In this guide, we shall go over all the hidden item locations in Sniper Elite Resistance so you can strive for that 100 percent completion.

Sniper Elite Resistance throws you into massive locations, all ravaged by the Nazis and the world war. Additionally, these locations were once lived in, as is evident by the various notes, letters, reports, propaganda posters, and other items you find while exploring these levels. These hidden items add some much-needed context and life to all the locations while also pushing you to explore every nook and cranny of the carefully crafted levels.
There are 22 hidden items scattered across eight of the nine missions in Sniper Elite Resistance. Subsequently, these items are hidden across the maps’ offices, halls, back alleys, and more. However, they’re incredibly difficult to find and often have Nazis patrolling around them to make matters worse. In this guide, we shall discuss all the hidden item locations in Sniper Elite Resistance.
All Hidden Items Locations
Mission | Hidden Item Location |
Mission #2: Dead Drop | Propaganda Poster: Head down left from the fort rampart at the start, and follow the railing on the left. Pass through the outer premises and into the fort, heading straight till you reach a back alley blocked by a locked door. The poster will be on the left beside the door. Police Report #222: After you discover Vertigo’s location, head to the Library and explore the western wing to find the Police report. Police Report #223: After collecting report #222, head up the spiral stairs next to you and scan the shelves in the hallway to your right. Police Report #224: In the study room near the Library entrance. |
Mission #3: Sonderzüge Sabotage | Propaganda Poster: Go past the bridge at the bottom of the map. Continue left down the main road and turn right into the first alley. You will find the poster in the alley. Resistance Flag: Circle around and enter the building where you found the poster using the staircase. The flag is on the second floor. Gestapo ID badge: The ID badge is on one of the crates on the north side of the bridge. |
Mission #4: Collision Course | Propaganda Poster: In the railyard below the giant Nazi Insignia building on the top right corner of the map. Wine Bottle: In the bar on the second floor of the inn near the train station. This is on the left end of the map. Gas mask: In the basement of the giant Nazi Insignia building on the top right corner of the map. |
Mission #5: Devil’s Cauldron | Propaganda Poster: By the cathedral near the midwestern region of the map. Laboratory ID: Reach the tunnel checkpoint on the right side of the map. Take the first left inside the tunnel to find an office with the ID. Playing Cards: Exit the office with the ID, go straight to the balcony, and take the zipline. The zipline will drop you in front of two guards beside a campfire. The cards are on the crates next to the campfire. |
Mission #6: Assault on Fort Rogue | Propaganda Poster: On the bottom left corner of the map, inside the southwestern alley beside the town square. Todt Uniform Badge: Enter the town square from the bottom of the map, and take the first right from the gate. Head down the alley and take a staircase leading below to find the item. Committee C Map: Found in the main office in the underground bunker on the top right corner of the map. You will go here as part of the mission. |
Mission #7: Lock, Stock and Barrels | Propaganda Poster: Follow the road on the left of the map past the farm. Continue to the edge of the map and then cut into the barn nearby. The poster is on the building beside the creek. Gold Pocket Watch: Inside the barn in the vineyard, to the left of the big building, you visit for the main objective. Engraved Lighter: Inside the small house on the southeastern end of the map. |
Mission #8: End of the Line | Propaganda Poster: Head to the left-most end of the railway tracks, and then follow the tracks till you see a large building on your right. Climb the ladder on the side to ascend to the building’s balcony and find the poster. New Tank Blueprints: Take the poster, hop down, and cross the tracks to find the blueprints beside the warehouse on the other end. AA Repair Manual: Atop a box deep inside the bunker on the southern end of the map. |
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