5 Best Kanabo Skill Tree Upgrades for Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree in Assassin’s Creed Shadows can enhance his capabilities on the battlefield. Let’s delve into the five best upgrades.

Assassin's Creed Shadows Yasuke Teppo Skill Tree Mastery Guide: Knowledge Level, Passive, and Active Abilities
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Yasuke Teppo Skill Tree Mastery Guide (Image via Ubisoft)

Assassin’s Creed Shadows features two separate protagonists. Nobunaga’s trusted warrior Yasuke is one of them, and unlike his counterpart, he belongs to the Samurai class. So, naturally, he prefers combat over stealth as the Samurai were known for their code of honor and brutality. Thus, Yasuke has a lot of different weapons in his arsenal that establish his superiority on the battlefield. The Kanabo is a part of Yasuke’s weaponry and with the right abilities, it can turn into a formidable weapon.

Therefore, in this article, we will take a look at the 5 Best Kanabo Skill Tree upgrades for Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Yasukes’s Best Kanabo Skill Tree Upgrades in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree has six ranks and features several unique abilities. However, some of those skills are a little better than the other, and if used correctly, can be quite effective in combat. So, with that in mind, we have picked the best 5 skills in Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree to make things a bit easier for you.

5. Forward Momentum in Rank 1

A great way to start the Kanabo Skill Tree in Assassin's Creed Shadows (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)
A great way to start the Kanabo Skill Tree in Assassin’s Creed Shadows (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The Forward Momentum ability in Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree allows players to use the heavy weapon in a more quick and efficient manner. To be more specific, with this passive skill unlocked, when you hit an enemy, you will be able to chain your next light or heavy attacks faster. It is a great upgrade to a slow weapon like the Kanabo since it boosts its attack speed and makes it more effective.

4. Spine Breaker in Rank 1

Become the Bane of your enemies (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)
Become the Bane of your enemies (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The Spine Breaker is a terrifying attack that lives up to its name. It is an active ability in Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree. During this skill, Yasuke will grab an enemy with his Kanabo and deal 100% ability damage while knocking out other regular enemies to the ground. Additionally, despite Spine Breaker only being half as effective on larger enemies, you can increase its damage with Irresistible Force in Rank 3 and unlock its full effect with Unstoppable Strength in Rank 4.

3. Sluggin Rampage in Rank 4

Slugging Ramge is a good ability for crow control (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)
Slugging Ramge is a good ability for crow control (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The next on this list is another active ability. With Slugging Rampage you can perform a series of spinning attacks that do 20% ability damage to everyone it hits and send them flying back. It is a great offensive skill that can be quite effective against multiple targets and a great way of crowd control.

2. Devastation in Rank 1

Add some fluidity to Yasuke's attacks (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)
Add some fluidity to Yasuke’s attacks (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

We would like to talk about Devastation next. This passive ability in Yasuke’s Kanabo Skill Tree and aims to provide versatility and smoothness in the offense. If you unlock it, you will be able to switch attack type at the end of a combo and trigger an additional combo ender. Devastation is a great way to extend the series of your strikes and do extra damage that might turn the tide of battle in your favor. Additionally, it only has one stage and no previous branches.

1. Crushing Shockwave in Rank 3

Crush your enemies with the Kanabo (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)
Crush your enemies with the Kanabo (Image via Ubisoft, Deltias Gaming)

The last ability on this list is the Crushing Shockwave. It is a downward strike that deals 126% ability damage, incapacitates the targets, and staggers everyone in a 3-meter radius. Similar to the previous skill we covered, this active ability is a great option for crowd control. In addition to that, it has only one stage and no previous branches. So, you can simply unlock it and enjoy its full potential.

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