Learn about the Joxer’s Longsword God Roll for PVE and PVP content, the best perks, and how to get it in this Destiny 2 guide!

Joxer’s Longsword is a void heavy burst frame pulse rifle introduced during the Episode Heresy. The heavy burst archetype of pulse rifle was introduced in The Final Shape Expansion and is a great option in both PvE and PvP. The Joxer’s Longsword can be enhanced, granting it access to enhanced perks in Columns 3 and 4. Like most playlist weapons, Joxer’s Longsword has a huge perk pool which means it has several good traits but makes getting a specific one more difficult. In this guide, we will discuss the PvE and PvP god rolls and how to get the Joxer’s Longsword pulse rifle.
How to Get Joxer’s Longsword in Destiny 2
You obtain the Joxer’s Longsword from Crucible playlist activities and by turning in Crucible engrams at Lord Shaxx. As of Episode Heresy, the Joxer’s Longsword can be focused at Lord Shaxx for 1 Crucible Engram. You do not need to earn the weapon before you focus it.

What Is the Joxer’s Longsword God Roll in Destiny 2?
Since the Joxer’s Longsword is a playlist weapon, it has several great traits to choose from, making it have several great trait combinations. Landing on a singular god roll for these weapons is typically difficult as several options work well in any given situation. As such, the PvE god roll that we chose is a void synergistic combination that will work well and has a few variations. The PvP god roll lacks the better damage perk options but has great passive benefits and is worth looking at if you enjoy the heavy burst archetype.

PvE Joxer’s Longsword God Roll
The best perks for the Joxer’s Longsword PvE God Roll are Arrowhead Brake, Appended Mag, Repulsor Brace, and Withering Gaze. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Joxer’s Longsword PvE God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
- Magazine: Appended Mag
- Column 3 Trait: Repulsor Brace
- Column 4 Trait: Withering Gaze
- Masterwork: Reload Speed
- Origin Trait: Nadir Focus
- Weapon Mod: Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement
PvE Breakdown
Heavy Burst pulse rifles like the Joxer’s Longsword do some of the highest damage in PvE for pulse rifles. One of their few downsides is their limited magazine capacity which you can mitigate with magazine traits such as Appended Mag or a Back-up Mag mod. Joxer’s Longsword has a pretty consistent recoil pattern at base, so I don’t recommend taking any recoil correcting traits unless you take Arrowhead Brake as any other combination seems to make the recoil pattern worse overall. If you are good with the recoil pattern at base opt for Fluted Barrel instead. Nadir Focus is one of the best origin traits in the game as it simply grants several passive benefits just for firing the weapon.
The Joxer’s Longsword has so many great traits in its main two columns, so this god roll is very subjective. Void synergy is the name of the game with this weapon along with giving the weapon an added benefit of being able to debuff larger targets. Repulsor Brace grants a void overshield every time you kill a void debuffed target. Withering Gaze pairs nicely with this as you can weaken any target you hit just by waiting to fire for 1.5 seconds. This leads to a nice effect of allowing you to feed your Repulsor Brace shield by killing the targets you’ve weakened. Their are several other combinations that will work on this weapon and we have listed them briefly in the next section.
Other PvE Rolls of Note
- Rewind Rounds / One for All
- This is more for general add clearing purposes
- Dragonfly / Destabilizing Rounds
- This roll is for just setting up all the void explosions
- Repulsor Brace / Demoralize
- Does the same thing as the main roll but requires a kill to proc.
PvP Joxer’s Longsword God Roll
The best perks for the Joxer’s Longsword PvP God Roll are Corkscrew Rifling, Ricochet Rounds, Lone Wolf, and Swashbuckler. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon.
The following list is the best perks for the Joxer’s Longsword PvP God Roll in Destiny 2:
- Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Column 3 Trait: Lone Wolf
- Column 4 Trait: Swashbuckler
- Masterwork: Range
- Origin Trait: Field-Tested
- Weapon Mod: Ballistics
PvP Breakdown
Heavy Burst Pulse rifles are just as powerful in PvP as they are in PvE, and Joxer’s Longsword is no exception. With its fairly consistent recoil pattern, we can instead place everything we have into maxing its range. To get to max range the most effective traits to get are a Corkscrew Rifling barrel, Ricochet Rounds, and a Ballistics mod. This will max out your range at 100 maxing out your damage and accuracy fall off range.
Lone Wolf has quickly become one of the best traits for PvP as it grants passive benefits for just having it on. Those benefits double if you are alone and away from your fire team. In Column 4, we want something that improves our Time to Kill, so traits like Swashbuckler, Adrenaline Junkie, or even Desperado are great options for this. We opted for Swashbuckler as it is subjectively the easiest to activate, but your build and preference are going to determine which works best for you.
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