In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Shield of Scorching Reprisal is a fantastic, rare gear item, and you can get it in Act 2 from Flaming Fist Grave. Here are the details!

Shield of Scorching Reprisal
The Shield of Scorching Reprisal, a rare shield in Baldur’s Gate 3, can increase your AC by 1, once per short rest. It also grants you fire resistance and reaction that can knock enemies prone if they attack you in melee range. Crowd control is one of the most robust tactics in the game. Enemy sent prone has to use half of their movement to get up, and if that leaves them with 0 movement points left, they will skip a turn. This significantly disturbs enemy attacks on your team.
This shield will significantly enhance your survivability and combat power, making it a top-tier choice for a Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric, Fighter, Druid, and Paladin. However, it will work fantastic with almost any class. You can equip it to your character’s off-hand weapon slot in the inventory, providing additional bonuses and buffs. The user needs Shield proficiency or suffers penalties while wearing the shield.
The Shield of Scorching Reprisal features in Baldur’s Gate 3:
- Weapon Type: Shield
- Armour: +2 AC
- Requirements: Shield Proficiency
- Weight: 2.7 kg
- Value: 190
- Rarity: Rare
- Location: Act 2, Under the rubble in Flaming Fist’s corpse (X -5 Y: 215).
- Bonuses:
- Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to knock them Prone unless they succeed a Dexterity Saving throw.
- Grants Resistance to Fire Damage.
- Blazing Retaliation: Once per Short Rest, use a Bonus action to huddle behind your shield to increase your Armour Class by 1 and reap scorching retaliation upon attackers who miss you. When an attacker misses you with a melee attack, they take 1d6 Fire damage. (On Save, target still takes half damage)
- Classes with Shield Proficiency: Barbarian, Bard (subclass College of Valour), Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
- Classes that typically use a shield in BG3: Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric, Fighter, Druid, and Paladin.
- Races with Shield Proficiency: Human, Half-Elf
- Shield Proficiency Feat: Moderately Armored provides Medium Armor and Shields expertise.
How to Get the Shield of Scorching Reprisal in Baldur’s Gate 3
The Shield of Scorching Reprisal is under the rubble in Flaming Fist’s grave (X -5 Y: 215), north of Last Light Inn in Act 2.

You can get the shield and head to its location as soon as you enter Shadow Cursed Lands in Act 2. First, head to Northwest until you reach Last Light Inn. It’s easy to spot because from far away, you can notice a magic sphere shielding it from a shadow curse. Once you are in Last Light Inn, go north, past the bridge, and look for a pile of rubble on the right, next to the rocky wall (X -5 Y: 215). It’s Flaming Fist’s grave, and the Shield of Scorching Reprisal is inside.

Upon approaching, your team will pass an automatic perception skill check, and if successful, they will reveal and highlight the rubble. Ensure you have in the team, a character with a high strength ability score, such as barbarian, paladin, or fighter. To move the rubble and get the Shield of Scorching Reprisal, you will need to interact with it and pass a Strength skill check to smash it. Loot the shield from the flaming fist corpse.
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