How to Get Resin in Enshrouded

Learn where you can find Resin in Enshrouded, a crucial resource for upgrading your Flame Altars and other necessary crafting blueprints.

How to Get Resin Resource in Enshrouded

Where to Find Resin in Enshrouded

You can find Resin by venturing around and chopping down various trees. There are multiple plants, bushes, shrubs, and trees to harvest resources from, but you should focus on harvesting the full-sized trees to collect resin. Any of the larger trees you chop down should yield Resin, make sure to look around after felling a tree. Even though Resin has a bright shade of orange, it can be easily missed in the grass if you are not paying attention.

Enshrouded Resin Pile

The best way to find Resin is simply by chopping down full-size trees anywhere in the wild. It’s best to use your best version of an axe to speed up the process. Lastly, make sure to pay attention to your stamina while harvesting as forestry does burn stamina.

Skill Trees Maps in Enshrouded

Some skills are beneficial for gathering resources; you should equip them to ensure you are gathering as quickly as possible. We recommend the skill Lumberjack to allow your felling axes to deal 30% more damage to wooden objects and trees. Since this decreases your resource-gathering time allowing you to get to other aspects of the game faster.

Also, Stamina is incredibly important to maintain while farming with an Axe, so equipping Endurance can be a massive bonus to allow you to mine for longer. Also, there are multiple consumables that either increase your stamina or stamina regeneration, like Honey can help reduce your downtime while mining.

Resin Farm

Enshrouded Resin Farmer Trees

One of the more useful features of the Farmer Craftsperson is the ability to easily set up seedbeds. These allow you to grow multiple resources on your own including the trees needed to help farm resin. Growing these trees, and then harvesting them once grown will allow for a constant supply of resin.

What is Resin, and What Is It Used for?

Enshrouded Resin Resource

“This protective juice of trees has many functions”, otherwise known as Resin is a very useful resource in Enshrouded. It is a vital ingredient you need to strengthen your flame alter, and craft various light components, and useful for mages.

Enshrouded Resin Level 2 Flame Alter Requirements

Since Resin is an abundant resource in Enshrouded, it’s no surprise that it has uses. One of the biggest benefits of Resin is to strengthen your flame altar. This increases your available Shroud Timer, increases your Shroud Passage Level, and a few other passive benefits. Lastly, there are consumable items that are crafted with Resin that can increase your Shroud Timer.

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