Discover how to tame yak animals in Enshrouded, which can provide you with useful resources for crafting gear and consumables.

With the Enshrouded Patch #4 release of the huge Souls of the Frozen Frontier update comes an entirely new biome, new weather system, gear sets, and more. One of the most engaging new systems for survivalists and homesteaders is the ability to tame certain wild animals. When successful, this allows you to bring them back to your shelter where you can care for them and farm them for useful materials. In this Enshrouded guide we’ll break down all the details about where to find yaks, how to tame them, the resources you can collect, and what they are good for!
Yak Animal Overview in Enshrouded
In Enshrouded, the yak is a large horned cow or buffalo-like animal that is built for the wickedly cold and mountainous terrain of the Albaneve Summits region. In response to this environment, they have a naturally thick coat to protect them from the wind and snow.
This wooly fellow grows a thick coat to weather the harsh climate of Albaneve Summits. It can be shaved for wool.
Official Yak Description
Consequently, if you shelter a tamed yak and keep it happy, it can produce wool and other materials for you. However, to properly care for a yak you will need to have a Yak Pillow and a Yak Feeder with Yak Food.
Where to find Yak in Enshrouded?

The best location to find wild yak in Enshrouded in to the northeast of the Albaneve Summits Ancient Spire. This craggy location has lots of rock jutting up out of the ground, so some yak may be out of sight at times.
Additionally, the color of their coat can make them a little hard to spot in the shadow. However, if you accidentally scare one off, just try to keep track of the direction it goes in and you can try again.
How to tame Yak in Enshrouded?
To tame a yak in Enshrouded you will need to craft Yak Bait with the Farmer, find a wild yak in the Albaneve Summits region, use the bait to lure it, then carefully sneak close enough to pet it. You will have to successfully do this three times without scaring the yak off. Once all three hearts above the yak are fully red, you can then pick up the yak and add it to your inventory.
Finally, you can return to your homestead and place it inside a fenced area with shelter.
Step 1 – How to Craft and Use Yak Bait

To craft Yak Bait in Enshrouded go to the Farmer and use all of these ingredients:
- 1 Yucca Fruit
- 1 Flatbread
- 1 Corncob
- 1 Dried Purple Berry
Craft several of the yak bait so you have enough on hand before heading out.
Then, to use the yak bait place the item on your activity bar, much like a weapon or consumable. When you find a yak in the wild, don’t get too close at first. Toss the yak bait out in front of the yak and wait for the animal to start eating.
Step 2 – How to Approach a Yak

The best way to approach a wild yak in Enshrouded is to crouch and sneak at all times. After the yak approaches to eat the yak bait, you can begin to creep forward towards it. Here are the steps to tame a yak in Enshrouded:
- Crouch down into a sneak position
- Throw the yak bait in front of the yak
- Slowly approach the yak
- If you see a red exclamation point appear, then immediately retreat
- If you see a yellow question mark appear, then stop where you are
- Finally, when you are close enough to the yak, you can click ‘E’ to pet it
Successfully petting the yak will turn one of the hearts above its head red. You must turn all three hearts red before you completely tame the yak. Consequently, this means you must approach and pet it three times. This will potentially require a lot of patience and multiple yak bait.
Afterward, you should be able to pick up the yak and bring it back home. When you get back to your homestead or farm, take the yak out of your inventory and place it into a shelter or fenced-in pasture.
How to Keep Yak Happy in Enshrouded

Yak must have four things to be happy in Enshrouded: Shelter, Yak Pillow, Yak Feeder, and Yak Food. Furthermore, if you have more than one yak then you will need at least one Yak Pillow for each of them.
On the other hand, you should only need one feeder, unless your herd grows very large. Moreover, the Yak Feeders can hold many portions of Yak Food, so fill it up with as much as you can.
Yak Pillow | Yak Feeder | Yak Food |
8x Twigs | 7x Wood Logs | 1x Yucca Fruit |
5x Staw | 4x Metal Scraps | 3x Corncob |
2x Conifer Logs | 3x Nails | 1 Dried Purple Berry |
Finally, make sure that the shelter you provide is not just a fenced-in field, but also has a barn or shed available so that your yak has protection from the weather.
Benefits of Taming Yak in Enshrouded

The most important benefit to taming yak in Enshrouded is that it allows you the ability to collect the Raw Wool that they produce. You must keep the yak sheltered, fed, and happy or they won’t produce any raw wool for you to collect.
Raw Wool will be a necessary crafting material that you will first need to refine using an improved spinning wheel. To craft an Improved Spinning Wheel with the Hunter, you will need:
- 3x Conifer Logs
- 5x Metal Scraps
- 1x Linen
- 1x Spinning Wheel
Then, once you have the Improved Spinning Wheel available, you can use that to refine the Raw Wool from yaks into Wool. Then, you can use the Wool to create Warming Padding. Furthermore, Warm Padding will be a necessary material for creating multiple types of warming clothing and gear sets.
Finally, if your herd of yak grows too large for you to care for, then when you cull a yak you can receive Raw Fatty Meat. This can be grilled for a small bit of Frost Resistance. However, if you combine it with Eggs, Tomato, and Fizzy Goat Milk you will create Beef Stew. Beef Stew is a consumable that will grant you +4 to Strength, Health Regeneration, and Constitution, along with +3 Frost Resistance.
How to Breed Yak in Enshrouded
To breed yak in Enshrouded you will need at least two yaks, and yak pillows for each one, plus one extra for the potential baby. Breeding will happen overnight, and the baby will appear the next day.
Overall, yaks are one of the easier animals to breed in Enshrouded. So long as you maintain their levels of happiness and they are producing wool, they should breed if there is an extra Yak Pillow.
How to Grow Baby Yak in Enshrouded

There is no quest associated with breeding yaks or with growing them. However, baby yaks will not grow into adults on their own. After a bit of time has passed, go up and interact with your baby yak.
FAQs about Yak Taming in Enshrouded
Q1: Can I tame Yak in Enshrouded?
Answer: Yes, you can tame the Yak found in the Albaneve Summits region of Enshrouded.
Q2: Is it good to tame Yak in Enshrouded?
Answer: Yes, you will want to tame yak in Enshrouded because you will need their raw wool to create warm clothing that protects from the cold and frost of the Albaneve Summits.
Q3: What are other animals similar to Yak in Enshrouded?
Answer: As of Patch #4 there are no other sheep-like animals that produce wool like the yaks. However, there are other four-legged livestock like the Fae Deer, Goats, and Fizzy Goats which all produce their own type of milk.
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