Discover everything about the House of Healing location in our Baldur’s Gate 3 guide including the NPCs, Quests, Gear Items, and more.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, all map locations will be shrouded in black darkness until your character first explores an area. Your character has a ‘cone’ of light around them, and as you move through a new location this will “unfog” the area on the map. Therefore, when you first enter a brand-new region, you will not be able to see everything on the map fully.
As you make progress to Act 2 of the game, you will reach the Shadow-Cursed Lands region with several locations to uncover. One of the locations that you can uncover is the House of Healing within Reithwin Town. This guide covers everything that you can do and find at the House of Healing location in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Everything about House Of Healing in Baldur’s Gate 3
House of Healing is a hospital within Reithwin Town and the undead staff operates it. There are four different areas within this location that you can explore to find various items, meet NPCs, and complete quests. These areas include an annex, a library, a graveyard/morgue, and an operating theatre.
Upon entering the House of Healing, you will meet Sister Sinda at the front desk. She will direct you to the doctor upon passing the check, otherwise, you can go around the building to enter from the side entrance. Here, you will get to see Malus Throm, a twisted member of the former Throm family. Malus Throm is a general surgeon at the House of Healing and you can find him along with three surgical assistants in the Operating Theatre.
Furthermore, going to the top floor of the House of Healing will let you discover the Library. Moreover, going to the west of the House of Healing will let you access the Morgue/Graveyard.
House of Healing location in Baldur’s Gate 3

In ACT 2, you can find the House of Healing after the Waning Moon location within Reithwin Town. Exploring the House of Healing can reward you with various gear items. Moreover, it is essential to complete the quests as well in the area and an achievement.
Important Things to Do in House of Healing
The most important thing that you can do at the House of Healing is to get the Non-Invasive Procedure achievement. It requires you to kill the Surgeon before he performs surgery on you in combat.
However, you will also have the opportunity to take care of Malus Throm through dialogue choices and successful dice rolls. It is highly recommended that you use a high Charisma character to speak to him because necessary Persuasion and/or Deception checks are very high.
Additionally, near the main House of Healing building, you can find the House of Healing Morgue. This can be entered in several ways – we recommend the back Ominous Crevice route for relatively easy access to the Fleshmelter Cloak. Moreover, you can also find the Eversight Ring at the Morgue area.
All Quests in the House of Healing

There are two different quests that you can complete in the House of Healing and one of them will let you progress in the main quest, Lift the Shadow Curse. These quests are as follows.
- Wake Art Cullagh: A Battered Lute can be taken from Malus Throm, which appears to have Art Cullagh’s initials. Please return to the Last Light Inn and play a tune to wake him up. This will conclude this quest while progressing the larger Lift the Shadow Curse quest.
- Lift the Shadow Curse: After speaking with Art, Halsin will request that you join him at the nearby lakeside. He will create a portal to enter the Shadowfell and ask you to defend the portal until he returns. This is a difficult fight with waves of enemies to contend with. If the portal falls, Halsin is lost, and the quest fails. If you succeed, Halsin will finally join your party as a full companion. Put him in the group and make a return visit to Oliver in the Ruined Battlefield.
- Find Arabella’s Parents: You can find Locke and Komira in a children’s ward being tended to by Sister Lidwin. Use a Deception or Sleight of Hand check to convince her they’re dead. You can cast Speak With Dead on Locke to find out more. Next, you can complete the quest by returning to Arabella. When you tell her the sad news, encourage her to seek out your camp, where she’ll bond with Withers.
House of Healing Notable NPCs and Merchants in Baldur’s Gate 3
There are seven NPCs in total that you will come to find and meet in the House of Healing. All of these NPCs are undead and include one surgeon and six Sisters. The surgeon is Malus Throm, one of the Sisters is a trader, four of them are surgical assistants, and the last one is a receptionist. Here is a list of all Notable NPCs and Merchants in the House of Healing.
- Malus Throm – General Surgeon in the House of Healing.
- Sister Anya – Surgical Assistant in the House of Healing.
- Sister Geanne – Surgical Assistant in the House of Healing.
- Sister Hunna – Surgical Assistant in the House of Healing.
- Sister Lidwin – Trader, you can find her in the Children’s Ward.
- Sister Sinda – Receptionist, you will meet her at the front desk.
- Sister Vanessa – Surgical Assistant in the House of Healing.
House of Healing Items in Baldur’s Gate 3
Here are all the items that you can get from the House of Healing location in Baldur’s Gate 3.
- Surgeon’s Subjugation Amulet: This accessory stuns on a critical hit once per Long Rest and goes well with Killer’s Sweetheart found later in the Gauntlet of Shar. Looted from Malus Throm.
- Shadow Blade Ring: Cast Shadow Blade once per short rest. Rewarded for completing Find Arabella’s Parents.
- Fleshmelter Cloak: Good mid-to-end-game cloak for melee builds. Deals passive Acid damage to all attackers. Taken from a Gilded Chest in the House of Healing Morgue
- Eversight Ring: Looted from Opulent Chest in the House of Healing Morgue. It grants the wearer immunity from Blindness, which can be hugely useful during certain Act 2 fights.
- Blattered Lute: Loot from Malus Throm.
- Poisoner’s Gloves: Deals poison damage and has a chance to poison a target every time. You can find it in the Surgeon’s Office.
- Shar’s Temptation: Allows the wearer to cast Charm Person once per short rest. You can find it on the ground floor in a chest with a note on top of it.
- True Love’s Embrace: Allows the wearer to cast a Warding Bond spell once per long rest on a target wearing the matching ring. You can find it on a skeleton near the beds.
- Assassin’s Shortsword: An uncommon shortsword that grants an Advantage on stealth checks. You can find it along the cliffs to the west of the House of Healing.
- Watcher’s Shield: An uncommon shield that grants an Advantage on perception checks. You can find it along the cliffs to the west of the House of Healing.
- Boots of Apparent Death: Allows the wearer to cast the Feign Death spell once per short rest. You can find it inside a sarcophagus at X: -162 Y: 49.
- Icebite Robe: Grants the wearer Resistance to Cold Damage and allows them to cast Armour of Agathys once per long rest. You can find it inside a sarcophagus at X: -158 Y: 73.
FAQs about the House of Healing in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Where is the House of Healing located?
House of Healing is a hospital within Reithwin Town in the Shadow-Cursed Lands region which you will reach in Act 2 of the game.
What is the purpose of the House of Healing?
The main reason for you to visit the House of Healing is to kill Malus Throm before he performs the surgery on you to get the Non-Invasive Procedureachievement. Moreover, you can complete a couple of quests and get a few decent gear items.
Are there any key enemies or NPCs in the House of Healing?
Malus Throm is a twisted member of the former Throm family and he is a surgeon at the House of Healing.
What quests are tied to the House of Healing?
Wake Art Cullagh quest is tied to the main Lift the Shadow Curse. As you kill Malus Throm, you will pick up a Battered Lute with Cullagh’s initials. From here, you can return to the Last Inn to Art and conclude the Wake Art Cullagh quest, and progress in the Lift the Shadow Curse quest.
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