Welcome to our Destiny 2 Spare Rations God Roll and How to Get Guide. The Spare Rations is an Adaptive Frame Kinetic Hand Cannon that can be obtained as a drop from the fishing activity or focused at the Sonar Station introduced during the Season of the Deep.

Spare Rations is an old Reckoning weapon that was absolutely god tier in PvP; however, it is no longer the Best in Class weapon it used to be. Hand Cannons hold a unique place in Destiny’s sandbox, being good at everything but not the best at anything. They are a favorite in PvP but tend to be outclassed in PvE.
Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides
Why You Should Get the Spare Rations Hand Cannon
You should get Spare Rations Hand Cannon because its an old favorite and performs decently in PvP. While it no longer is in its glory days, it still feels nice to use. Here’s our list of why you should get the Spare Rations Hand Cannon:
- Fan Favorite
- Decent PvP weapon
How to get Spare Rations God Roll in Destiny 2
To get Spare Rations in Destiny 2, players will need to own Season of the Deep and complete the introductory mission. After this players should complete the first few steps of the “Into the Deep” Mission and that will unlock the Tackle Box to allow for fishing. Reckoning Weapons can be earned by fishing and turning in the fish caught at the HELM.
You can also focus the Deep Engrams that you earn at the Sonar Station found in the HELM as well if you have the Deep Weapon Focusing Sonar Station Upgrade. The upgrades and how to unlock them are found in the Seasonal challenges menu. Once you have earned a weapon and unlocked it in your collections, provided you have the upgrade, you can focus that specific weapon from the Deep Engram Decoding menu at the Sonar Station.

PvE Spare Rations God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | Flared Magwell |
Column 3 Trait | Rapid Hit |
Column 4 Trait | Kinetic Tremors |
Origin Trait | Disaster Plan |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Minor Spec |
Barrel: Hand Cannons hurt for range, so really any barrel perk that adds to that is decent here.
Magazine: Reload speed is very important on a primary weapon that can’t get a large magazine size. While you can opt to increase it with Appended or Tactical Mag, Flared Magwell helps generally better than an extra bullet or two.
Column 3 Trait: Rapid Hit is honestly the only perk in this column that is decent for PvE. Subsistence might seem like a decent choice, but its less effective on hand cannons than it is on other weapon types.
Column 4 Trait: Kinetic Tremors is a useful perk when going up against enemies that don’t die in one shot.
Origin Trait: A more niche passive benefit.
Masterwork: Again hand cannons need all the range they can get so the choice is easy.
Mods: Minor spec helps take care of rank and file combatants and is great for hand cannons due to their lesser ammo capacity.
Conclusion: This weapon is just not the best for PvE. Hand Cannons are already a more niche choice for PvE, and this one is worse than a lot of other options. Its only saving grace is that it rolls with Kinetic Tremors and even that doesn’t lift it too far up.
PvP Spare Rations God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | Ricochet Rounds |
Column 3 Trait | Rapid Hit |
Column 4 Trait | Opening Shot |
Origin Trait | Disaster Plan |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Targeting Adjuster |
Barrel: Bump up the range over everything. Hammer-Forged does this with no downsides.
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds is another easy range boost.
Column 3 Trait: Rapid Hit is still a great option for PvP. There are a lot of other options here that will work as well that may be better depending on playstyle such as Snapshot Sights, Slideshot, and Moving Target.
Column 4 Trait: Opening Shot is just an awesome perk for PvP, but Kill Clip and Swashbuckler are also great options to get the Time to Kill up on this weapon. There are just a lot of good options on this weapon.
Origin Trait: This niche benefit will just be to inconsistent in PvP to make it worth trying to work around.
Masterwork: Again hand cannons need all the range they can get so the choice is easy.
Mods: In PvP, Targeting Adjuster is an easy choice especially on hand cannons.
Conclusion: Spare Rations has a lot of options for PvP, but its just not nearly as good as it used to be back during Season of the Drifter. That being said it is worth grabbing one with your preferred PvP combo. It also has a lot of options for different playstyles with its only downside as being relatively hard or expensive to obtain.
More Destiny 2 Weapon Guides and Builds
Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 Spare Rations God Roll Guide. Keep in mind this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).
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