A good story is the essence of any narrative-driven game. So in this article, we are gonna rank the top 5 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 missions.

Modern AAA games put a lot of effort into their stories. Good narrative-driven missions not only make for a good game but also make a game memorable. We have seen excellent titles such as The Last of Us and God of War using the video game format to tell some amazing stories. And we have also witnessed that carefully crafted missions can highlight and elevate the core gameplay immensely, the prime example of this is the missions in GTA 5 and the original Call of Duty MW 2.
Insomniac Games has successfully combined a good narrative that tells a personal and epic story with missions carefully designed to use and highlight the core mechanics of the game to its fullest extent in Spider-Man 2. The game has thirty-two missions in the main storyline. All of them are great but naturally, some of the story threads stand out more than others like the “It Chose You” and “Anything Can Be Broken” missions.
Top 5 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Missions
Insomniac Games has crafted the story of Spider-Man 2 with utmost care. They have drawn inspiration from many comic books as well. For example, The Last Hunt can be considered one of the inspirations for Kraven’s storyline in the game. The game has a perfect balance between big and flashy set pieces and emotional personal scenes. The pacing is also great, and there is never a dull moment.
Moreover, we have picked some of the missions from the main story, which we feel represent the best moments in the game. Here is the list of the top 5 Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 missions.
5. Surface Tension

Spider-Man 2 has one of the best opening tutorial missions in recent memory. The game starts with Peter and Miles going against a giant Sandman. It is mostly a tutorial, where the developers designed the mission in a way that teaches the new or returning players the basic game mechanics in a fun and engaging manner.
In this mission, Peter and Miles go into a sandstorm to fight a rampaging Sandman. We follow Peter in the first segment of the fight as he enters the sandstorm. The primary objective of this mission is to defeat Sandman and stop his destruction.
Peter begins the fight, and after he lands a few hits—Sandman throws him into a building. Peter then proceeds to run through the building while avoiding falling debris and saving civilians along the way. After that, Peter fights some sand minions, and then Sandman tries to bury him. However, Miles saves him at the last minute.
Then Miles and Peter damage Sandman using water and electricity and force him to run away. Miles gets thrown across the city in a cool cutscene while Peter debuts the web wings for the first time and flies through tornados. In the end, Peter and Miles successfully defeat Sandman—this mission serves as a great start for the game. This has big set pieces and introduces new abilities, gadgets, and the combat system—all of these mark the overall tone for the rest of the game.
4. It Chose You

It Chose You is the twenty-first mission in the game. The mission begins with Peter going down a sewer to seek Dr. Curt Connors aka The Lizard. In the sewer, the game throws minor roadblocks at the player, such as fires. Eventually, Peter finds an old Oscorp Lab in a subway.
This part of the mission is designed to let players gather clues and connect the story. Peter finds numerous information in the lab such as the origins of the events that led to Dr. Connors turning into Lizard, and strange symbols on a whiteboard seemingly related to a meteorite.
Shortly after Peter gets interrupted by The Lizard himself and the first phase of a bossfight begins. After the fight, Lizard runs away to the surface and Spider-Man has to chase him through New York City. Peter finally catches up to Lizard on top of a building but Kraven shows up and shoots Lizard causing him and Peter to fall from the building and into the sewer again. The last phase of the boss battle begins and in the end, Peter defeats and cures Dr. Connors with the Antidote.
Dr. Connor reveals the origins of the symbiote on Earth and how it caused the loss of his arm. He explains the connection between the Symbiote and the meteorite and tries to convince Peter against using the black suit. The symbiote then touches the meteorite and a flashback ensues. When it ends we see that the black suit looks different and Peter’s personality has taken a significantly aggressive turn. This marks the first appearance of the Symbiote Suit.
3. This Isn’t You

“This Isn’t You” is an interesting mission and an important point in the game’s story. Peter is searching for Harry at the beginning of the mission, and he finds an audio recording of Norman Osborn. Meanwhile, MJ calls Peter to tell him that she got a promotion, Peter tells her that something is wrong with Harry and he is pissing. Right after this conversation, the doorbell rings, and when MJ answers it. She finds Harry standing at the door. Harry then proceeds to attack MJ and the call gets cut.
When Peter reaches the house MJ is in, he finds Harry and her sitting at a table. Harry then asks Peter to let him heal the world. When Peter refuses and refers to the Symbiote as “the thing”, Harry gets angry and Venom takes over. Venom grabs MJ and infects her, turning her into the well-known symbiote character named Scream. This was a surprise for many fans since Scream was never portrayed by Mary Jane in the comics or any other adaptations.
After that, a four-phase boss battle occurs. Scream tries to manipulate Peter by saying that he never cared about MJ and the only thing he cares about is being Spider-Man. In the end, Peter and a strong-willed MJ defeat Scream by using sounds, which is a weakness of the symbiotes. Peter and MJ confess their feelings for each other and Peter goes off to find Harry again.
2. Anything Can Be Broken

“Anything Can Be Broken” is one of the most crucial missions in the second act of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. In the prelude to this mission, Kraven abducts Miles in order to force Peter to fight him. Peter tracks Miles down to Kraven’s lair, where The hunter traps Peter and challenges him to a fight.
The black suit had turned into the Symbiote suit and started corrupting Peter, turning him more ruthless at this point in the story. Kraven’s boss battle has two phases. In the end, Peter defeats Kraven and almost kills him. But Miles interrupts and tells Peter that the symbiote is taking over him and he should not use it anymore.
Peter gets enraged by this, saying that he needs the suit to be a better Spider-Man, and claiming that Miles just wants to take the symbiote away from Peter so he can use it himself. A boss battle begins between Peter and Miles which has three phases.
Miles defeats Peter in the end with the help of the bell in the arena. Peter realizes that the symbiote uses negative emotions to slowly take over its host and get rid of it. Miles uses an Oscorp container to lock the Symbiote away and Peter comes back to his normal self.
1. Don’t Be Scared

“Don’t Be Scared” takes place right after the events of the previous mission we mentioned. After removing the Symbiote from his body, Peter goes to the Oscorp Tower to lock it away in a safe place. Peter meets Harry there, and he tries to convince Harry that he should not use the Symbiote as it corrupts its hosts. However, at this point in the story, Harry is dying from a sickness. Harry gets angry at Peter’s proposition and says that he will die without the Symbiote.
Empowered by Harry’s negative emotions, the Symbiote bursts out of its container and bonds with Harry. This is the first time we get to see Venom in all of his glory. Venom attacks Peter and knocks him unconscious. Players get to play as Venom in this mission as he is taking out guards and rampaging through the Oscorp tower in order to escape.
Once loose in the city, Venom gets attacked by Kraven’s goons. Shortly after, Kraven appears himself, looking to meet his end in a glorious fight. In this boss battle, players get to fight Kraven again but have Venom this time. Venom defeats Kraven and beheads him. Afterward, Harry goes to visit his mother’s grave and remembers her promise to heal the world. The Symbiote then proceeds to elevate the graveyard high up in the sky, and Harry sees the city being engulfed by the Symbiote.
These are the top 5 story missions we picked from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. There are many other great missions in the game. If you are a PC gamer, then you will be able to explore all of the missions in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 when the game launches on January 30, 2025, for PC.
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