The Necrom chapter will bring many new collectibles to ESO, including new dyes, mounts, pets, costumes, hats, and more.

Elder Scrolls Online often has an opinion of the game with not enough cosmetics and collectibles that can be earned simply for playing the game. However, this update and the new Necrom Chapter introduce plenty of new items as a reward for questing or achievements. Developers significantly improved the amount of great-looking items.
All Collectibles in ESO Necrom Chapter
Here are all the items and achievements in the new ESO Necrom Chapter:
- Mounts
- The Ram of Dark Dreams – the Sane and Clearheaded achievement.
- A Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed – the Savior of Necrom achievement.
- Pets
- A Graht-Oak Squirrel – the Great Oaks from Little Acorns achievement.
- An Obsidian Dwarven Sphere – the Keeper of the Bastion achievement.
- Mementos
- The Prism of Moribund Sapience – completing the quest “In a Troubled House”.
- The Meln’s Soul Gem memento – completing the quest “Spirit of Fate”.
- Costume
- The Fate Scryer Costume – completing the quest “Chronicle of Fate”.
- Face and Body Markings
- Abyssal Cephaliarch’s Face Art – completing the quest “A Hidden Fate”, Body Art – completing the quest “A Calamity of Fate”.
- The Whorls of the Dark Dream Visage – the Tenacious Dreamer achievement, Body Marks – the Sanity’s Edge Conqueror achievement.
- The Spore Savant Face and Body Markings – Antiquities Sytem item.
- Outfit Styles
- Shroomtender outfit pages are a reward for completing various achievements associated with the exploration of Necrom.
- Gravegrasp outfit pages come from the Runebound Tome: Gravegrasp, created when combining 20 Siege of Cyrodiil merits and a Siege of Cyrodiil Honor.
- Dyes
- The Telvanni Walnut dye – the Champion of Necrom achievement.
- The Sanity’s Orchid dye – the Sanity’s Edge Vanquisher achievement.
- The Mora’s Mauve dye – the Grand Arcanist Slayer achievement.
- Emote
- The Card Conjuring emote – the eponymous achievement.
- Titles – This update introduces 103 new achievements and 7 new titles.
- The title “Fate’s Chosen” – the “Champion of Necrom” achievement.
- The title “Hero of Necrom” – the achievement of the same name.
- The title “Sanity’s Scourge” – the title “Sanity’s Warrior”.
- The title “Tenacious Dreamer” – the achievement of the same name in Sanity’s Edge.
- The title “Mind Master” – the “Master of the Mind” achievement in Sanity’s Edge.
- The title “Tormentor’s Bane” – the “Sane and Clear Headed” achievement in Sanity’s Edge.
The Ram of Dark Dreams – You can earn for completing the Sane and Clearheaded achievement.

You can obtain a Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed after getting the Savior of Necrom achievement.


Face and Body Markings




Homes and Furnitures
- Homes
- Journey’s End Lodgings – – the “Room to Spare” quest in Necrom’s Mourner’s Solace Tavern or can be purchased for 3,000 gold if you’ve already completed that quest elsewhere.
- Emissary’s Enclave – available to purchase for 1,300,000 gold upon completion of the “Necrom Grand Adventurer” achievement.
- Furnitures – A bevy of new furnishings can be found in Necrom, including:
- 101 new furnishing plans, which can be obtained from monsters, containers, and more across the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha.
- 5 new book furnishings, and 5 new furnishing plans that can be found in Bastion Nymic.
- 11 new Home Goods furnishings that can be purchased from Murkholg in Necrom, including an array of mushrooms that can be found across the Telvanni Peninsula, along with a selection of Apocrypha style foliage and rocks.
- 12 new achievement furnishings, which can be purchased from Vasei in Necrom once you’ve completed the associated achievements.
- A set of 10 new paintings, which can rarely be found in treasure chests across Necrom.
- 14 new antiquity furnishings, including a new Telvanni themed alchemy station!
- A new bust and trophy celebrating victory in Sanity’s Edge.
- 4 new tapestries featuring the art from two new different Tales of Tribute cards, which can be earned as rare rewards from Tales of Tribute matches.
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