Starfield Marika Boros Crew

Starfield Crew: Marika Boros

This crew mate for hire knows her way around machines and weaponry. Our guide to Starfield Crew: Marika Boros will tell you all the information you need to know about where to find this crew member, how to recruit her to your crew, and the best way to make use of her special abilities and skills!

Starfield Crew: Marika Boros

As you visit populated cities and settlements on your journey through the universe, you’ll be able to hire certain crew members at the various spaceports you visit. Marika Boros is just one possible hire you may choose to have join your crew.

Her abilities are all centered around weapons and weapons systems, so should we likely do best on a fighter starship, rather than grounded in an outpost.

  • Shotgun Certification (1 star)
  • Ballistics (2 stars)
  • Particle Beam Weapon Systems (1 star)

We will be adding in more details about Marika Boros as they become available!

Starfield Marika Boros Crew
Starfield Crew: Marika Boros

Looking for more about Starfield?

Thank you for reading this Starfield Crew entry. We’ll do more deep dives into Starfield and provide guides and builds. Keep an eye out for more coverage as we anxiously wait for the game to release! Additionally, you can also watch Deltia streaming the game on Twitch.