Marvel Rivals Peni Parker Guide

Utilize the mech suit by Parker Industries to its full potential by learning how to play as Peni Parker in Marvel Rivals.

How good of a Vanguard is Peni Parker? (Source: NetEase Games)

Peni Parker is one of those Vanguards in Marvel Rivals who can effectively hold an objective even if her team has not yet left the spawn. She is one of the few characters who are not Strategists but can still heal themselves. Her Abilities make her one of the best Vanguards on the roster when played right. So, let’s jump into that mech suit and learn how to play as her.

Peni Parker Marvel Rivals Ability Kit

Cyber Web Cluster (Primary)Launch forward a Cyber-Web Cluster.
Spider-Sweeper (Ultimate)Enhance the SP//dr suit, launching up enemies in its path and deploying Arachno-Mines, Spider-Drones, and Cyber Webs repeatedly.
Cyber-Bond (Traversal)Shoot a web strand that links to the targeted area or Cyber0-Web. If stretched too far, it will trigger a pullback.
Wall Crawl (Traversal)Hold jump to crawl on vertical surfaces.
Armor Expulsion (Team-up)Venom shares a part of his symbiote with Spider-Man and Peni Parker, activating their symbiote abilities. Spider-Man and Peni Parker can convert the symbiotes into explosive spikes that inflict harm on nearby enemies and relentlessly drive them back.
Bionic Spider-NestGenerate a Spider-Nest at a targeted area, periodically spawning Spider-Drones and creating Cyber-Webs. While in the Cyber-Web, gain healing over time and a movement boost. Excess healing converts into Bonus Health.
Arachno-MineDeploy Arachno -Mines that can be concealed within the confines of a Cyber-Web.
Cyber-Web SnareCast futuristic webbing that immobilizes enemies or creates a Cyber-Web. While in the Cyber-Web, gain healing over time and a movement boost. Excess healing converts into Bonus Health.

How To Play Peni Parker in Marvel Rivals?

Peni Parker’s Mobility

Out of all the Vanguards in the game as of now, Peni Parker has pretty good mobility. Unfortunately, she can’t fly in that mech-suit or swing like Venom or Spider-Man. However, she can attach her suit to a ledge that allows her to escape situations pretty quickly. Besides that, she is also more agile when atop her own Cyber-Webs. So, most of the time, you will be experiencing her top speed.

Peni Parker’s Survivability

Peni Parker has a base HP of 650. This is less than what Venom has. However, putting down her Bionic-Nest, she can easily compete with Venom in terms of her maximum health. She is pretty difficult to take down because of this nest. If not destroyed, she will continue to heal herself. So, dealing damage to Peni without destroying her nest is counterproductive and elongates her stay on that particular side of the map.

Peni Parker is not that difficult to master (Source: NetEase Games)

Peni Parker’s Playstyle and Combos

There is no “combo” for Peni Parker that you need to remember. She is not a Duelist, so having a combo wouldn’t really make sense. However, there are a few methods of playing that you can master and use in almost all your matches for an effective result.

You can start by planting mines where you don’t want your enemies coming from or just wish to explode them for the fun of it. Make sure to hide them using your Cyber-Webs. This way, they won’t be able to tell whether the mine is there or not. So, you will have an excellent trap.

When facing an aggressive or agile enemy, make sure to use your Cyber-Web Snare on them while attacking to slow them down for a while as you take the advantage. Since Peni Parker doesn’t need to reload her mech-suit, you can just spam that primary attack without stopping.

Hold the point; you are a tank and need to take charge of the battle. Make sure to use your Cyber-Webs on the ground below if your nest is destroyed and you need that extra healing

Best Team Composition With Peni Parker in Marvel Rivals

VanguardsVenom/Doctor Strange
DuelistsMagik, Mister Fantastic
StrategistsInvisible Woman, Cloak & Dagger

Venom will be the perfect Vanguard to go with Peni Parker because he gives her the Symbiote to make her a more devastating hero. And if not him, then you can also go for Doctor Strange to ensure that your team has a more strategic approach in the match. He can also use his shield to protect you and your team from incoming fire.

Duelist like Mister Fantastic can help hold the point alongside you. Despite being a DPS character, he acts more like a tank. So, having him on the frontlines will help you out. Moreover, Magik can sneak behind enemy lines to divert their attention even further and break their comp.

Invisible Woman will be a helpful companion to have because of her Team-up ability with Mister Fantastic that grants him an extra shield. You will also find that Cloak and Dagger will be another helpful healer in this situation while also acting as an effective damage dealer when needed. The best part about this comp is that if you decide to camp at the objective and an enemy like Iron Man pops an Ultimate over your team, Cloak can shield everybody and make them invulnerable for a moment.

Peni Parker Counters in Marvel Rivals

Peni Parker seems like an impenetrable force when on the enemy team. But we all know that’s not true. In fact, the developers have balanced her pretty well. Unfortunately, there are no direct counters to her. But we will try our best to list down all characters who easily put her down.

  • Storm
  • Iron Man
  • Hawkeye
  • Black Widow
  • The Punisher
  • Loki
  • Moon Knight
Peni parker Marvel Rivals
Players can get this Peni Parker skin for free (Source: Netease Games)

All of these characters can shoot at Peni from afar. Now, the reason why we prefer not to get too close to her is because she could have rigged her entire surrounding with mines. So, while Iron Fist and Wolverine will be most effective in putting her down, they might not be able to get to her in the first place. So, enemies that can pick her off from a distance will be the most suitable in this scenario. They will also be able to shoot down her bionic nest.

Tips and Tricks To Play Peni Parker in Marvel Rivals

When playing as Peni Parker, keep in mind the playstyle that we suggested earlier. Besides that, take note of the following tips as well:

  • Place your bionic nest in a location where the enemy can’t see it directly from their corner of the map. So, they won’t be able to destroy it easily. Next, place mines in places where you think the enemy can sneak in from and destroy your nest.
  • Since you don’t require a reload as Peni Parker, don’t stop shooting in most cases. This allows you to keep pressure on the enemy and not let you overpower your team.
  • Try sneaking in mine attacks while shooting with your primary attack. This will not break your fire rate significantly and still increase your damage output.
  • Web-Snare any enemy who holds aggro from the enemy team to ensure that your team doesn’t suffer too much damage. You can also use that snare to counter Ultimates.

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