Where can you find the Fresh Graves near Troskowitz in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? Here’s a quick guide to help you.

Fresh Graves is one of the many Points of Interest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. You can either stumble upon it or get information about it through the various Tipsters located in specific areas. But where are they anyway? Well, if you haven’t already reached this part of the game yet, or have moved on ahead, you will still need to come to Troskowitz to access these Fresh Graves.
Those who are only starting off the game should definitely access these graves. Once you are in Troskowitz’s only Tavern, exit it and turn right. As you keep walking, you will find a building on your right that is guarded by a guard. You enter without any issues as long as you have not committed any crime. There will be a person with a yellow-white exclamation mark icon if you pay attention to your compass. He may be either directly outside the building or inside talking to the scribe. This tipster will have a sword on him too. Talk to him, and he will reveal things about these Fresh Graves popping up right below the village.
If you are still not able to find it, let us give you a glimpse at where these graves are, what loot they will contain, and how to get to them.
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Finding the Fresh Graves in KCD 2

Location of the Graves
The Fresh Graves are located slightly southwest of the main village area. So, all you have to do is follow the road leading to the left of Troskowitz. Keep following the road. You will eventually have a tree line in sight on your left that will also become visible on your map (refer to the image below). If you are close enough, a new icon will appear, marking the Fresh Graves for you on the map. There will be two of them right next to one another. One will have a cross on it, while the other won’t. You can loot both of them.
Looting the Grave
If you don’t want to loot the graves, then it is pointless to even discover them. They are pretty easy to loot, and you won’t get any moral or legal penalty for it in the game. All you need, though, is a spade. If this is your first time visiting Troskowitz as part of the game’s main story, you probably wouldn’t have one on you already because Bozhena asks for her spade back from you. You can buy a spade from the merchant in the village for 6.7 Groschen.
Those who are still economically suffering in the game can pick chamomiles and other herbs from the short hill located on the left end of Troskowitz and sell them to the merchant. Make sure to gather a lot of them because the merchant doesn’t pay a good price for those herbs. You can also try selling your worn garb because you will soon get another one.
You can expect the following items from looting the two graves:
- Bearded Axe
- Flanged Mace
- Two Knight Shields
- Garb
- Leather Gloves
- Pants
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