How to Get Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3? Explained

The Gloves of Baneful Striking are an uncommon armour piece in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3), and you can get them from a trader in Act 1.

BG3 Lady Esther

Released in the summer of 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a critically acclaimed CRPG developed by Larian Studios. Set in the vast world of Faerûn, the game offers an immersive storyline, unforgettable companions, and strategic turn-based combat. Furthermore, throughout your adventure, you’ll discover a wide variety of unique armor, weapons, accessories, and other items. Many of these treasures are hidden behind challenging boss fights, complex puzzles, or locked away in treasure chests.

In this guide, we’ll explore Gloves of Baneful Striking, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What are Gloves of Baneful Striking in BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Gloves of Baneful Striking tooltip BG3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Gloves of Baneful Striking are an armour piece that any class or companion can use to gain access to the Baneful Strike bonus. With Baneful Strike, whenever the wear deals damage to an enemy with a weapon attack, then that same target will receive a -1d4 penalty to its Saving Throw against your next spell. Furthermore, this saving throw penalty will apply to both spells and cantrips.

Gloves of Baneful Striking Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Armor: Gloves
  • Proficiency Requirement: N/A
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Weight: 0.5 kg
  • Value: 139
  • Location: Purchased from Lady Esther on the Rosymorn Monastery Trail (X: -43, Y: -129), Act 1.
  • Bonuses:
    • Baneful Strike: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, the target receives a -1d4 penalty to its Saving throw against your next spell.
  • All Classes, Companions, and Races Can Use This Item

How to get Gloves of Baneful Striking in BG3?

Lady Esther Merchant Mountain Pass - Baldur's Gate 3 - BG3

To get the Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3 you must find the trader Lady Esther on the Rosymorn Monastery Trail and purchase the item from her sale inventory.

To find Lady Esther, travel through the Mountain Pass which is at the north end of the Act 1 Map. This new section of the map is called the Rosymorn Monastery Trail, and if you travel straight down the path you’ll activate the Trielta Crags waypoint. Go right at the fork in the road, and then look for another hidden turn to the right. This will twist you back around to face south. However, there is a small space back here where Lady Esther has made her camp.

Speak to Lady Esther and you can discover that she’s actually in the area hoping to get a Githyanki Egg from the Crèche to the north. Once you’ve worked through some of the dialogue options, if you don’t become hostile to her, you can trade with her. The Gloves of Banefl Striking is one of the unique gear items that Lady Ester will have in her inventory.

How to use Gloves of Baneful Striking in BG3?

BG3 Multiclass Cleric Build

The best way to use the Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3 is to equip it to a class like Clerics or Paladins. These classes each have a strong combination of melee damage and spell attacks. Therefore, they will be easier classes to use to trigger the Baneful Strikes trait bonus.

In order to trigger the -1d4 penalty to spell saving throws you will need to hit the same enemy twice. This means on turn one, you use your weapon to strike an enemy. Then, when it is your turn again, use a spell or cantrip to attack the same enemy.

FAQs About Gloves of Baneful Striking in BG3

Q1: Where can I find Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Answer: You can buy the Gloves of Baneful Striking from Lady Esther, who is out on the Rosymorn Monastery Trail just past the Trielta Crags waypoint on the right.

Q2: Which classes or builds benefit most from Gloves of Baneful Striking?

Answer: Clerics and Paladins are the best classes to equip the Gloves of Baneful Striking in Baldur’s Gate 3. These classes have a powerful mix of melee damage and spellcasting, which makes them perfectly suited to repeatedly trigger the Baneful Strikes bonus.

Q3: Is there a limit to the Baneful Strikes bonus?

Answer: No, you can trigger this damage penalty to as many enemies as you like during combat. So long as you hit a target with a weapon, and then follow up with a spell on cantrip the damage penalty will apply.

Looking For More About Baldur’s Gate 3?

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