In this guide, we shall go over how to get Shadowbeak in Palworld, one of the best mount and combat Pal in the game.

As you roam the lands of Palworld, you will stumble across several Pals. Each of these Pals comes with its own skills and stats, which aid you either at base or in combat. Shadowbeak is a Dark-type Pal that specializes in the latter. This terrifying giant bird is one of the best combat Pals, boasting impressive stats and attack abilities that unlock and get stronger over time. Shadowbeak’s Partner Skill also comes in clutch in battles, enhancing your Dark-type attacks when mounted.
While Shadowbeak is a beast in combat, the Pal falters in work sustainability, with only a Level 1 Gathering to show for it. Hence, this is a Pal that is best used for combat and traversal. If you’re looking for Shadowbeak but don’t know where to look, our guide has you covered.
How To Find Shadowbeak
You can find Shadowbeak in the Wildlife Sanctuary No. 3, located at the top right corner of the map. Head over to the Deep Sand Dunes fast travel point at (527,525). From here, use a flying mount such as Jetragon to cross the sea and head to the island on the corner of the map. As you approach the location, the location title card will pop up. Explore the sanctuary to find Shadowbeak. If you don’t find him, just fly back out from the island until it is covered in fog, and then fly in again. Doing so despawns and then respawns all the Pals in the location.
Alternatively, you can find Shadowbeak inside the Huge Dark Eggs. Find a Huge Dark Egg and take it to the Egg Incubator to hatch it for a chance to get Shadowbeak. The Huge Dark Eggs can drop any of the following Pals:
- Shadowbeak
- Menasting
- Necromus
- Selyne
- Lyleen Noct
- Frostallion Noct
- Bellanoir
- Bellanoir Libero
- Helzephyr Lux
- Katress Ignis
- Xenolord

How To Breed Shadowbeak?
One of the best ways to get Shadowbeak is through breeding. You do so by combining two Pals, one male and one female, to get a Huge Dark Egg. You then place the Huge Dark Egg in the Egg Incubator to hatch Shadowbeak. Use the following two Pal combinations to get Shadowbeak:
- Kitsun X Astegon
- Shadowbeak X Shadowbeak
Get any of these sets of Pals and take them to the Breeding Farm. There, you can get them to breed to obtain the Huge Dark Egg, which will then give you Shadowbeak.
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