Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Boss Guide: How To Easily Defeat Mister Negative

Miles and Martin Li have a score to settle. In this guide, we will look at how you can easily defeat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Mister Negative.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Boss Guide: How to Easily Defeat Mister Negative
How to Easily Defeat Mister Negative (Image via Insomniac Games)

Martin Li was responsible for the death of Miles’s father and Devil’s Breath in the first game, which led to Miles becoming his own Spider-Man. So it is natural that the developers wanted to set up a boss fight between the two characters.

In the story of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Kraven kidnaps both Mister Negative and Miles. In order to pressure Peter Parker to fight him, Kraven forces them to battle to the death. However, Mister Negative is not the same man as before. Since the events of the first game, he has grown as a person and does not want to fight. But Miles still holds his father’s death against Mister Negative and might cross the line in the heat of this conflict.

Mister Negative Boss Fight

We encounter this fight during the No Escape quest in the main storyline, and it takes place in Kraven’s arena. The fight has three phases in total, and we also get to see the negative demon, similar to the first game. As we mentioned before, Mister Negative does not want to fight Miles and is sorry for his past actions. However, he has survived in Kraven’s arena, and when it comes down to his life, he won’t hesitate to retaliate. In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at all three phases of the Mister Negative fight.

Phase 1

 Mister Negative. Phase 1
Face to face with the killer of his father (Image via Insomniac Games)

At the beginning of this phase, the game will give you a quick tutorial onMr. Negative’s attack patterns. He will slash at you from a distance, and you will be instructed to jump over the attack with a button prompt. You can try to always stay close to him if you want to avoid these attacks. However, Martin Li can also send vertical strikes your way, and you can’t jump over these, so you will have to dodge them. Keep in mind that Martin can send these strikes back to back.

The attack you need to look out for the most during phase one is his crush attack. During this attack, Martin Li will charge at you with his sword; you can also identify it by the blue circle over Martin’s body. You cannot block this attack, so you will have to dodge. You can also swing around the arena. If you stay far away from him for too long, he will send two energy beams your way. These are fairly easy to dodge, so you won’t have a problem with them.

Now let’s talk offensive strategy. Closing the distance with a web strike to land a few punches and parrying the boss’s attack is the best way to damage him. So we recommend you work on your parrying skills before heading into this fight. Miles’s venom abilities are also a great option for doing massive damage. Once you empty Mister Negative’s health bar, phase 2 will begin.

Phase 2

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Martin Li Phase 2
Spider-Man does not kill (Image via Insomniac Games)

The second phase will start with a bang. Martin Li will conjure a demon that will surround and protect him. As long as this demon stays, you won’t be able to hit Li or use the venom abilities on him. Keep dodging all the horizontal and vertical slashes he sends your way until your abilities come back. Once they are back, you can destroy the demon with Miles’s venom punch. After the demon is gone, Mister Negative will resort to his old fighting style. However, he will have some new moves this time. The boss can perform a combo now.

He will come at you with two slashes, which you can parry or dodge, and then he will end the combo with a vertical slash, which can only be parried in order to avoid damage. This last parry will give you a window of opportunity to trouble Martin Li with a few punches. We recommend that you combine your abilities and gadgets to get the best output of damage you can against Li.

Distract him with your gadgets and then hit him with a venom ability; fairly simple. Also, you can use your focus meter to perform finishers, but saving it for healing in the worst-case scenario is another viable option. If you do die in phase two, you will respawn right back in, and you won’t have to start the fight back from phase 1 again. You will have to take Mister Negative’s health to zero yet again to start phase three.

Phase 3

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Martin Li last phase
Justice or Vengeance? (Image via Insomniac Games)

In this phase, Martin Li will start to resemble his old self a bit and start to become more aggressive. You have learned to counter all of his moves so far, but now he will combine them to attack you, meaning he can perform multiple moves back-to-back.

One of these combos will start with multiple slash attacks, followed by projectiles, and then he will end the sequence with a vertical slash, which can only be parried. Li being more aggressive means you can be more aggressive as well. Every time you parry his attacks, he will allow you to attack him. However, you must have a good understanding of the new parry system to get through these combos.

If you don’t want to pursue this high-risk, high-reward style, then you can just swing around the arena and wait for him to finish his combo and then attack him. Mister Negative is not a tank, and he does not have a lot of HP. His attacks also don’t do a lot of damage, but if you get stuck in his combos, it could mean death.

When Mister Negative reaches less than ten percent of his health, he will summon the demon and protect himself again. Keep moving to avoid the tornado attacks and then use Venom Punch or any other Venom ability once they come back. Once Martin Li reaches zero health in this phase, he will take you to the negative dimension.

In this dimension, you will have to follow the demon Li creates through a dream-like sequence. And then you will have to fight a bunch of negative minions while you hear Peter and Ganke’s voices in your head. When you have defeated all of the minions, you will see Miles’s father. After following him, you will have to fight many waves of negative minions yet again. Shortly after, Mister Negative will show up, and Miles will defeat him in a cutscene.


We have covered everything there is to cover regarding this boss fight. By following this guide and relying on your skills, you will most definitely defeat Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Mister Negative. If you want some help with any other boss fights in the game, you can take a look at our other boss guides on the website.

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