Genshin Impact: Charlotte Ascension and Talent Materials

Here’s a list of every material you require for Ascension and Talent upgrades for Charlotte in Genshin Impact.

Charlotte is an excellent support character (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Charlotte is an excellent support character (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Charlotte was added as a playable character in Genshin Impact in its 4.2 update. She is a 4-star Hydro catalyst who focuses on teamwide healing. In Fontaine, she works as a relentless journalist for the newspaper The Steambird. Her role as a journalist is also reflected in her playstyle, where she uses a camera to snap pictures of enemies to damage them.

Charlotte is a great healer despite being only a 4-star character. Her burst can provide partywide healing and also keeps on healing the on-field character, which can greatly benefit your main DPS. However, you need to first level up Charlotte and also upgrade her talents so that she can provide ample healing during fights.

This guide has listed all the materials you will need to level up Charlotte’s Ascension and talents in Genshin Impact.

Charlotte Ascension Materials

Her healing can rival some other 5-star characters (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Her healing can rival some other 5-star characters (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Leveling up a character to level 90 is no easy task. You first have to spend a lot of time collecting materials such as Mora, local specialties, enemy items, and even boss drops. Players can have a hard time keeping track of all the materials they will need. Therefore, we have listed everything that you will need to complete all of Charlotte’s Ascension.

LevelMora RequiredBoss DropsOther Materials
2020,000Not Needed1x Shivada Jade Sliver
3x Meshing Gear
3x Beryl Conch
4040,0002x Tourbillon Device3x Shivada Jade Fragment
15x Meshing Gear
10x Beryl Conch
5060,0004x Tourbillon Device6x Shivada Jade Fragment
12x Mechanical Spur Gear
20x Beryl Conch
6080,0008x Tourbillon Device3x Shivada Jade Chunk
18x Mechanical Spur Gear
30x Beryl Conch
70100,00012x Tourbillon Device6x Shivada Jade Chunk
12x Artificed Dynamic Gear
45x Beryl Conch
80120,00020x Tourbillon Device6x Shivada Jade Gemstone
24x Artificed Dynamic Gear
60x Beryl Conch
TOTAL420,00046x Tourbillon Device1x Shivada Jade Sliver
9x Shivada Jade Fragment
9x Shivada Jade Chunk
6x Shivada Jade Gemstone
18x Meshing Gear
30x Mechanical Spur Gear
36x Artificed Dynamic Gear
168x Beryl Conch

Charlotte Talent Materials

Upgrade her elemental skill first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)
Upgrade her elemental skill first (Image via miHoYo | HoYoverse)

Just leveling up Charlotte won’t increase her healing amount. You also need to upgrade her combat talents, which will significantly increase her usefulness. There are a total of three talents that you can upgrade up to level 10. 

Here are all the materials you will need to upgrade all three of her combat talents to their maximum level:

  • 18x Meshing Gear
  • 66x Mechanical Gear Spur
  • 93x Artificed Dynamic Gear
  • 9x Teachings of Justice
  • 63x Guide to Justice
  • 114x Philosophies of Justice
  • 18x Lightless Silk String
  • 3x Crown of Insight
  • 4,957,500 Mora

We recommend that players first focus on her elemental skill. She can apply Cryo on enemies while also healing them with only her skill. Next, you should upgrade her elemental burst for that extra healing when you need it. Lastly, upgrade her basic attack due to its very low usage during battles.

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