Best Beginner Guide to the Staff in Throne and Liberty

Discover how to use the Staff weapon in Throne and Liberty as we explore skills, passives, and off-hand combos in our best beginner Guide.

Staff Build in Throne and Liberty MMORPG
Staff Weapon in Throne and Liberty

Staff is a ranged magic damage-dealing weapon that deals its damage in direct hits, dots, and area (AOE). The Staff generally has the longest range in the game, along with the bows, and a good amount of the damage comes from burn dots. This weapon also has a potential AOE ability, giving it huge value in large-scale PVP. Like Longbow, Staff is also affected by world conditions, namely rain. The staff deals significantly more damage when it rains.

The Staff is best utilized if the scale is larger. They can easily be shut down by melee despite being a damage-type counter to play due to their longer cast times. Keep in mind that skill expression can change this. Like Greatsword, Staff is also supposed to be a heavy attack-focused weapon that allows you to have bigger possible bursts. While the staff will give you more in this department, it will not be to the extent of Greatsword. In return, however, you’ll have much more in the Weaken department, giving you more dot damage and ranged AOE.

Everything About Staff Weapon in Throne and Liberty

Longbow Weapon in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

In Throne and Liberty, the Staff weapon excels in dealing massive area damage and applying elemental debuffs. What sets the Staff apart is its ability to reward you for attacking enemies affected by burning, wet, or frozen conditions, with most of its skills offering powerful secondary effects. You must consistently apply and exploit these debuffs and status effects to maximize effectiveness. While the Staff build boasts strong area damage, it generally offers lower survivability than other builds.

In Throne and Liberty, your skills are influenced by the weapons you equip, differing from other MMORPGs where skills are more static. Weapon choices determine your skill set and build, and swapping weapons will grant you a new array of skills you can acquire as you level up. Skills in the game come in three types: active, passive, and defensive. The following guide will walk you through setting up an effective Staff build and explore alternative options.

Staff ProsStaff Cons
High AOELong Cooldowns
Fast LevelingWeak Survivability
Long RangeLower DPS
Pros and Cons – Best Beginner Guide to the Staff in Throne and Liberty

How to Get and Craft the Staff

Throne and Liberty - Gear Crafting

Obtain a Staff in Throne and Liberty from quest rewards, merchants, or crafting. Stats of your item are increased by upgrading gear in Throne and Liberty. Achieve a staff by clicking on the Staff that you want to unlock by consuming the required ingredients to craft it. Also, Armor and Weapon need scaling amounts of the following Growthstones.

  • Weapon Growthstones
  • Armor Growthstones

Get a hand on the Growthstones by following methods in the game.

  • Growthstone combining and dissolving
  • Hunting the objectives
  • Find Lithograph Book
  • Use Polished Crystals and Ore to craft Growthstones at crafters
  • Fulfilling Daily Contracts

How to Upgrade the Staff with Growthstones

Throne and Liberty - How to upgrade weapons and armor - Beginner Guide - Tips I Wish I Knew First

You need to use Growthstones at a higher rarety to upgrade the staff. Make an epic quality Growthstone by using the rare quality Growthstones. Dissolve the high-quality Growthstones into many lower-quality Growthstones that can used later in the game for several purposes. The Growthstones are further broken into the following three categories.

  • Precious Growthstones
  • Quality Growthstones
  • Rare Growthstones

Upgrading a rare item requires rare growthstones, and you need quality growth stones for quality items.

To upgrade the Staff, simply open the main menu by pressing the F10 key and select the equipment Enchanting option. The equipment Level Up menu will pop up on the screen. Select the Staff from the inventory. The effect of the upgrade preview will appear on the screen.

Keep in mind that there is an RNG effect when upgrading your staff. You will get a partial process to the next level whenever you use Growhstones on the upgrade. Simply put, you need to use Growthstones multiple times to upgrade by one level in Throne and Liberty.

The number of growth stones required to upgrade the staff is proportional to the current staff level. It only costs 1 Growthstone if you are upgrading it for the first time.

Basic Mechanics of the Staff Weapon

Throne and Liberty - UI

The Staff weapon focuses on triggering status effects like burning, wet, and frost. Once your status effects have been applied, most skills gain an additional damage effect or bonus; therefore, “chaining” them together is ideal for the best result. Therefore, your rotation is centered around DOTs, debuffs, status effects, and burst damage.

Burning: using a light or heavy attack, you can trigger a burn to a target. Then, you follow it up with Inferno Wave or Judgement Lighting to gain additional damage on the target.

Frosted: the staff uses multiple ice skills to freeze a target like Icebound Tomb or Frost Smokescreen. Once the debuff is applied, follow up with Chain Lighting to burst a target.

Survival: your survivability comes from your off-hand weapon or crowd control with Icebound Tomb. Lastly, you can use Frost Smokescreen for mobility.

The below list of the crucial Staff features and Mechanics in Throne and Liberty Best Beginner Guide:

  • Best Active Skills: Chain Lighting, Judgement Lighting, High Focus
  • Best Passive Skills: Asceticism, Mana Amp, Flame Condensation
  • Guardian: Lady Knight Kamarshea
  • Main Hand Weapon: Staff
  • Off-Hand Weapon: Wand
  • Stat Points
    • Dexterity: 30
    • Strength: 10
    • Perception: 30
    • Wisdom: 19

Best Staff Stat Points

For the best Staff stats, allocate your stat points: 10 Strength, 30 Dexterity, 19 Wisdom, and 30 Perception. Prioritize Perception to 30 for improved damage and status effect chance, then focus on Dexterity to 30 for bonus damage. Also, Remember that you start with a base of 10 in each stat, so you must adjust your allocation properly. Consume gear sets and other consumables to support regeneration.

Below is the best recommended Stat Point for the Staff in Throne and Liberty.

  • 30 Dexterity: affects critical attacks, evasion, and maximum damage.
  • 10 Strength: increase max health, minimum damage, max damage, and defense.
  • 30 Perception: crowd control effects, affects accuracy, time boost ability, minimum damage, and maximum damage.
  • 19 Wisdom: skill cooldown, determines maximum mana, mana regeneration, and maximum damage. 

In Throne and Liberty, stat points are earned while leveling and increasing your effectiveness.  When you spend a stat point, you increase the effectiveness of that related attribute. However, after a certain number of points, you reach diminishing returns, and two points are required to increase a stat rather than one. Moreover, once stats reach a certain level spent (30 or greater), you gain unique bonuses. Below are what stats influence which attribute of your class and build:

Best Skills and Abilities for Staff Users

Everything About Builds and Classes in Throne and Liberty

The best skills for the staff are Chain lighting and Judgement Lighting. These skills gain additional effects if a target is wet from rain or frost and can hit many targets. The best passive skill is Manaball Eruption because it can trigger the burn status effect.

In Throne and Liberty, There are three types of skills: active, passive, and defensive. Each weapon has 12 active skills, seven passive skills, and one defensive skill. You unlock new skills by leveling up your character. Your skill and passive bar allows you to slot 12 active skills and eight passives. These skills and passives can be used from either your main or off-hand weapon and can be mixed and matched.

Active Skills

Below are the active skills for the Staff in Throne and Liberty:

  • Serial Firebombs: shoots a fireball that inflicts the burning status effect and to other enemies within 3 meters.
  • Inferno Wave: a fire skill that deals damage to all enemies within 3 meters, and damage is boosted for attacking burning targets.
  • Frost Smokescreen: A critical movement ability that will blink you backward and you can charge it up to two times.
  • Chain Lightning: Lighting damage skill that gets more powerful if the target is burning and transfers damage to other enemies if wet or frosted.
  • Inner Peace: mana regeneration while staying stationary.
  • Fireball Barrage: channels fireballs up to 10 times.
  • Ice Spear: throws an ice spear 1.5 meters and chance to slow movement and apply frost debuff.
  • Icebound Tomb: ice skill that stuns enemies with petrification.
  • High Focus: boost everyone’s cooldown speed and move speed for 12 seconds with attack range.
  • Judgment Lightning: burst damage lighting skill that increases damage and AOE against wet and frost enemies.
  • Salvation Chain: growth skill that pulls party members to you.
  • Infernal Meteor: growth skill that does fire damage in 4 meters AOE. also, heavy attacks apply burning.

The active skill system in Throne and Liberty provides immediate effects when used. It operates on a global cooldown of roughly one second, with more powerful abilities having longer cooldowns. Each weapon features an “auto-attack,” meaning after your initial attack, the game will automatically repeat the attack following the one-second global cooldown.

Passive Skills

Below is a list of the best passive skills for the Staff in Throne and Liberty:

  • Asceticism: Mana regen increases, and staying in a place boosts Mana Regen, Magic, Melee, and ranged hits.
  • Echoic Barrier: if silenced, it decreases duration by two seconds and increases resistance when applied (bind, sleep, silence).
  • Flame Condensation: Boost burning damage. Heavy attack increases by 10 per burning stack.
  • Forbidden Sanctuary: Skill damage boost increases, and All Mana cost efficiency decreases.
  • Frost Master: reduces move speed and extends the duration.
  • Mana Amp: a passive boost to max health (1200) and mana (3360).  
  • Manaball Eruption: Additional projectiles are added randomly and applied to burn. Shoots an additional Magic Orb.

Passive skills are only activated when equipped in the passive quick slot in the skills menu. These are designed to enhance your build with more damage, healing, resource sustain, and survivability. Like active skills, your weapon must be equipped on your main or off-hand for the passives to apply. You will increase your passive skills through the leveling process and be able to equip up to eight from the two weapons you have equipped.

Defensive Skills

Landing a Perfect Fury Attack Example in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The defensive skill for the Staff is Mystic Guide. Mystic Guide can generate mana on defense and deal increased damage against wet, burning, or frosted targets. Defends against attacks. This defensive skill is critical for resource sustain and is recommended regardless of your off-hand weapon.

Defensive skills are skills that allow you to defend against attacks. Enemies will have a “Fury Attack,” a purple circle drawing down to a central point. You can defend against the Furty Attack by using your defensive skill at the precious moment for a perfect defense. Each weapon has its defensive skill, which consumes stamina instead of mana, shown on the left of your User Interface when used. Special effects occur when you successfully defend against a Furty Attack; timing is vital for maximizing your build’s potential.

Mastery Tree

Weapon Mastery Throne and Liberty

The Staff weapon Mastery has three skill trees: Mana, Destroy, and Attribute. Destroy is the best Mastery choice for Staff due to its raw damage-dealing capability. 

Weapon Mastery points are limited at the initial stage of the game. You can earn these mastery points as your experience per kill and quest increase with level and zones. However, your secondary weapon gains fewer points, and the main hand weapon gains greater mastery.

Mana – Staff Weapon Mastery

The Mana Staff Weapon Mastery tree Specializes in Defenses, Evasion, and Mana Regeneration. Below are all the passives and bonuses:

Melee Defense+401
Mana Regen+142
Spell FlexibilityMana Cost Efficiency +6%3
Magic Hit+404
All Evasion+405
Mana BlessingMana Regen +566
Mana Regen+427
Melee Defense+1208
Reverberation ShieldSilence Resistance +1259
Mana Mastery Tree – Best Beginner Guide to the Staff in Throne and Liberty

Destroy – Staff Weapon Mastery

The Destroy Staff Weapon Mastery tree focuses on raw damage dealing and Mana Intensification. Below are all the passives and bonuses:

Base Damage+41
Magic Hit+202
Fatal IncantationMagic Critical Hit +603
Base Damage+84
Mana Regen+285
Mana IntensificationSkill Damage Boost +406
Cooldown Speed+3%7
Damage Bonus+68
Strange SpacetimeCooldown Speed +5%9
Destroy Mastery Tree – Best Beginner Guide to the Staff in Throne and Liberty

Attribute – Staff Weapon Mastery

The Attribute Staff Weapon Mastery tree is useful in burning damage, Chance, Enfeeble, and Mana Regen. Below are all the passives and bonuses:

Mana Regen+141
Enfeeble Chance+242
Flame WoundBurning Damage +10%3
Max Mana+2804
Magic Hit+405
Ignition BoosterBurning Chance +5%6
Enfeeble Chance+727
Vast DestructionArea Skill Range +20%9
Attribute Mastery Tree – Best Beginner Guide to the Staff in Throne and Liberty

Best Staff Weapon Combinations

Best Wand Build in Throne and Liberty MMORPG

The best off-hand weapon combination with the Staff is the Wand. The Wand provides survivability with healing, crowd control, and damage over time curse debuff. The Staff AOE damage is significant, but you trade weak survival, and the extra healing and range damage is helpful. Another combination is the Dagger for single target DPS or Longbow for another single target damage option at range. Below are the recommended off-hand weapons for the Staff in Throne and Liberty:

Staff + Wand: Use the Wand with the Staff to aid in survivability and debuffs. You can aid allies in dungeons or PvP content as well as helpful during leveling. If you need more DPS, swap it to Dagger or Longbow, depending on your preferred range.

Staff + Longbow: the Longbow gives a user healing skill, single target DPS, and immobilization. This helps the Staff’s weakness of only AOE damage. Therefore, this makes a good choice for well-rounded damage and survivability.

Staff + Dagger: Like all other weapons paired with a dagger, Staff gets an increase in crit and crit damage on demand stealth and extra Weaken damage from the poison. Dagger provides players with raw damage and a high level of survivability. Further, You gain a damage boost, increased invasion, and powerful utilities such as Camouflage while equipping Dagger.

Staff Gameplay Tips for Beginners

Below are all the Gameplay Tips and Tricks for the Staff in Throne and Liberty.

  • Use status effects like a burning and a curse, then follow up with curse explosion and chain lightning.
  • Use Frost Smokescreen to slow the enemies and create distance and crowd control in Icebound Tomb.
  • Utilize the recovery crystals with Clay’s Salvation, World Tree Leaf, and Swift Healing.
  • When you have no other options in terms of survival, save your Guardian.
  • Once the boss is marked and bound for heavy Burst Damage, use these consumables at the start of the fight.
  • Wand and Tome in your off-hand for higher survivability.

Best Gear and Item Sets for Staff Users

The best gear and items for a beginner staff user are anything that boosts max mana, mana regeneration, and Cooldown speed. Overall, Staff relies heavily on skills and heavy attacks, so a reduction in cooldown and recovery will help aid your build. The best beginner set for Staff is the Mother Nature Set. Most Mother Nature gears can drop from Precious Blessing Pouches, which you can purchase from your contract vendor. So, Below is what we recommend during the leveling process:

  • Cloak: Archpriest’s Devotion
  • Headgear: Breath of Mother Nature Hat
  • Gloves: Touch of Mother Nature Gloves
  • Chest: Transcendental Saint Raiment
  • Shoes: Resonance of Mother Nature Boots
  • Legs: Mysteries of Mother Nature Pants
  • Necklace: Holy Warrior’s Choker
  • Bracelet: Wild Resistance Bracelet
  • Ring: Lethal Fortune Ring
  • Ring: Crude Wind Band
  • Belt: Crude Vigor Belt
  • Staff: Shaman’s Staff
  • Off-Hand- Deckman’s Phantom Demon Wand

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