Cluster Bombs, but Quickdraw is hard to beat when it comes to a passive benefit on the slower-drawing rocket launcher.
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