Explore the optimal weapons, armor, perks, mods, and gameplay tips for the Void Warlock PvP Build in Destiny 2.

Updated June 19, 2024: Destiny 2: The Final Shape and Update has many crucial changes. The new expansion brings a new subclass, Salvation’s Edge raid, with new weapons and gear, a power level increase, new exotic gear, and – never seen before – exotic class items. Also, the new base game update includes many class and weapon balance changes that influenced the Destiny 2 builds and meta.
Why Should You Play Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build?
You should play Void Warlock in PvP because the synergy of your abilities creates minimal downtime to utilize them from engagement to engagement.
The Void Warlock PvP build in Destiny 2 allows you to control the battlefield by strategically utilizing your abilities to weaken your opponents with your Void abilities. The Void Warlock inside of PvP can be used to control an area such as a control point or objective to ensure your team has the upper hand for each engagement. The Warlock Void Aspect, Child of the Old Gods, is perfect for area control by not only traveling to where your opponent is at, even if they are behind cover but also siphoning their energy from them and transferring it back to you. When using this Aspect, it ensures the downtime of your abilities is minimal.
In addition to the Child of the Old Gods’ capabilities to drain energy from your opponents and transfer it back to you, the other Aspect that will be utilized is Feed the Void. This Aspect gives you grenade energy back on each kill, along with restoring your health and resetting the Devour timer. Devour is a great Warlock Void ability that allows you to engage multiple targets due to the health restoration on kills and minimizing downtime for your grenades to secure defeats.
Let us continue on our Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build guide.
Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build Build

The following list presents all the essential Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build Mechanics and Features in Destiny 2:
- Subclass: Void
- Primary Stat: Recovery
- Super: Nova Bomb – Cataclysm
- Class Ability: Healing Rift
- Jump: Burst Glide
- Grenade: Scatternade
- Melee: Pocket Singularity
- Aspects: Child of the Old Gods
- Fragments: Echo of Obscurity, Leeching, Expulsion, and Exchange
The Void Warlock PvP build relies on its abilities and how they all can tie together to secure the defeat.
Nova Bomb: Cataclysm – Nova Bomb travels slowly and seeks enemies. Detonations shatter into smaller seeker projectiles. Fire your weapon at the Nova Bomb to detonate it early. – Enemies can destroy this but it has insane tracking. Will destroy a Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance. All super ability kills activate and extend devour. Flex: NOVA BOMB: CATACLYSM Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at a target, disintegrating those caught within its blast. Nova Bomb creates a singularity that pulls targets inward and continually damages those trapped inside. Can Destroy Titan Ward and those inside. Flex 2: NOVA WARP Step between dimensions to subvert the laws of psychics. Press sprint binding to teleport a short distance. Hold and release to unleash a deadly void eruption. – Great If you want multi kills however all roaming supers have longer cooldowns.
Healing Rift – Conjure a well of power that continuously heals those inside it. Pop your rift just before going around a corner, you can use the 3rd person view to see who is around the corner, and have cover while popping your rift
Burst Glide – Jump while airborne to activate Glide and start an airborne drift with a strong initial boost of speed. This is great for Warlock skating. You can flex to Blink but be careful as it is hard to master. I advise using Blink with Exotic Helmet Astrocyte Verse
Scatter Grenade – A grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with multiple explosions. Great for initiating a 1v2 situation, direct hits will defeat a Guardian. Paried with Echo of Expulsion Fragment, will injury anyone within 2m radius. Flex: Vortex Grenade: A grenade that creates a Vortex that pulls targets inward and continually damages those trapped inside. Great for area control or to keep enemies off of objectives. Flex 2: Axion Bolt: A bolt of Void light that forks on impact into smaller bolts that seek out targets. – Great for 1v1’s and holding a position
Pocket Singularity – Launch an unstable ball of Void energy that detonates when it nears a target, pushing them away from the blast and making them volatile. Great for stopping those Aggressive shotgun players that get to close.
The best Aspects are Child of the Old Gods and Feed the Void. They pair well together because you can control the battlefield while synergizing your abilities.
Child of the Old Gods – Cast your rift to create a Void Soul. When you damage a target with a weapon, your Void Soul flies to them and drains them, doing damage and weakening them. When a target is being drained, you are granted grenade and melee energy (if running healing rift) or health (if running empowering rift). Defeating a target who is being drained by your Void Soul grants class ability energy. When your Void Soul deals damage, it restores either melee and grenade energy (if running Healing Rift), or health (if running Empowering Rift) back to you. Defeating an enemy who is being drained grants Rift energy. Warlock main class ability is rift that will have a low cooldown so long as you are running high recovery stat.
Feed the Void – Defeat a target with a Void ability to activate Devour. While Devour is active, final blows restore health and extend Devour. This works with all your void abilities.
The best Fragments to run for the Void Warlock are Echo of Expulsion, Obscurity, Leeching, and Exchange. They provide an additional tier for stats and allow for multiple benefits for melee kills.
Echo of Expulsion : Void ability final blows cause targets to explode. +10 Intellect
Echo of Obscurity : Finisher final blows grant Invisibility. +10 Recovery This fragment is solo used to add +10 Recovery
Echo of Leeching : Melee Final blows start health regeneration for you and nearby allies +10 Resilience
Echo of Exchange : Melee final blows greant grenade energy
The best weapon combination with the Void Warlock PvP Build is an Igneous Hammer and Conditional Finality. Since these provide the best utility for both good close-range and mid-range engagements. Also, Hand Cannon and Shotgun is one of the highest skill gap weapon combinations and is often preferred by veteran players or those participating in high levels of PVP content.

Weapon Combinations
Below are some additional weapon combinations for our Void Warlock PvP Build:
- Hand Cannon & Fusion Rifle – Best for good aimers
- Submachine Gun & Sniper Rifle – Best for aggressive players
- Pulse Rifle and Shotgun – Best for passive players
If you wish to run a different weapon combination, we highly recommend at least running a primary ammo weapon and a special ammo weapon. Running two special weapons will limit your ammo and is not functional. Even though utilizing two primary weapons is doable, you will be at a massive disadvantage due to the strength of special ammo weapons.
Hand Cannon & Fusion Rifle

While not as iconic as the hand cannon and shotgun meta that ruled Destiny 2 for many years, the hand cannon and fusion rifle combo is lethal. You benefit from mid-range engagements with your hand cannon and close-range bursts with your fusion rifle. This combination is potent for guardians who like the high skill gap of hand cannons, and it provides an easier-to-use special weapon with the Fusion Rifle.
Submachine Gun & Sniper Rifle

With close-range and long-range engagements taken care of with this pairing, however, playing very aggressively with this combination is recommended. With a submachine gun, you are lethal at close ranges, allowing you to contest most weapons within short range. A sniper rifle lets you clear a lane and push up towards your enemies.
Pulse Rifle & Shotgun

This pairing allows for both long-range and close-range to be secured. Pulse Rifles can out-range most hand cannons while providing a very easy-to-use weapon, so they work well with more passive players. Shotguns provide one-shot potential when getting rushed by enemy players that push your position.
Exotic Armor

Necrotic Grips and Astrocyte Verse are the best exotic armor for the Void Warlock PvP build. Necrotic Grips pair with your Weapons of Sorrow, allowing you to spread poison from enemy to enemy. Astrocyte Verse gives you the versatility and mobility to engage quickly and disengage when exiting a fight. This is for more aggressive players.
Necrotic Grip – Option 1 Damaging combatants posions them, dealing increasing damage over time. Defeating a poisoned combatant spreads the condition. Provides a moderate benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of all Weapons of Sorrow. (Thorn and Osteo Striga)
Astrocyte Verse – Option 2 Blink further and move frequently, causing targets near you to become volatile. Weapon readies quickly out of Blink and radar remains up. While your Nova Warp Super is active, Dark Blink does not cost Super Energy. Provides a moderate benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of all weapons.
Armor Stats
The stat priority for the Warlock is going to be Recovery. It is the stat that is tied to your class ability. Here’s a list of the best stat priority for the Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build:
- Mobility: 20
- Resilience: 50
- Recovery: 100
- Discipline: 70
- Intellect: 70
- Strength: 70
Armor Mods
You want to achieve Tier 10 Recovery first, then add to other stats if you are able to. I suggest Targeting for helmet, Fastball and Loader for arms, Unflinching for chest, Holster and Innervation for legs, and triple bomber for class item
Slot | Mod | Mod | Mod |
Head | Arc Targeting | – | Kinetic Targeting |
Arms | Fastball | Kinetic Dexterity | – |
Chest | Unflinching Kinetic Aim | Unflinching Harmonic Aim | – |
Legs | Recuperation | Innervation | Orbs of Restoration |
Class | Reaper | Distribution | Distribution |
Gameplay Tips
The Void Warlock PvP build is built around your abilities and how they synergize together to keep minimal downtime while constantly healing yourself to stay in the fight during 1v2 or even 1v3 situations. You will want to play a bit passive to gauge where the enemy will go. In control, pick a good spot to see where enemies would most likely funnel into while going to the objective. Popping your rift behind some cover where the actual rift is exposed just outside of it, will not only give you constant healing but also cover if you lose too much health. You will also conjure your Child of the Old Gods to track and siphon the first enemy you shoot. This gives you an ability energy back that you may have used already in a previous fight.
Osteo Striga rounds have to find their target; pre-firing around the corner before engaging allows the rounds to have less travel time to the enemy, allowing for the poison to sink in and disperse when you get the kill. From your Necrotic Grip, that poison will transfer from enemy to enemy, weakening them and allowing you to clean up the next defeat easily. Use your melee to knock back any unwanting shotgun rushers and make them Volatile; you can finish them off with an easy grenade to proc Devour. With Devour, every defeat will give you grenade energy and health back. Pairing this with Osteo Striga and its poison ability, you will spread poison and devour all of your opponents.
Build Summary – Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP
Below is a complete summary of stats, weapons, mods, abilities, and fragments for the Void Warlock PvP Build for Destiny 2:
- Nova Bomb Cataclysm (Super)
- Healing Rift
- Burst Glide
- Scatter Grenade
- Pocket Singularity
- Child of the Old Gods
- Feed the Void
- Echo of Obscurity
- Echo of Leeching
- Echo of Expulsion
- Echo of Exchange
Weapon Combinations
- Hand Cannon & Fusion Rifle – Best for good aimers
- Submachine Gun & Sniper Rifle – Best for aggressive players
- Pulse Rifle and Shotgun – Best for passive players
Head Mods
- Recovery Mod
- Arc Targeting
- Kinetic Targeting
Arm Mods
- Recovery Mod
- Fast Ball
- Kinetic Dexterity
Chest Mods
- Resilience Mod
- Unflinching Kinetic Aim
- Unflinching Arc Aim
Leg Mods
- Recovery Mod
- Recuperation
- Innervation
- Orbs of Restoration
Class Mods
- Recovery Mod
- Reaper
- Distribution
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Thank you for reading the Destiny 2 Void Warlock PvP Build Guide. This guide was created in collaboration with Buzz the Bartender. We provide the latest news and create guides for Destiny 2. Also, watch him play games on Twitch or visit his YouTube channel!