Welcome to our Destiny 2 The Messenger God Roll and How to Get guide. The Messenger is a High-Impact Frame Pulse rifle that shoots slow but has high damage. This weapons was reintroduced in season 21 with a whole new perk lets dive in and see the God Roll.

Related: All God Roll Weapons Guides
Why You Should Get the Messenger Pulse Rifle
The Messenger is a very strong Pulse rifle in both PvE and PvP. pulse rifles have been meta for a long time do to their damage falloff and range in both aspects of the game. This gun has the luxury of rolling with perks that can increase its damage and Rounds per Minute. If you shoot faster you can kill your targets before they can fight back.
How to get The Messenger God Roll in Destiny 2
The Messenger can be obtained from any Trials of Osiris Reward source, which includes the Weekly challenges for winning 7 matches and winning rounds. It can also randomly drop from Trials engrams. The Messenger (Adept) can only be earned by completing a flawless Trials of Osiris Passage by winning 7 matches without losing. Once the weapon has been earned you can focus it at Saint-14 for Trials Engrams, Glimmer, and Legendary Shards. The Adept version can only be focused on the Weeks it is the weekly Flawless reward and only with a 7 win Passage.

PvE The Messenger God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Smallbore |
Magazine | Armor-Piercing Rounds |
Column 3 Trait | Rapid Hit |
Column 4 Trait | Kinetic Tremors |
Origin Trait | Alacrity |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Major Spec |
Barrel: For our barrel we want smallbore. Smallbore provides us with extra range and stability. Having good range and stability will help you land headshots and have less damage falloff when fighting enemies at a distance.
Magazine: In our magazine slot we want to use Armor-Piercing Rounds. Armor-Piercing Rounds provide a slight buff to your range and can do bonues damage to enemy shields. This bonus damage to shields can affect barrier champions so long as you are either Radiant or the anti-barrier mod for the season is for pulse rifles.
Column 3 Trait: In this slot, you want Rapid Hit. Landing a headshot Grants 1 Stack of Rapid Hit, which improves Reload Speed and Stability for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5x. You will have 0 recoil problems and insane reload speed with this trait.
Column 4 Trait: For this slot, you want to have Kinetic Tremors. Landing multiple kits on a target will cause a huge AOE explosion around that target that does tons of damage to enemies. This will help you Destroy enemies with big health bars that you do not want to waste a super or a heavy weapon on.
Origin Trait: Gain increased reload, stability, aim assist, and range when you are the last living member of your fireteam or running solo.
Masterwork: For your Masterwork you want to have a boost to the range stat. Having a high range stat will make it so that you can shoot at longer ranges not lose too much damage when going over the guns range limit.
Mods: Your mod will be Major spec. This does increased damage to orange health enemies and Champions.
Conclusion: This gun is great in PvE with the perks it can roll. The Messengers main drawback is that you have to play Trials of Osiris a 3v3 crucible game mode that is not worth the grind. If you do end up playing Trials of Osiris and get this gun to drop with these perks feel free to keep it because there are not that many High-Impact frame pulse rifles that drop from pve with Kinetic tremors.
PvP The Messenger God Roll

Slot | Trait |
Barrel | Hammer-Forged Rifling |
Magazine | High-Caliber Rounds |
Column 3 Trait | Rapid Hit |
Column 4 Trait | Desperado |
Origin Trait | Alacrity |
Masterwork | Range |
Mod | Targeting Adjuster |
Barrel: For our barrel we want Hammer-Forged Rifling. Hammer-Forged Rifling Provides us with a Huge +10 Bonus to our range. Having a high range stat in PvP will help you win fights and know that you have the range advantage.
Magazine: In the spot here we want High-Caliber Rounds. In PvP High-Caliber Rounds provides you with a small increase to range and you bullets will flinch opponents harder. Flinching your enemies will make it so that they miss their shots will they are aiming down sights.
Column 3 Trait: In this slot, you want Rapid Hit. Landing a headshot Grants 1 Stack of Rapid Hit, which improves Reload Speed and Stability for 2 seconds and stacks up to 5x. You will have 0 recoil problems and insane reload speed with this trait. This is great in PvP so you can be ready to for the next fight after a kill or even reload before you get closer to your enemy.
Column 4 Trait: For this spot we want the Trait Desperado. Desperado will do this: Reloading after a precision final blow increases your rate of fire. Having a Higher RPM on a Slow firing pulse will help you kill your enemies faster. This Trait last for 6 seconds so be mindful of that. You can refresh the trait so long as you get another headshot final blow within the 6 seconds.
Origin Trait: Gain increased reload, stability, aim assist, and range when you are the last living member of your fireteam or running solo.
Masterwork: For your Masterwork you want to have a boost to the range stat. Having a high range stat will make it so that you can shoot at longer ranges not lose too much damage when going over the guns range limit.
Mods: For your Masterwork you want to have a boost to the range stat. Having a high range stat will make it so that you can shoot at longer ranges not lose too much damage when going over the guns range limit.
Conclusion: This gun is a Monster in PvP. Being able to increase your RPM on a slow firing gun with no drawbacks is very strong. If you enjoy Playing Trials of Osiris Consider Going Flawless to get the adept version that allows you to place adept mods. The adept version of this gun provides small stat increase all around. Do not let the adept version misguide you the regular version of the gun is still a great PvP weapon.
More Destiny 2 Weapon Guides and Builds
Thank you for reading our Destiny 2 The Messenger God Roll Guide. Keep in mind this weapon will work with any class (Hunter, Titan, Warlock), any subclass (Solar, Void, Stasis, Arc, Strand) and any PvE (Strikes, Nightfalls, Lost Sectors, Vanguard Operation, Dungeons, Raids) and PvP Mode in Destiny 2 (Crucible, Gambit, Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner).
I play every aspect of MMO, Solo, PvP and PvE. If you want to see more of Destiny 2 or ESO, consider watching me live on Twitch or Youtube. Also, we regularly post Destiny 2 news builds and Seasonal and Weapon God Rolls guides.