Explore our detailed walkthrough and guide for the Ghost Town mission in Split Fiction. Find out how to beat this quest of the game.

Immediately following the Mosaic of Memories mission, you’ll begin the next part of Chapter 7, dubbed Ghost Town. The mission will see you escaping the jaws of a mysterious, monstrous creature and then navigating a watery abandoned town full of ghosts.
In this guide, we’ll explain how you can get through the various environmental and platforming puzzles during the Ghost Town mission in Split Fiction.
How To Begin the Ghost Town Mission in Split Fiction

At the end of the last mission, the two sisters open a stone door, and a cutscene shows the long, winding stairs leading downward from this point. Zoe suddenly suffers from a sharp pain in her chest, which almost leads to her collapsing. When Mio enquires about it, Zoe says she is completely okay and does not go into what just happened to her. The two then make their way down the crumbling staircase.
Soon a terrifying creature slams against the staircase and sends the two girls dropping deep into the abyss. They crash-land on a circular chandelier platform that glides downward to the starting point of the Ghost Town mission.
Ghost Town Mission Guide
The chandelier glides down a slope with Zoe and Mio riding on it. You can control the direction that the platform travels by carefully shifting your weight around. We’ve divided the rest of the mission into two sections.
Escaping the Monster

While you slide down the crumbling section, you’ll again spot the huge creature that seems to be stalking you. At one point, the monster will erupt out of the ground and try to swallow you. Make sure to move the chandelier to the left or the right to avoid the creature’s mouth.
Next, the chandelier will go off a cliff as the monster once again tries to eat you. This time, the chandelier will slide over its body. Repeat this a few times, and you’ll soon reach a body of water. Here, you’re safe from the gargantuan creature for now.
Also Read: Split Fiction: Chapter 7 (The Hollow) Spiritual Guides Mission Guide
Navigating the Watery Ghost Town

Use the owl and catfish to pull the chandelier near the gate you see on the far end. Pull the chain on the gate’s side to open it. Repeat the owl and catfish tricks to pull the chandelier along the water. There are creepy statues with gold spheres above them. Activating the spheres will rotate the statues and allow you to pull yourselves closer to them. Be wary of ghost-like figures appearing that can suck out Zoe’s soul if Mio isn’t quick enough to dispel them when they appear.
Move along this section to finally arrive at a stone sphere or wheel that blocks your path. You have to climb up the platform on the left, monetarily leaving the chandelier behind.
Jump on the roof of a dilapidated building and activate a gold sphere to open a beam of light. Pull the light in place to activate the circular mechanism at the center of the circular stone sphere. This will rotate the stone sphere and open a path in the water. Now, return to the chandelier and continue pulling yourself through the water.
Soon, you’ll reach a section that will let you climb up out of the water and progress up a ladder. From there, jump across the roofs of the houses outside. You’ll then reach a platform that houses a massive crossbow. Mio and Zoe will both need to activate the crossbow to release a bolt that drops a couple of chandeliers in the water, making way for them to move.
Jump and pull yourself using the dropped chandeliers to cross the water. Ghosts will appear from time to time, so Mio has to be ready to take them down. After some more platforming, the duo will reach a platform that houses a giant trebuchet. Use the golden sphere to pull the arm of the trebuchet down and use it to propel you upwards. You can then continue jumping across the rooftops of other houses.
You’ll eventually end up in a place where you have to use the catfish and owl abilities to break through the chains holding up a drawbridge. Crossing the drawbridge will take you to the following mission.
Also Read: Split Fiction: Chapter 7 (The Hollow) Mosaic of Memories Mission Guide
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