Corellon’s Grace is an early game quarterstaff for spellcasters, which you can purchase from Auntie Ethel in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3).

Corellon’s Grace
In Baldur’s Gate 3 Corellon’s Grace is a versatile quarterstaff, with bonuses that make it uniquely fitted for a Monk to carry. The first perk is Natural Pugalist, which grants a +1 bonus to Unarmed attacks. The unarmed attack bonuses granted by this perk are put to use if a Monk is holding this weapon. The Monk access to unarmed strikes is decoupled from the main hand weapon, as long as that weapon is a Monk Weapon. Monk Weapons are melee weapons with which the Monk has Proficiency, and which have neither the two-handed nor heavy properties.
Secondly, is the Unhampered Resistance perk. While the wielder is not wearing armour, they recieve a +2 bonus to Saving throws. This is also a perk which works well with the Monk, as it is a class that usually wears clothing rather than any type of armour.
All Corellon’s Grace features in BG3:
- Weapon Type: Quarterstaff
- Damage: 1d8 (1d6)-1 Bludgeoning
- Requirements: Simple Weapons Proficiency
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Location: Purchased from Auntie Ethel in the Hollow or at the Riverside Teahouse, Act 1
- Weight: 1.8 kg
- Value: 130
- Bonuses:
- Natural Pugilist: You gain a +1 bonus to Unarmed Attack rolls and damage.
- Unhampered Resistance: While the wielder is not wearing armour, they receive a +2 bonus to Saving throw.
- Classes with Simple Weapons or Quarterstaves Proficiency: Monk, Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Bard, Rogue, Cleric, Warlock
- Classes with Quarterstaves Proficiency: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
How to Get Corellon’s Grace in Baldur’s Gate 3

To get Corellon’s Grace in Baldur’s Gate 3 you’ll need to travel to the Emerald or Druid Grove in early Act 1 and find Auntie Ethel who is selling ‘lotions and potions’ along with other items. The Emerald Grove is directly north of where you crash land right at the start of Act 1. The first time you arrive, you’ll find the front gate under attack from a group of goblin raiders. Attack the goblins and help defeat them in order to gain access to the Grove.
When you enter the Grove for the first time you’ll find that there is a large group of Tieflings who are living in the cave areas as refugees. This space is referred to as the Hollow and it’s where you will find Auntie Ethel. As you enter the caves and the road first splits, head to the left. This path will circle around and down. Auntie Ethel’s shop is down below, and she’s almost hidden from view behind a tent like structure. Finally, speak to her and ask to view her wares. You’ll find Corellon’s Grace for sale for 140 gold.

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