Best Baldur's Gate 3 Builds - All Classes and Companions - BG3

Baldur’s Gate 3 Controls and Short keys for Keyboard

What are the Controls and Short keys on the Keyboard for Baldur’s Gate 3?

Baldur’s Gate 3 is an in-depth, multilayered roleplaying game based on the world and lore of Dungeons & Dragons. Game mechanics are based around the classes, subclasses, and stats found in the 5e version of the popular tabletop RPG. Due to the huge amount of variety in actions and abilities, figuring out what all of the controls and short keys do when using a keyboard and mouse can be a challenge for a newcomer to the series.

Best Baldur's Gate 3 Builds - All Classes and Companions - BG3
Source: Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 Keyboard and Mouse Controls

Camera Controls

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Camera CenterHome
Camera BackwardSDown
Camera ForwardWUp
Camera LeftALeft
Camera RightDRight
Camera Rotate LeftDelete 
Camera Rotate RightEnd 
Camera Zoom InMouse Scroll UpPage Up
Camera Zoom OutMouse Scroll DownPage Down
Toggle Camera RotateHold Middle Mouse Button 
Toggle Tactical CameraO 
Camera Keybinds

Move Character

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Move characterLeft Mouse Button

This may be obvious to some, but for those who aren’t familiar with isometric view or ‘click-to-move’ games it ‘s not always something easy to figure out. In Baldur’s Gate 3 you can move your character around the map/world in one of two primary ways:

  • Move the mouse to where you want your character to move and click the left mouse button
  • Hold down the left mouse button and your character will move to follow wherever you move the mouse cursor

Choose Different Party Member

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Next CharacterRight Bracket
Previous CharacterLeft Bracket
Select Character 1F1
Select Character 2F2
Select Character 3F3
Select Character 4F4

Other Actions

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Cancel ActionEscapeRight Mouse Button
Climbing ToggleLeft Shift
Destruction ToggleLeft Ctrl
Interact/SelectLeft Mouse Button
Place Ping BeaconBackslash
Rotate item rightMouse Scroll Up
Rotate item leftMouse Scroll Down
Skip VideoEscape
Toggle Combat ModeTab
Toggle Input ModeX
End TurnSpace
Enter Turn-based ModeSpace
Leave Turn-based ModeShift + Space
Quick LoadF8
Quick SaveF5
Show Sneak ConesLeft Shift
Show Text ChatReturn
Split Item ToggleLeft ShiftRight Shift
Toggle Actions Bar on Hot BarX
Toggle SneakC
Toggle SpellK
UI CancelEscapeEscape
UI Hot Bar NextR
UI Hot Bar PrevF
UI Take AllSpace

Open Tabs

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Context MenuRight Mouse Button
Show world TooltipsLeft Alt
Toggle Weapon SetV
Toggle Character PanelsB
Toggle Character SheetN
Toggle CraftG
Toggle EquipmentE
Toggle In-Game MenuEscape
Toggle InfoLeft Ctrl
Toggle InventoryI
Toggle JornalL
Toggle MapM
Toggle Party / Character OverviewTab
Toggle Presentation modeF10
Toggle party management panelY

Slot Selection

ActionPrimary KeybindsSecondary Keybinds
Slot 0 (Zero)0Numpad 0
Slot 11Numpad 1
Slot 22Numpad 2
Slot 23Numpad 3
Slot 44Numpad 4
Slot 55Numpad 5
Slot 66Numpad 6
Slot 77Numpad 7
Slot 88Numpad 8
Slot 99Numpad 9
Slot 11Minus
Slot 12=

Looking for more Baldur’s Gate 3?

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