In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Hedge Wanderer Armour is a medium armor piece for any class, and you can get it from a merchant during Act 3 – This short Guide Explains everything you need to know about the Hedge Wanderer Armour in BG3.

Hedge Wanderer Armour
The Hedge Wanderer Amour provides the wearer with a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and Checks, as well as a +1 to Nature. Players should keep in mind that there is a limit to amount of AC bonus from Dexterity which caps at +2. Therefore, the bonus on this medium armor piece cannot be stacked. The Hedge Wanderer Armour is a great early game medium armor piece which can help boost Armour Class and survivability in Act 1. Easily purchased from one of the first in-game merchants you’ll meet, it’s a must have for 14 Dexterity builds such as Clerics, Bards, or Barbarians.
Here are all Hedge Wanderer Armour features in BG3:
- Armor: Chest Piece, Medium Armour
- Proficiency Requirement: N/A
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Weight: 5.4 kg
- Value: 325
- Location: Sold by the merchant Arron, located near the entrance to the Druid Grove, Act 1
- Balance: Gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws and Checks.
- Nature +1
- All Classes, Companions, and Races Can Use This Item
How to Get Hedge Wanderer Armor in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Hedge Wanderer Armor is available to buy from Arron in Emerald Grove during Act 1. He stands just next to the entrance to the caves that give shelter to the Tieflings and settlers. All you must do is find the Druid Grove and help defend it from Goblins, and you will be allowed to enter the location straight after the prologue where you can find the Hedge Wanderer Armor.
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