ARK Survival Ascended Extinction: How To Tame an Armadoggo

Learn how to find and tame the Armadoggo in ARK Survival Ascended Extinction. Get tips on locating this creature and unlocking its potential.

Armadoggo in ARK Survival (Source: Studio Wildcard)

While fighting dinosaurs in ARK Survival Ascended Extinction, you might feel the need for a loyal friend on your side. With the release of the fourth DLC, the game introduced a bunch of new content, among them is the Armadoggo. You can tame this dog with ease as they are easy to find.

In this guide, we will discuss how to find and tame this loyal friend. Additionally, we will learn about the various abilities it comes with.

Note: You have to buy the Bob’s Tall Tales 3: Wasteland War DLC to find the Armadoggo.

How to Find an Armadoggo

Armadoggo (Source: Studio Wildcard)

You can find this creature inside the sanctuary or just outside of its walls. Just walk around in the area and you will find this dog running around. Armadoggo comes in various colors, so you can choose the one that suits them best.

How to Tame an Armadoggo

Players can tame these loyal creatures (Source: Studio Wildcard)

Once you have found the best match, it’s time to befriend the creature. The amount of food you have to use depends upon the level of the Armadoggo. The recommended taming food is:

  • Kibble x1
  • Raw Mutton x1
  • Raw Prime Meat x1
  • Raw Meat x3

Select the food and place it on the ground near the Armadoggo. The dog will start sniffing and reach for the food. After inspecting, the dog will take a bite, and the prompt to pet it will appear. Press the prompt key to tame the Armadoggo.

Controls and Abilities

Armadoggo can equip various kits (Source: Studio Wildcard)

After taming the Armadoggo, you get an item called “Dog Whistle.” With this item, you can activate the Companion Mode.

In Companion Mode, you can control the dog’s movement such as staying, following, or wandering around. The dog can also fetch items or play dead. By using the whistle, the Armadoggo can be called anytime from anywhere. 

If your precious dog dies, it can respawn after an hour. The dog buries itself and drops all items from its inventory. Additionally, the Armadoggo can be equipped with various gears to support the player in the wild. Here’s a list of all the gears:

  • Bait Trap
  • Battle Spikes
  • Camping Gear
  • Oxygen Tank
  • Speed Booster
  • Medpack
  • Spy Kit
  • Picnic Set
  • Extra Armor
  • Chibi-Carrier
  • Rucksack
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Ammo Box

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