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Hogwarts Legacy Multiplayer Mod Coming

Welcome to the “Hogwarts Legacy Multiplayer Mod Coming” article. Since the first announcement of the new RPG game set in the Harry Potter universe, most of us have asked: Is Hogwarts Legacy Multiplayer? Will the players be able to explore and experience the game with friends?

Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive, open-world action RPG set in the world introduced in the Harry Potter books. It’s quite easily one of the 2023 most highly-anticipated games. The story takes place at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 1800s. Players can create their own Wizard or Witch and explore the magical open world, attend classes, fly on magical creatures, fight casting spells, make potions and much more.

Is Hogwarts Legacy multiplayer coming soon?

It was disappointing for many players, but Hogwarts Legacy isn’t Multiplayer. Hogwarts Legacy is a Single-player RPG game focused on exploration and adventure. The game developer Avalanche Software Studio officially confirmed that Hogwarts Legacy wouldn’t have any co-op or cooperative features either. But that has not stopped it from becoming a best-selling game.

Today, we learned that a small The Together Team, creator of the Skyrim Together mod, has released a video showcasing an early development of Hogwarts Multiplayer. The video showcases the build of HogWarp of two players exploring Hogwarts Legacy together. This is not available yet, but The Together Team has a Patreon and supporters will receive early access to HogWarp. The video shows that there is still a long way before the modification will be playable.

As we can see, the time of the day is not synced, and hopefully, it will be fixed in the final version of the modification. Also, It’s unknown what additional activities the game mechanics and modification features will allow players to do. Duelling against a friend or race on the brooms can be a great way to spend time together.

This is excellent news, especially for those who are looking to share magical adventures with friends or family. Hopefully, for now, playing alone will be a satisfying adventure for all Harry Potter and Wizarding world fans. The game has a wide cast of characters, companions, professors, and many NPCs players can encounter in the story. Check out our Guides, Builds and Quest Walkthrough for more helpful Hogwarts Legacy content.

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