Welcome to our Destiny 2 No Survivors God Roll and How to Get guide.

No Survivors is an Aggressive Frame Sub machine gun. This Weapon does high damage and has high recoil. If you are looking for a Good smg to farm that is Comparable to the Trials Immortal than look no further as this smg has a location where it can be picked up from.
Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides
Why You Should Get the No Survivors Submachine Gun
No Survivors is a super strong smg that can compete with the Trials Immortal smg. This weapon has super strong traits in PvE. The traits that this weapon can roll with allow it to reload by throwing your grenade and give grenade energy. Some other perks include AOE explosions with every kill. This weapon is an absolute monster in PvP. This gun can roll with the same traits as Immortal That allows it to do increased damage with sustained damage and extra range while ADS.
How to get No Survivors God Roll in Destiny 2
To get No Survivors in Destiny 2, players will need to own the Dungeon Pass released alongside the Lightfall Expansion and play the Ghost of the Deep Dungeon.. Players can earn the No Survivors in any of the three encounters in the dungeon or from the two hidden chest once it is unlocked in collections.

PvE No Survivors God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | High-Caliber Rounds |
Column 3 Trait | Demolitionist |
Column 4 Trait | Incandescent |
Origin Trait | Restoration Ritual |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Minor Spec |
Barrel: For our Barrel we want to use Hammer-Forged Rifling. This barrel adds a solid +10 to the weapons range. This stat boost will help you with killing enemies at longer ranges. Fighting enemies with an smg is great and being able to keep some distance from enemies will keep you safe.
Magazine: In our Magazine slot we want to have High-Caliber Rounds. High-Caliber Rounds Provide a slight range increase and comes with a hidden bonus. When you shoot a red health with High-Caliber Rounds they will instantly flinch. If an enemy is flinching they will not be able to shoot back at you.
Column 3 Trait: For our 1st trait we want to put Demolitionist here. Demolitionist will give you some grenade energy with every kill. This trait will also reload your gun when you throw a grenade. If you love running a solar grenade build than this weapon will be your go to.
Column 4 Trait: In our final trait spot we will be using Incandescent. Incandescent is a strong perk that when you kill an enemy they explode and will spread scorch to nearby targets. This will help you with clearing rooms full of enemies.
Origin Trait: Reviving allies or defeating combatants with finishers reloads this weapon and readies an emergency reload for the next time this weapon runs out of ammo.
Masterwork: For your masterwork you want Range. Range will help you kill enemies at longer ranges.
Mods: In our mod slot we want to use Minor Spec. This weapon was designed to kill weaker enemies so lets enforce that by buffing the damage we do to them.
Conclusion: This weapon is great at killing weaker enemies. If you want a fast firing smg and could not acquire a good solar one than this weapon will solve your problems. The location where this weapon drops allows you to farm for it easy knowing that is has an official location where to go and get it. This weapon is best used in close range encounters.
PvP No Survivors God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | Ricochet Rounds |
Column 3 Trait | Rangefinder |
Column 4 Trait | Target Lock |
Origin Trait | Restoration Ritual |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Counterbalance Stock |
Barrel: For our Barrel we want to use Hammer-Forged Rifling. This barrel adds a solid +10 to the weapons range. This stat boost will help you with killing enemies at longer ranges. In Crucible you want to outrange people with this weapon.
Magazine: In our Magazine slot you want to have Ricochet Rounds. Ricochet Rounds gives the gun extra range and stability. The bullets fired from this gun will also be able to bounce off walls. The Increased range and stability will help you with killing at long range.
Column 3 Trait: For our 1st trait we will be using Rangefinder. While you aim with this weapon you gain a slight increase to your zoom and a huge increase to your range. This range increase will help with damage falloff so you can deal full damage at longer ranges. This gun is still an smg so do not treat it like a scout rifle when fighting people at those ranges.
Column 4 Trait: In our final trait spot we want to use Target Lock. Target Lock deals increases the damage of this weapon while it remains on a target. You need to hold that trigger without stopping to get this buff. The damage buff will leave when you miss a bullet or choose a new enemy to fight.
Origin Trait: Reviving allies or defeating combatants with finishers reloads this weapon and readies an emergency reload for the next time this weapon runs out of ammo.
Masterwork: For your masterwork you want Range. Range will help you kill enemies at longer ranges.
Mods: In your mod slot you want to use Counterbalance Stock. This will set your recoil direction to 100 meaning that when the gun fires it will recoil upwards vertically with no horizontal shift.
Conclusion: This gun is just like the Immortal smg that drops from Trials of Osiris. The good thing about No Survivors is that it drops from a PvE environment. This will help you not to deal with playing Trials of Osiris and give you a great weapon to use in PvP while playing PvE. The adept version of the Immortal will still outrange No Survivors slightly because of the adept bonuses. This gun is still a monster in PvP despite the fact that it does not have an adept version.
More Destiny 2 Weapon Guides and Builds
Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 No Survivors God Roll Guide. Keep in mind this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).
I play every aspect of MMO, Solo, PvP and PvE. If you want to see more of Destiny 2 or ESO, consider watching me live on Twitch or Youtube. Also, we regularly post Destiny 2 news builds and Seasonal and Weapon God Rolls guides.