Learn where to find corn in enshrouded, a crucial advanced resource for crafting and consumables.

Where to Find Corn in Enshrouded
You can find corn in Harvest Homestead in Springsland. It’s an abandoned farm in the small settlement west of Ancient Spire Springsland. You can get it early in the game because it’s close to the base location where you start the game.

To get to the corn, you must collect it from the fields surrounding Harvest Homestead. You don’t need any tools; you can pick it up with your hands. Press the “E” default button to gather. Around this abandoned settlement are other crops worth collecting, so ensure you have enough space in your inventory when heading there.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that you will gather corncob corn, which you can later transform into Corn Seedlings and plant in your base. As a result, there are two ways to get corn: farming or exploring old settlements in Enshrouded.
What is Corn, and what is it used for?

Corn is a base resource used to craft various consumables. The two most noticeable items you can cook are Roasted corn and Stir-Fried Vegetables. Roasted corn is great for tanks, and melee builds. It increases the strength by 2, and all you need to do is to bake it in a campfire. Sit next to the cooking station, have corncob at your quick access bar, and use it. Your character will start roasting it. Once you hear the sound and the texture of the corn changes, it is ready.

Secondly, stir-fried vegetables can extend your dexterity by 5 for 45 min. Its powerful buff adds a ton of damage to the bow, and range builds based on dexterity (green tree). To craft it, you will need a Farmer NPC, and in their inventory, you can combine corncob, forest beet tomato, bell peppers, and spice to make the dish.
How to Grow Corn in Enshrouded
After you collect corn at Harvest Homestead, you can return to your home base and place it in the seedbed alongside 1x Water to craft Corn Seedlings. Once obtained, you can plant corn anywhere near your base and have a steady supply whenever you need it. Particular soil types, such as farm soil and fertilized farm soil, can speed up the plants’ growth process, both made by Farmer NPC.

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