This guide gives skills, champion points, and gear for an ESO Beginner Magicka Templar Build, intended for the new or returning player!

This build has been updated for the Update 41 patch, Scions of Ithelia for the Elder Scrolls Online.
Why Should You Play the ESO Beginner Magicka Templar Build?
Welcome to the ESO Beginner Magicka Templar Build for The Elder Scrolls Online. This build is intended for the new or returning player who wants a starting build with flexible options for skills and gear! Pick up the build if you want an ultra-simple, easy and hard hitting build that can dominate in any content. This is my favorite build and one that doesn’t require complex gear or skills to be effective.
ESO Beginner Magicka Templar Build Playstyle
This skill setup is extremely important to start off ESO on the correct path. At this stage, I’m assuming you’re level three and have completed the tutorial with three skill points to spend. From here, you’ll want to slot one skill from each of your class skill lines, regardless if you use or like the skill. Why? Because you want to reach level 50 with most of your class skill lines leveled up or at least close to max. You only level the skill lines in your class if you have one or more skills equipped. That way you can acquire skill points and max out all the passives which make you stronger WITHOUT having to slot a skill.
ESO Beginner Magicka Templar PvE Features and Mechanics
Below are some of the features found using the ESO Beginner Magicka Templar PvE in the Elder Scrolls Online:
- Class – Templar
- Weapon One – Lightning Staff
- Weapon Two – Restoration Staff
- Armor Types:1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 5 Light
- Race: Dark Elf
- Attributes: 64 Magicka
- Mundus Stone: Thief
Priorities and Unlocks
When starting the Elder Scrolls Online, it can be confusing on what you should focus on first. Use the below list as a guide on where you should focus on first with a new character:
- Unlock Weapon Lines
- Unlock Skill Lines
- Unlock Builds
- Consumables, Bag Space & XP Boost
- Setup Armor
- Unlock Guilds
- Level 10
Unlock Weapon Lines
Your priority is to unlock two or more weapon skill lines when you initially unlock your character. You can do this by obtaining the weapon type or choice like a destruction staff and a restoration staff or bow and two-handed. Simply equip the weapon, obtain a kill and some experience with that weapon outside of the nearest town, then the weapon skill line will be unlocked.
It’s important to note, you can level up your weapon skill lines without having the weapon equipped. This is done by having a skill on your bar when you earn experience. Thus, you can level two weapon skill lines at the same time even at level 3. This helps when you reach level 50 and have two weapon skill lines maxed out vs having to continually progress them. More on this later, for now stamina builds unlock bow, two-handed, and dual wield. Magicka users unlock Destruction Staff, Restoration Staff, and Dual wield.
Setup Armor
The next step in ESO, is to unlock armor. Similar to weapon skill lines, you want to unlock the skill tree and level it throughout your adventure. To do this, simply save up about 500 gold and go to your nearest town and vendor. You will need 3 armor type equipped at a time to unlock the skill line. Thus, equip 3 medium, 3 heavy, then 3 light armor for all the skill lines. This doesn’t seem important but is vital regardless of what you assume you will play at end game.
From this point, it’s advisable to equip 3 of your primary armor type. Magicka users want 3 light, 2 medium and 2 heavy. Stamina users want to equip 3 medium, 2 light, and 2 heavy. This will progress your armor skill lines somewhat evenly and will help reaching max level.
Unlock Guilds
The next series of skill lines come from guilds. Mages guild, undaunted and Fighters guild. These will all be in your original main town with Undauned located in a tavern. Simply do an introduction quest and unlock these straight away. You can obtain an advanced one, Psijic order as well, but save that for later.
Setup Skill Bar
Now you need to prioritize obtain skills via skyshards, dungeon completion, main story quest completions and more. You then want to setup your skill bar so you level two skill lines at once on your front bar. This will result in one “dead” skill that is unusable but helps level the back bar.
Example Skill Bar Stamina
- Flurry (morph to Bloodthirst) – Dual Wield
- Uppercut (dead skill just leave to level) – Two-Handed
- Class Skill Line 1 (first skill line skill any)
- Class Skill Line 2 (second skill line skill any)
- Class Skill Line 3 (third skill line skill any)
- Ultimate: unlocked later, but choose a survivability one
Example Skill Bar Magicka
- Force Shock (morph to Force Pulse) – Destruction Staff
- Grand Healing (dead skill just leave to level) – Restoration Staff
- Class Skill Line 1 (first skill line skill any)
- Class Skill Line 2 (second skill line skill any)
- Class Skill Line 3 (third skill line skill any)
- Ultimate: unlocked later, but choose a survivability one
Now, your skills and armor will level up simultaneously with one dead skill. Obviously, flex in and out the weapon types but the premise remains for a good leveling experience. Put one skill from each of your skill lines on your bar, two weapon skills, and ultimate of choice. Once you unlock your back bar at level 15, use that for healing and buffs.
Consumables, Bag Space & XP Boost
Make sure to use consumables like food, potions, and experience boosters. Every town has a vendor with basic food. You will earn purple crown store food which you should consume. Depending on experience, you will likely need “recovery” food or a refreshing drink. This helps you continue to cast spells and prevent death.
Next, save gold to expand your bag space. This will be helpful as you collect and deconstruct. The bag space vendor will be the main story.
Level 10
At level 10, Elder Scrolls Online opens up drastically. You should focus on the following:
- Go to Cyrodiil, do intro quest, 2 skill points
- Do an undaunted intro quest by completing dungeon
- Complete daily dungeon quest via the que finder for massive XP
- Continue to progress through main story
From here, the easiest way to level is by completing all the normal dungeons as you level up and the main story. This gives you a lot of skill points and makes it much easier to level quickly. Rely on the dungeon finder to find a group until you make friends.
Daily Priorities
Make sure to check out our daily priorities list. This helps to give you a series of helpful actions to complete each day beyond this guides scope.
Level 3 Starter – Brand New Character – Lighting > Fire Staff
Work towards advancing and unlocking skills. It’s especially helpful to change out skills and at least get them to the “morphed” stage. You can always change these later for a very small fee so don’t worry if you make a mistake.
Puncturing Sweep (Morph of Puncturing Strikes | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Hands down the best overall skill in the game. I wouldn’t take this off my front bar my entire playthrough to 50. It does AoE damage, good single target damage, procs passives and heals you! The single reason magplar is my favorite class to level and it’s a set and forget throughout your game. When in doubt, just hit sweeps because you’ll do good damage and heal yourself.
Reflective Light (Morph of Sun Fire | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – Great AoE skill starting out. Later on in the skill line you’ll get super powerful survival skills with high damage.
Honor The Dead (Morph of Rushed Ceremony | Skill Line : Restoring Light) – Incredible burst heal that is great at end game or just starting. I rotate this skill out throughout my playthrough because Sweeps heals me for so much. Do what you’re comfortable with.
Force Shock (Skill Line : Destruction Staff) – This skill is simply slotted for quick leveling of the destruction skill line.
Grand Healing (Skill Line : Restoration Staff) – This is a good healer skill but really we are using it to unlock restoration which is very helpful upon reaching level 15. Trust me, it seems weird but it’ll be helpful post 50 when you don’t need to level another skill line. Alternatives are dual wield for PvE Mag DPS melee, sword and shield if you want to tank, or even two handed/bow for niche PvP builds. Either way, put another skill line here.
Crescent Sweep (Morph of Radial Sweep | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – You won’t be able to get an ultimate at this level but pretty soon you will. Templar does well with low cost Radial Sweep morphed into Crescent. Rite of Passage is also good if you struggle with survival early on.
Level 15 – Front Bar – Lighting > Fire Staff
At this stage, you should have the ability to bar swap. This comes in very handy to have leveled restoration staff, because you can put healing abilities on your secondary bar and also use resto to fully charge heavy attack to get resources back. I’ll list front bar skills, but in general put armor, healing, mobility, and consuming trap from world soul magic skill line on the back bar. You won’t be getting much XP since nearly all your kills should be on the front.
Puncturing Sweep (Morph of Puncturing Strikes | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Use the entire game.
Purifying Light (Morph of Backlash | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – You should be pretty close to Solar Flare into Purifying Light. This skill is awesome damage and healing. Work towards Eclipse and Living Dark and replace that later in the skill line.
Repentance (Morph of Restoring Aura | Skill Line : Restoring Light) – This skill is great leveling because you suck up corpses for stamina and health. Not that useful at end game, but work towards unlocking later skills.
Unstable Wall of Elements (Morph of Wall of Elements | Skill Line : Destruction Staff) – A great skill near the beginning or end game, this acts as a AoE spammable and a great DoT to start off combat. Your other goal is to unlock weakness to elements and morph to elemental drain which is super important for sustain solo later on.
Combat Prayer (Morph of Blessing of Protection | Skill Line : Restoration Staff) – t this point, continue to level and morph skills. Combat pray is a great back bar heal/buff to you and your group and something you can aim for solo or in a group. Continue to slot a restoration staff, dual wield or whatever weapon type you plan on using at end game. If it’s too difficult swap to another skill but it’ll help out tremendously at end game when most of the line is maxed.
Crescent Sweep (Morph of Radial Sweep | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Ults don’t really change here.
Level 50 – Front Bar – Lighting
At this stage, you should have the ability to bar swap. This comes in very handy to have leveled restoration staff, because you can put healing abilities on your secondary bar and also use resto to fully charge heavy attack to get resources back. I’ll list front bar skills, but in general put armor, healing, mobility, and consuming trap from world soul magic skill line on the back bar. You won’t be getting much XP since nearly all your kills should be on the front.
Puncturing Sweep (Morph of Puncturing Strikes | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Use the entire game.
Purifying Light (Morph of Backlash | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – You should be pretty close to Solar Flare into Purifying Light. This skill is awesome damage and healing. Work towards Eclipse and Living Dark and replace that later in the skill line.
Living Dark (Morph of Eclipse | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – Incredible healing per second even after High Isle nerf and much less resources intensive to maintain.
Elemental Drain (Morph of Weakness to Elements | Skill Line : Destruction Staff) – Debuff the enemy that is cost free, applies Major Breach and Minor Magickasteal
Radiant Glory (Morph of Radiant Destruction | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – Best single target execute, to be used around 40% health or lower. Make sure you’re in back and not interrupted.
Crescent Sweep (Morph of Radial Sweep | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Ults don’t really change here.
Level 50 – Front Bar – Fire Staff
At this stage, you should have the ability to bar swap. This comes in very handy to have leveled restoration staff, because you can put healing abilities on your secondary bar and also use resto to fully charge heavy attack to get resources back. I’ll list front bar skills, but in general put armor, healing, mobility, and consuming trap from world soul magic skill line on the back bar. You won’t be getting much XP since nearly all your kills should be on the front.
Channeled Focus (Morph of Rune Focus | Skill Line : Restoring Light) – This skill will give you resource sustain and your armor buff. You’ll also get nice healing standing in the small rune IF you have a high health pool. I’d recommend newer players or folks unfamiliar with PvP to run max HP due to this ability and Living Dark scaling off max health.
Solar Barrage (Morph of Solar Flare | Skill Line : Dawn’s Wrath) – aoe damaging skill, that also increases your class damaging abilities by 5%
Harness Magicka (Morph of Annulment | Skill Line : Light Armor) – The trick with the shield is to use this both reactively and pre-emptively. Meaning, when you know you’ll take a lot of damage, pop it for 6 seconds of protection. Also when you get hit, pop it first then allow your healer to catch up or your rune to heal you. For newer players I highly recommend double barring this in the exact same skill position. Meaning 3 key on PC front and back that way you don’t have to fuss with constant bar swaps until it becomes muscle memory. Consider slotting Inner Light if parsing since you won’t need a shield.
Blazing Spear (Morph of Spear Shards | Skill Line : Aedric Spear) – Spear is your AoE damage tool that can proc resource sustain for others. It has a longer animation because its ground based so it’s harder to pull off on back bar reliably. A strength of it you don’t need a target to cast it thus making it something you can pair with other DoTs as things spawns for crazy damage. I consider this a flex spot on my back bar because it’s longer duration cast time.
Honor The Dead (Morph of Rushed Ceremony | Skill Line : Restoring Light) – Great burst heal that gives a bit of sustain back. The trick is to not relay on this ability unless you are very low. You’ll want heals from your rune, bubble, and ritual to do the majority of the work as this gets costly especially in no CP situations.
Elemental Rage (Morph of Elemental Storm | Skill Line : Destruction Staff) – Destro ultimate is my preferred back bar ultimate though you have some choices. The strength of the ultimate is the sheer damage in a small window with a massive radius. This is great in dungeons and arenas where trash mobs are a part of the general mechanics of the fight. Another option here and is used for parsing is Mages Guild shooting star. The strength of this ability is the amount of single target damage is staggering though it lacks the radius. Plus passives on the back bar along with ultimate return making it great for single target fights.
Passives Skills
Consider taking all of the passives in the below skill trees to increase your builds performance without slotting any skills:
- Aedric Spear (class skill line)
- Dawn’s Wrath (class skill line)
- Restoring Light (class skill line)
- Destruction Staff (weapon skill line)
- Restoration Staff (weapon skill line)
- Light Armor
- Medium Armor
- Heavy Armor
- Undaunted
- Mage’s Guild
- Fighters Guild
- Psjiic Order
- Racial
- Alliance War Support
- Alliance War Assault
- Crafting, Alchemy Medicinal Use
Gear 1
If you have crafting on another character, or can ask a guild member, this will help you out tremendously!
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | light | Armor of the Trainee | Training | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Armor of the Trainee | Training | Magicka |
Chest | heavy | Armor of the Seducer | Training | Magicka |
Legs | medium | Armor of the Seducer | Training | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Armor of the Seducer | Training | Magicka |
Boots | light | Armor of the Seducer | Training | Magicka |
Belt | light | Armor of the Seducer | Training | Magicka |
Weapon One | Lighting Staff | Heartland Conqueror | Training | Shock |
Weapon Two | Restoration Staff | Heartland Conqueror | Training | Berserker (spell damage) |
Necklace | Heartland Conqueror | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 1 | Heartland Conqueror | Arcane | Spell Damage | |
Ring 2 | Heartland Conqueror | Arcane | Spell Damage |
Gear Sets
This gear setup is designed to get you the most experience possible without dying frequently while leveling. Use this as a template for max XP gains while leveling.
Armor of the Seducer: three trait craftable item. Locations are Deshaan, Grahtwood, Stormhaven.
- Why? with zero champion points or limited knowledge of the game, sustaining resources is the hardest thing to do. Getting this early will be a big help while leveling.
Heartland Conqueror: craftable set in Blackwood, 7 traits required. If you don’t own Blackwood, you can have someone craft or buy from traders.
- Why? this unique set doubles weapon trait effectiveness, giving you even more benefit for using the training trait. See flex options below if you don’t have this set.
Armor of the Trainee: obtained in the starter zones in the game from chest and enemies. Location Bal Foyen, Betnikh, Bleakrock Isle, Khenarthi’s Roost and Stros M’Kai.
- Why? gives set bonuses per piece and comes in training trait.
ALTERNATIVE OVERLAND SETS (these are all base game no DLC required)
- Mother’s Sorrow: obtained in Deshaan Ebonheart Pact overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? Great because massive boost to critical = more damage.
- Withered Hand: obtained in Alik’r’ Desert Daggerfall Covenant overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? My favorite overall magicka beginner set due to health/magicka upon killing mobs.
- Spinner’s garments: obtained in Malabal Tor Aldemri Dominion overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? Great damage set due to penetration, but becomes ineffective playing in groups when tanks debuff mobs.
- Soulshine: obtained in Reaper’s March drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? An awesome 5pc for templar who’s main spammable is a channel.
- Necropotence: obtained in Rivensipre drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? This is only useful if you have a pet like a Warden, Necromancer or Sorcerer.
- Silks of the Sun: obtained in Stonefalls Ebonheart Pact overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? Perfect for a Dragonknight!
- War Maiden: obtained in Morrowind (now free) overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone. This is great for Nightblade, Templar and Warden.
- Vampire’s Kiss: five trait craftable item. Locations are Alik’r Desert, Eastmarch, Malabal Tor.
- Why? This is base game and gives great healing received upon kill.
- Hunding’s Rage: six trait craftable item set. Locations Bangkorai, Reaper’s March, The Rift.
- Why? The 3rd item isn’t great for magicka but the five piece is awesome if you can’t craft Law of Julianos.
- Kagrenac’s Hope: eight trait craftable item set. Locations The Earth Forge which is inside Fighters Guild (AD = Reapers March – Rawl’kha // EP = The Rift – Riften // DC = Bangkorai – Evermore).
- Why? It’s close to Hunding’s but has resurrection bonus as well.
- Ashen Grip: two trait craftable item set. Locations Auridon, Glenumbra, Stonefalls.
- Why? Great AoE damage IF playing a melee build. Also a great PvP set.
- Magnus’ Gift: four trait craftable item set. Locations Greenshade, Rivenspire and Shadowfen.
- Why? Another great sustain set you can pair with Seducers for crazy sustain.
- Night Mother’s Gaze: six trait craftable item set. Locations Bangkorai, Reaper’s March, The Rift.
- Why? Great damage set IF your class doesn’t have major breach through a skill.
- Oblivion’s Foe: eight trait craftable item set found in Coldharbour.
- Why? Top notch proc set damage and one of the best in late game PvP to this day. Must use soul trap skill from world skill line.
Level 50 Gear Sets
Use this as a template until you can progress to better gear sets.
Slot | Type | Set | Trait | Glyph |
Head | light | Withered Hand | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Shoulders | light | Withered Hand | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Chest | light | Mother’s Sorrow | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Legs | light | Mother’s Sorrow | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Gloves | light | Mother’s Sorrow | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Boots | light | Mother’s Sorrow | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Belt | light | Mother’s Sorrow | Divines > Any | Magicka |
Weapon One | Lighting Staff | Willpower | Precise > Sharpened | Shock |
Weapon Two | Lighting Staff | Willpower | Infused > Charged | Berserker (Spell damage) |
Necklace | Withered Hand | Arcane | Magicka Recovery | |
Ring 1 | Withered Hand | Arcane | Spell Damage | |
Ring 2 | Withered Hand | Arcane | Spell Damage |
The premise in ESO is base game overland is the easiest gear to obtained. Because at any level, you can go to zone and farm it. Crafting is second as it takes time to unlock traits and my require DLC. Dungeons, on normal are third because it takes certain level requirements or DLC to access so that will be the priority of gear in general. Your priority after obtaining the below gear sets is as follows:
- Start doing undaunted pledges and obtain a base game damage monster helm. My two favorite are Nerien’eth from Crypt of Hearts for damage or Ice Heart from Direfrost Keep for survival.
- Next target is to remove Withered Hand with a higher producing damage set. I suggest checking out the builds page for more suggestions.
- Now start working on obtaining dungeons, trials, and mythics for more damage sets.
Gear Sets
Mother’s Sorrow: obtained in Deshaan Ebonheart Pact overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? Great because massive boost to critical = more damage.
Withered Hand: obtained in Alik’r’ Desert Daggerfall Covenant overland zone drops from delves, world bosses, public dungeons and dark anchors in that zone.
- Why? My favorite overall magicka beginner set due to health/magicka.
Willpower: obtained via Imperial City, dungeon finder and very cheap on guild traders.
- Why? great base game two piece set that gives huge stat bonuses.
Gear Progression
- Zaan’s = consider the best overall monster helm for DPS perfect for melee builds.
- Nerien’eth = great damage and easy to proc perfect for range builds.
- Stormfist = always works, easy to obtain and AoE DPS set.
- Iceheart = great for pure survivability.
- Pillar of Nirn = best overall damage set for front bar
- Medusa = great damage set with always on minor force
- Deadly Strike = for DoT builds like Templar and Dragonknight
- Scathing Mage = spell damage dungeon set
- War Maiden = overland great for non elemental users
- Order’s Wrath = best craftable option
- Pale Order = best heals per second solo in the game
- Oakensoul= the best one bar build for DPS – 5 Leads are here
- Death Dealer’s Fete = high max stats and requires no effect but in combat
Perfected Crushing Wall: from Veteran Maelstrom Arena in Orsinium.
- WHY? Increase your overall DPS massively due to wall of elements and light attack damage increase.
The best race choices for the Beginner Magicka Templar:
- Dark Elf: Best overall damage and max stats, but weaker resource sustain.
- High Elf: The best option for damage reduction while channeling.
- Breton: Best for Magicka resource sustain for players with Champion Points.
The best choice is 64 magicka, which increases damage, healing, and shields.
Mundus Stone
The Thief is the best Mundus Stone for Beginner Magicka Builds because it gives Increases Weapon and Spell Critical Strike a chance.
Champion Points – ESO Beginner Magicka Templar Build
Craft | Warfare | Fitness |
Rationer | Arcane Supremacy | Boundless Vitality |
Liquid Efficiency | Untamed Aggression | Rejuvenation |
Treasure Hunter | Reaving Blows | Fortified |
Steed’s Blessing | Master-at-Arms | Siphoning Spells |
Warfare Constellation Champion Points

Below is a step-by-step method for slotting your champion points in the Warfare tree (blue). We have used the minimum possible to reach 4 slottable selections all maxed out. If you have more CP, consider taking more in the passives for optimal performance.
Below are recommended Warfare Champion Point selections for the Beginner Magicka Templar PvE Build:
- Untamed aggression (slottable) 50
- Arcane supremacy (slottable) 50
- Precision 10
- Reaving blows (slottable) 50
- Extended might ( sub con) piercing 10
- Master at arms (slottable) 50
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 220 CP (660 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Precision 10
- Piercing 10
- Tireless discipline 20
- Eldritch insight 20
- Blessed 20
- Quick recovery 20
- Flawless ritual 40
- War mage 30
- Battle mastery 40
- Mighty 30
- Elemental aegis 20
- Hardy 20
- Preparation 20
This would max out the Warfare tree with all active and passive champion points at 520 spent 1,560 total spent.
Fitness Constellation Champion Points

Below are recommended Fitness Champion Point selections for the Beginner Magicka Templar PvE Build:
- Rejuvenation (slottable) 50
- Boundless vitality (slottable) 50
- Fortified (slottable) 50
- Sprinter 10
- Winder chaser – sub con – hasty 8
- Hero’s vigor 10
- Siphoning spells (slottable) 50
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 228 CP (684 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Hero’s vigor 10
- Tumbling 30
- Sprinter 10
- Defiance 20
- Hasty 8
- Tireless guardian 20
- Fortification 30
- Nimble 6
- Mystic tenacity 50
- Tempered soul 50
- Piercing gaze 30
- Savage defense 30
- Bashing brutality 20
This would max out the fitness tree with all active passive champion points at 542 cp spent 1,626 total spent
Craft Constellation Champion Points

Below are recommended Craft Champion Point selections for the Beginner Magicka Templar PvE Build:
- Steed’s blessing (slottable) – 50
- Breakfall 10
- Wanderer 15
- Steadfast 10
- Treasure hunter 50 (slottable)
- rationer (slottable) 30
- liquid efficiency (slottable) 75
This would be the bare minimum setup, spending 240CP (720 total required). The next step is to max out passives, that do not require a slottable but increase performance.
- Steadfast enchantment 40cp
- Breakfall 40 cp
- Wanderer 60
- Fortunes favor 50
- Friends in low places 25
- Out of sight 30
- Fleet of phantom 40
- Soul’s reservoir 33
- Gilded fingers 50
- Fortunes favor 40
- Inspiration boost 45
- Infamous 30
This would max out the crafting tree with all active passive champion points at 723 cp spent 2,169 total spent
Crown Refreshing Drink
FREE OPTION: these come from daily reward logins and are great starting out because you can get at level 1, carries your sustain. I wouldn’t recommend buying these, but if you get for free use this or the Crown Fortifying Meal.
Witchmother’s Brew
CHEAP: this is another level 1 drink you can get BUT you can also buy from traders or someone can give to you. I’d highly recommend saving up and getting some from the traders, Deshaan is typically the hub in ESO. Increase Max Magicka by 2856, Max Health by 3094, and Magicka Recovery by 315 for 2 hours. Ingredients Nightshade, Bervez Juice, Rice, Small Game
Chicken Breast
VENDOR: this is a level one option you can buy from the provisioning vendor and or you can learn recipe and make at low level. It gives a buff to health, but it’s better than nothing starting out.
Essence of Spell Power
BEST: These potions can be bought from traders or you can get PvP ones via Cyrodiil Vendor. They are best because they giving you important buffs for which you don’t need to slot an ability or use level Fighters Guild or Mages Guild. Until you get them, just use magicka “trash” pots the simple blue potions that you find throughout the world. Grants major sorcery with increases spell damage by 20% for 47.6 seconds. Grants major prophecy which grants you 2191 spell critical rating for 47.6 seconds. Restore 7582 magicka immediately. Grants you major intellect which increases your magicka recovery by 20% for 47.6. Potions have a 45 second cool down and make sure you have three points into medicinal use passive in alchemy crafting.
Build Summary – Beginner Magicka Templar PvE Build
Class: Templar
Race: Dark Elf
Attributes: 64 Magicka
Mundus Stone: Thief
Weapon One: Lightning Staff
Weapon Two: Restoration Staff
Armor Set 1: Armor of the Seducer
Armor Set 2: Armor of the Trainee
Weapons and Jewelry: Heartland Conqueror
Armor Weight: 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 5 Light
Skill Bar 1
- Puncturing Sweep
- Purifying Light
- Living Dark
- Elemental Drain
- Radiant Glory
- Crescent Sweep (Ultimate)
Skill Bar 2
- Channeled Focus
- Solar Barrage
- Harness Magicka
- Blazing Spear
- Honor The Dead
- Elemental Rage (Ultimate)
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