How To Easily Get Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Everything you need to know about the Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds and how you can obtain them without much hassle.

Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)
Monster Hunter Wilds (Image via Capcom)

Getting the Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter games has never been an easy task. Even in the series’ more accessible entries, i.e., Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise, getting the Gold Crowns used to be a painful process, something that could easily take from a couple of weeks to a whole year, depending on how your luck plays out.

The same seems to be true for the series’ latest entry, Monster Hunter Wilds. However, with the increased focus on accessibility, the process of obtaining the Gold Crowns has been streamlined a bit. Unfortunately, the game never explains how you can take advantage of its new systems and tools to help you unlock the Gold Crowns.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to easily obtain the Large and Miniature Gold Crowns for all monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds.

What Are Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Gold Crown Arkveld (Image via Capcom)
Gold Crown Arkveld (Image via Capcom)

In Monster Hunter games, although monsters of the same species look almost identical, they do have some notable differences when it comes to their size. Every monster in the series can have sizes ranging from Miniature to Large. The difference in size is also noticeable when you fight a monster.

In rare instances, monsters with extremely Miniature or Large sizes can appear on the map. The easiest way to tell the Miniature or Large monsters apart from their regular counterparts is by looking at them. If you already have experience fighting the same monster multiple times before, you will immediately notice the difference in size, be it Large or Miniature.

For the extremely Large monsters, the game attributes either the Silver or the Gold Large Crowns. The same holds true for Miniature monsters, albeit for them, you get the Miniature Crowns. The Silver Crowns essentially signify that the monster was Large or Miniature enough to be noticeable, but not enough to make it to the upper echelon of Crown monsters.

The Gold Crowns, on the other hand, are the ones that you need to be on the lookout for. While “eyeballing” monsters is the easiest way to identify Crown monsters and something that used to be the norm in past Monster Hunter games, it’s certainly not the most efficient method.

This was part of the reason why “Crown hunting” used to be such an arduous task in past Monster Hunter titles. However, in Monster Hunter Wilds, there’s an incredibly easy way to identify Crown monsters, even before you hunt them. Do note that to register a Gold Crown, you do need to defeat the monster.

How To Identify Crown Monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds?

The best method to identify Crown monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds is to use the Binoculars. In the past, games where the Binoculars served a very limited purpose were mostly neglected by players. However, in Monster Hunter Wilds, the tool has received a major overhaul. 

Before you set out on a hunt, simply use the Binoculars to see the monster. If you’re close to the monster, you will see a nameplate above it, which also shows if it’s a Crown monster or not. If a monster does have a crown, it will show up in the nameplate when viewed through the Binoculars. Do note that both Silver and Gold Crowns can be seen using the Binoculars.

The Binoculars are easily one of the best new additions to Monster Hunter Wilds, especially for the Crown hunters. While the appearance of Crown monsters is still based on RNG, the addition of Binoculars somewhat alleviates the tediousness of the Crown-hunting process. That being said, there are a few ways to easily farm Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds.

How To Farm Gold Crowns in Monster Hunter Wilds?

Use the Binoculars to spot Gold Crown monsters (Image via Capcom)
Use the Binoculars to spot Gold Crown monsters (Image via Capcom)

There are essentially three different methods to expedite the process of Crown hunting. Ideally, you’re meant to get Crowns as you organically progress through the game and hunt monsters in the endgame. However, if you want to speed up the process, you can simply use one of these three methods:

Exploration and Weather Cycle

Explore the different regions starting from Windward Plains to the Wounded Hollow, and instead of fighting monsters, simply inspect them using the Binoculars. If you find a Gold Crown monster, save them as Investigations. This is a lengthy process but can net you at least one Gold Crown per cycle (based on our testing). Make sure to change the time and weather to Morning and Inclemency, respectively, to get Apex monsters to spawn.

Use the Wounded Hollow Trick

As of writing this article, the Wounded Hollow trick still works, albeit with a moderate amount of success. Essentially, once you see a monster spawn in the Wounded Hollow, inspect it to check whether it’s Gold Crown or not. If it’s a regular variant, simply fast-travel to Suja and then back to Wounded Hollow. This resets the monster’s size and increases your chances of getting a Gold Crown. This method only works for monsters in the Wounded Hollow, not the other regions.

Use the Official Monster Hunter Discord

The best way to farm Gold Crowns is to head to the official Monster Hunter Wilds Discord. There’s a dedicated Crown sharing channel, which can help you get Gold Crowns quite easily. Make sure to follow the server’s rules and communicate with fellow hunters. And if you have any Gold Crown Investigations on hand, make sure to share them with other players on Discord.

Do note that the following monsters do not have a Crown associated with them:

  • Jin Dahaad
  • Guardian Arkveld
  • Zoh Shia

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