Discover everything you need to know about how to get a Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and all locations for bow early.

Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a powerful ranged weapon used for combat and hunting. This long-range tool is available to the player and becomes incredibly effective with practice. It is effective against unarmored enemies at a distance. Aim for the headshot for a one-hit kill in combat. The bow is useful for hunting animals such as deer, rabbits, and boars from a distance. However, the Bow can leave you vulnerable in close-range combat. The more you use a bow, the better your accuracy, draw speed, and steadiness. Arrows also vary in the game, so use Piercing Arrows for armored foes and ordinary Arrows for normal enemies and wild animals. Add poison to the arrows to deal damage over time in combat. In this guide, we’ll discuss how the bow works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and how to obtain a bow while progressing the game.
How Bow Works in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a ranged weapon that allows you to defeat enemies or hunt animals from a safe distance. This weapon is excellent for stealth or ranged combat but is difficult in close quarters. You cannot block with a bow, making you vulnerable if enemies get too close. You need to aim for a headshot for maximum damage. Your stamina drains when you draw a bow.
Your aim becomes shaky when your stamina depletes. Open your inventory by pressing “I” and equip both a bow and compatible arrows. Hold RMB to draw the bow and release the RMB to shoot. Keep in mind that there is no crosshair, so you need to aim by judging the trajectory based on the arrow’s alignment.
Practice using the bow to enhance your archery skill, improving the draw speed. You can master the archery by hunting down the wild animals using the bow. Hunting animals helps refine your accuracy without risking combat encounters. Once you progress through the game, upgrade to the better bows and arrows for improved damage. You can also use combat perks to enhance the effectiveness of the bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. You can invest in perks like Bowyer to enhance the bow capabilities.
- Bows- Bows and Crossbows that you repair yourself with the Bowyers kit are 10% more powerful. Thus your shots will fly farther and have more penetration.
- Master Fletcher- Your arrows and bolts have better ballistic properties, so they fly faster, travel farther, and have more penetration.
- Heartseeker II- If you hit your target in the chest, your shot will deal a total of 25% more damage. Shots to the heart from behind will also trigger this effect.
- Poison Specialist II- When using a dose of poison on arrows, you can poison more of them, and it lasts longer on your weapon.
How To Acquire a Bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The bow is acquired as a reward for completing the Archery training in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Go through all the objectives of The Jaunt quest to complete your training. You will obtain an Ash Huntin Bow along with the Ordinary Arrows from a fallen bandit after you defeat him in combat. You can even purchase the bow from the weaponsmith. These merchants are scattered all around the world, so find them and interact to buy your preferred bow. Some fallen enemies also have a bow that you can get easily by looting them.
Purchase Bow from Carpenter

The carpenters are all scattered around the world allowing you to purchase bows and arrows using the Groschen. You can find multiple carpenters in the game, so interact with them to get the bow initial stages of the game. The Troskowitz Carpenter sells the Dogwood Village Bow, Village Elm Bow, and Village Hazel Bow. You need arrows for the bow, so you can also get a Crude Arrow from the carpenter. This is an easy method to acquire the bow but you need to spend your gold in order to get this weapon.
Get LongBow from Trosky Castle

Make your way to the Trosky Castle to get the bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Approach the Archery range and interact with the NPC over there. Select the “Trade” option during the dialogue. You can acquire the Hazel longbow using the Groschen. The Hazel longbow is made of young hazelwood. While it may not be the strongest longbow, it can still handle small game or the occasional cheeky bandit. You can also get your hand on the Long-range and Ordinary arrows for your bow. The Long-range arrow is modified fletching designed for better accuracy at long range. You can haggle for the best price of the bow or arrow you want to buy.
How to Get a Bow Early from the Archery Competition

The archery competition allows you to acquire the early-access bow. You need some Groschen to get into this competition. Move to the eastern side of the map in the Trosky region. Keep moving until you find the lakes by the forest. Look for a house on the hill to the west of the lakes. Move to the back of the house from there and locate a young man and an archery range. Speak with the Skill Teacher and tell him that you’re looking forward to taking part in the competition. Choose the bow or crossbow that you want for the competition. There are three different difficulty levels for the competition.
- Beginners
- Experienced Archers
- Masters
You need to hit the targets with three shots. You will gain Groschen and bow when you beat the score of the opponent in a competition. Be patient when firing a bow as it’s not recommended to fire while your aim is swaying around.
Bow Mechanics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Explained

The Bow is the best weapon while in stealth mode. It is crucial for adding versatility to your kit as it can distract enemies, allowing you to defeat enemies that aren’t isolated. You can use this weapon to kill enemies without exposing yourself in combat. Also, you can headshot with the Bow when your skill with this weapon is leveled up. You can use this weapon not only during combat but also when hunting wild animals in the world. Deer is a fast animal in KCD 2 that has high senses, so it’s best to use this weapon outside the combat. You must have arrows equipped in your ammunition slot to shoot.
You can take out archers and ranged enemies before getting into close combat. Engage with the enemies from higher ground or behind cover, allowing you to control the battlefield. The Bow allows you to attack silently, which is great for stealth tactics. Mastering the archery can make you a formidable force.
Ordinary arrows are best used with the Hunting Bow for ranged combat. It offers a balance between cost, damage, and availability. However, it is ineffective against heavy plate armour. Add poison to your arrows to deal damage over time. Level up your bow skills and practice headshots as much as you can. Make sure you’ve leveled up and have the best abilities before equipping the Hunting Bow.
The order for using the bow at hunting is to aim, draw, and release. Participating in an archery contest and shooting at the target helps increase your marksmanship techniques just like shooting wild animals. You can several parks to draw a bow for longer with steadier aim and improved accuracy. At high levels, you even have a slight zoom when you draw your bow to help you aim better.
Best Combat Skills for Bow

Combat stat in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a key stat that represents your overall proficiency in melee fighting. Focus on varied combat techniques to improve your combat skills for Bow. Bandits provide experience and when Combat Skill levels up you gain access to several perks. Here are the best combat skills for Hunting Bow.
- Steady Aim- If you don’t move for 2 or more seconds while aiming, your stamina will drain 20% slower, and your shot will be 15% stronger.
- Hal Shot First- Your first shot will do 15% more damage. The perk will be active again after the end of the fight in which it was used or in one minute if no fight took place.
- Salvo- After you shoot, you get a short-term buff during which you reload and aim faster. So you can also shoot faster and if you do it in time, you’ll regain the buff with each shot.
- Crippling Shot- If you deal damage to an enemy with a ranged weapon, their stamina will recover more slowly and their combat ability will be reduced.
Bow Tips and Tricks in KCD2
Here are the tips and tricks for using a bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
- It’s best to practice with stationary targets to get familiar with where arrows land.
- Aim for the head in combat for quick takedowns.
- Draw your bow only when you’re ready to shoot as holding it too long drains stamina.
- Hunt animals like deer and rabbits in the world for practice.
- Move into stealth mode and shoot from cover. You can also crouch to maintain a lower profile.
- Use Piercing Arrows for armored enemies and Ordinary Arrows for unarmored targets.
- Use perks to enhance the capabilities of a bow to deal maximum damage.
- Hide behind trees to stay out of sight while hunting with a bow.
- Early game bows are inaccurate, so upgrade to a stronger bow as soon as you can.
- It’s best to get into the habit of releasing the arrow as soon as possible as your bow is fully drawn.
FAQs about Bows in KCD2
What is Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a ranged weapon that allows you to defeat enemies or hunt animals from a safe distance. This weapon is excellent for stealth or ranged combat but is difficult in close quarters.
How to Obtain Bow in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
The bow is obtained by completing the Archery training in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Complete the objective of the Jaunt quest and you will obtain the bow from the dead bandit after a fight.
Which is the best perk to use for Bows in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
Master Fletcher is the best perk to use for bows because your arrows and bolts have better ballistic properties, so they fly faster, travel farther, and have more penetration.
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