The Ritual Axe is a martial melee weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3), and you can get it from the Shattered Sanctum in Act 1.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a highly acclaimed CRPG from the renowned developer Larian Studios. Released in the summer of 2023 on all major platforms, it features an engaging storyline, memorable companions, and tactical turn-based combat. Additionally, there are many pieces of unique armour, weapons, accessories, and other items to find as you explore the world of Faerun. Some of these items require conquering difficult boss fights, solving intricate puzzles, or looting treasure chests.
In this guide, we’ll explore the Ritual Axe, how to acquire it, and tips for using it effectively in Baldur’s Gate 3.
What is the Ritual Axe in BG3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Ritual Axe is an uncommon weapon that any class or companion with Simple Weapons proficiency can use to debuff the enemy, but at a potential cost to themselves. The trait bonus is called Scourge Mistress’ Bane, and the first effect given by it is that hitting an enemy with this axe will inflict the Bane on your target for 2 turns. Bane is normally only available through spells or feats and inflicts a -1d4 penalty to Attack rolls and Saving throws.
However, the other side of this trait bonus is that if the wielder of the Ritual Axe has more than 50% hit points, they will take 1-6 Piercing damage each time they hit an enemy. Furthermore, be especially cautious if you have equipped this weapon to a character with the Savage Attacker feat, as the Piercing damage deal will be higher as a result.
Ritual Axe Abilities and Effects
Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of Ritual Axe in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Weapon Type: Handaxe
- Damage: 1d6-1 Slashing
- Requirements: Simple Weapon proficiency
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Location: On a table next to Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum, Act 1.
- Weight: 0.9 kg
- Value: 280
- Bonuses:
- The Scourge Mistress’ Bane: Chance to inflict upon the target a 1d4 penalty to Attack rolls and Saving throws. If the attacker still has 25% or more hit points, they take 1d6 Piercing themselves.
- Classes with Martial Weapons Proficiency: Every class EXCEPT Druid, Wizard, and Sorcerer
How to Get Ritual Axe in BG3?

To get the Ritual Axe in BG3 you travel to the Goblin Camp, enter the Shattered Sanctum, and find the axe on a table next to Abdirak. The Goblin Camp is on the west side of the Act 1 map. The more direct entrance on the east side will have you confronting a group of guards at the front gate. You’ll have to convince them to let you pass or fight them all. Moreover, if you defeat them, this doesn’t bring the whole camp down on you. You can enter without suspicion.
Additionally, there is a second way you can sneak in. Head further south and you should see a fallen tree you can jump onto and walk across. There will be a lot of traps to disarm when going in this back way. However, once you’re past them the goblins will assume someone else legitimately let you in.
Once you are inside the Goblin Camp, head north through the former temple courtyard and find the main entrance to the Shattered Sanctum. You’ll have to deal with some guards just inside, using either force or dialogue to get past them. After you are free to move forward, head into the main room, and then turn right to head up the stairs and then left. Abdirak is through the second doorway on the right.
Furthermore, although the weapon is sitting out in the open, picking it up with count as theft. Therefore, you’ll need to crouch and make sure no one sees you taking the Ritual Axe in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How to Use Ritual Axe in BG3?
The best way to use the Ritual Axe in Baldur’s Gate 3, is to equip it to a physically strong frontline build such as Fighter, Barbarian, or Paladin. These classes will all have higher HPs, which can help offset the ‘revenge’ damage that the axe does. Additionally, because they are also on the frontlines getting hit by enemies, their HP will more quickly drop below the 50% threshold. Then, you can hit targets without worrying about absorbing the Piercing damage.
Consequently, the Ritual Axe is a risk-reward weapon in BG3. Inflicting Bane on targets is great debuff which makes both their attack rolls and saving throws less likely to be successful. You’ll have to keep a close eye on the wielder’s HP, however. Ideally, you should want to stay just below the HP threshold, but this may be difficult to pull off. Especially at higher levels of difficulty, you could run the risk of more easily losing your character in combat.
FAQs about Ritual Axe in BG3
Q1: Where can I find Ritual Axe in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Answer: You can find the Ritual Axe inside the Shattered Sanctum on a table next to Abdirak. Taking the weapon is considered stealing, however, so crouch and make sure nobody can see you before taking it.
Q2: Which classes or builds benefit most from Ritual Axe?
Answer: The best classes for the Ritual Axe would be front-line melee builds like Fighter, Barbarian, or Paladin. The trait bonus on this weapon is very risk-reward, and you’ll want to equip it to classes that naturally have high HP pools.
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