How to Get Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3

Drow Studded Leather Armour is a rare light armour found in the Underdark during Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3 – this short Guide explains everything you need to know about Drow Studded Leather Armour in BG3.

Baldur's Gate 3 Fey Ancestry - Drow Character

The Drow Studded Leather Armour is a great piece of early game light armour found in the Underdark in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3. This simple but effective armour makes anyone wearing it more proficient in Stealth. In this guide we will walk you through what you need to do to acquire the Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3, going over where its found, how it can be gotten, and why you should use this powerful artifact for your character.

This page has been updated for the Patch 8 version of Baldur’s Gate 3.

What is the Drow Studded Leather Armour in BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Drow Studded Leather Armour

In Baldur’s Gate 3 the Drow Studded Leather Armour piece is good early game gear for a stealthy Ranger or Rogue. The single bonus of a +1 to Stealth may not seem like much, but Stealth is vital to Rogue and Ranger gameplay, letting them strike from the shadows for increased damage and then ideally moving back into hiding to do the same thing again on their next turn. There will be better armour pieces for them in the later game, but the Drow Studded Leather Armour is a good early game piece that isn’t too hard to get once you find the Underdark.

Drow Studded Leather Armour Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of the Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Armour Type: Light
  • Armour Class: 12 AC
  • Requirements: Light Armour proficiency
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Weight: 5.85 kg
  • Value: 1000
  • Location: Inside a Heavy Chest near the entrance to The Festering Cove, Underdark, Act 1
  • Bonuses:
    • Stealth + 1
  • Classes with Light Armour Proficiency: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Warlock
  • Companions Who Can Use This Armour: Lae’zel, Astarion, Minthara, Karlach, Minsc, Jaheira, Halsin, Shadowheart

How to Get Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3

You can get the Drow Studded Leather Armour when you visit the Underdark in Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate 3. One of the easiest ways to get to the Underdark is through a well found in the Blighted Village. Your characters will have to pass a check in order to discover/see the well, and descending down into it will land you into a network of caves and caverns. From the bottom of the well, you’ll need to head west until you discover the Whispering Depths waypoint. Nearby will be a deep chasm. Cast the Feather Fall spell or drink a Feather Fall potion, then jump into the gap. You’ll land safely in the Underdark below.

Baldur's Gate 3 Drow Studded Leather Armour Underdark location

If you’ve already been to the Underdark before and have done some exploring you may have already unlocked the Underdark – Selunite Outpost waypoint. You can use that to get relatively close to the spot you’ll find the Armour, as well. The location you’re looking for will be to the west of both of those Underdark entry locations. Southwest from where you land after jumping in the chasm, and Northwest from the Selunite Outpost waypoint.

How to Find the Locked Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3

You find the Drow Studded Leather Armour inside of a locked chest, which is in a small, hidden alcove behind a wall of spider web. Burn the sticky web down with something fiery – a Fire Arrow or a simple Firebolt cantrip should easily do the trick. Once you can pass through you’ll find a variety of little loot on the other side, but what you’re really looking for is the Heavy Chest, which is locked. You’ll need a character with the Sleight of Hand skill in order to unlock it. The chest has a 15 difficulty check, so make sure you have some Thieves’ Tools on hand just in case you aren’t able to get it the first time. Open the chest and claim the Drow Studded Leather Armour.

Baldur's Gate 3 Drow Studded Leather Armour getting to locked chest

How to Use the Drow Studded Leather Armour in BG3

For all intents and purposes the Drow Studded Leather Armour functions as a normal light armour piece with an AC of 12. Its only special ability its is +1 to Stealth checks which only helps Stealth-based characters such as Rogues. While a small bonus, a +1 could be all the difference needed to stay in Stealth and get a well timed sneak attack.

Tips and Tricks of the Drow Studded Leather Armour in BG3

Make sure and equip the Drow Studded Leather Armour on any Rogue that can benefit from remaining in stealth to get the most out of it. A Player Character Rogue or Astarion utilizes its bonus to remain in Stealth longer. In effect, this allows them to possibly sneak attack more often.

FAQs about Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3

Where is the Drow Studded Leather Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3?

You find the Drow Studded Leather Armour in a locked chest hidden in the Underdark.

Why is the Drow Studded Leather Armour Worth So Much?

There is no in-game reason why the Drow Studded Leather Armour is worth so much. In-universe, however, Drow equipment would be worth a lot of money on the surface due to its rarity.

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