All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty Explored

Explore everything you need to know about Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty, inclsuding ingredients needed and buffs they provide.

All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty Explored
All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty Explored

In MMOs there are a variety of skills and systems you must interact with to get the most potential out of your characters, one of these systems is cooking. Cooking, in Throne and Liberty, functions by combining various static ingredients with additional ingredients that can improve your chances of obtaining higher tier food. Cooking can be done at campfires and in cooking ovens found throughout the world.

To find a recipe, hold control + F and type in the word. The table of contents below also expands for quick viewing.

What is Cooking in Throne and Liberty?

In Throne and Liberty, cooking requires combining ingredients to obtain food that can give you buffs along your journey. Recipes require different cooking levels to unlock and various ingredients ranging from common to rare depending upon the recipe.

What is Cooking in Throne and Liberty

Also, certain ingredients can increase your chance of obtaining higher quality food. This higher quality food gives extra benefits like longer durations or an increase in stats. Having the right ingredients does not ensure you can get the best result, higher cooking levels and higher quality ingredients will give you the best chance to get high quality results.

Why is Cooking Important in Throne and Liberty?

Cooking in Throne and Liberty provides bonuses and boosts to various stats of your character. These boosts range from bonus EXP, additional Sollant (Gold), and various combat buffs.

Why is Cooking Important in Throne and Liberty Gold and EXP Buffs
Why is Cooking Important in Throne and Liberty Damage Buffs

All of these buffs combine to help aid your journey throughout Throne and Liberty, making it easier to level or deal more damage. Some provide additional resistances or damage while in PvP or help deal extra boss damage. Consuming the food will allow you to gain these buffs for various duration of time, depending on the quality of the item.

How Many Cooking Recipes are there in Throne and Liberty?

There are currently a total of 54 recipes in Throne and Liberty and each have their own unique mix of ingredients. Many of these ingredients can be either gathered as plants out in the world or purchased from the Sundries Merchant. Moreover, if you plan to level Cooking you will also need to invest some time in Fishing. Fish are used in several of the cooking recipes, and this mini-game within the larger world will take additional time and effort to level.

What are Recipe Types in Throne and Liberty?

In Throne and Liberty there are five different types of recipes: Attack, Defense, Remedy, Utility, and Miscellaneous. Dishes made with Attack recipes will provide standard attack bonuses such as Hit, Heavy Attack Chance and Critical Hit. You’ll want to prioritize these if you are DPS build going up against a world boss or going into a co-op dungeon. On the other hand, Defense dishes will increase you protection by boosting stats like Endurance or Skill Damage Resistance. A tank build in any situation is going to want to cook and consume one of these meals.

Remedy concoctions are potion-like drinks that can be used during battle to boost your power or remove a debuff. Dishes that are included under the Utility type can increase your Health and Mana resource pool, boost the regeneration of either, increase you attack speed, and more. Finally, recipes in the Miscellaneous category are typically related to increased currency generation, increase in Fishing Mastery, and even EXP bonuses.

All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty Listed

Below, we explore all cooking recipes in Throne and Liberty, including buffs, ingredients, level requirements, and cooking results:

Aged SalmonGrilled Crown FishRoaring Steak
Ardent JellyGrilled FishRoasted Honey Apple
Attack RemedyHealthy MilkRye Bread
Aurora Seafood PlatterHerb-Marinaded Chicken DrumstickScorpion Tail Fritters
Aylmar FeastHerba BanquetShark Crab Soup
BBQ PlatterHoney Rye CookieSkipjack Tuna Tadaki
Canned Salted FishHoney Sponge CakeSoft Steamed Bird Egg
Crab Meat PieKastler BanquetSweet Grilled Mushrooms
Dawn Crab PlatterKastler SaladTender Meat and Pine Mushrooms
Daybreak Shore BanquetLaslan-Style Braised MeatTerror Bird Stew
Defense RemedyLaslan-Style Fish StewThrilling Papillote
Enticing Cream PuddingLobster SandwichTranapple Tart
Fan Fried Fan Leaf SquidMeat and Onion SoupVegetable Stir-Fry
Fish and Seaweed SoupMushroom StewVienta Banquet
Fish PottageMushroom Stir-FryVienta-Style Seafood Fritters
Fish SteakPickled Fruit CandyWhite Meat Mortis
Forest GoulashPoultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-FryWild Game Steak
Fried EggPurification RemedyWild Grape Pie
Golden Apple PieQuarba OmeletWild Pot-au-feu
All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Aged Salmon

Aged Salmon Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Aged Salmon:

  • Type: Fishing Mastery Bonus +20%
  • Description: “A delightful dish made of meaty, salty Salmon.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 22
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Aged Salmon: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Aged Salmon: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x3


Red Salmon x1

Ardent Jelly

Ardent Jelly Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Ardent Jelly:

  • Type: Boss Hit +100, Undead Damage Boost +50, Undead Damage Resistance +50
  • Description: “A jelly with a dreamy scent, made from the cartilage of tenacious monsters and solidified with cold souls.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 20
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Ardent Jelly: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Mana Blood x5


Reaper’s Soul x1

Attack Remedy

Attack Remedy Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Attack Remedy:

  • Type: Damage Boost +20%
  • Description: “A superior remedy made from condensed natural essences. It boosts attack for a short period of time.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Attack Remedy: Duration 15 seconds.
    • Rare Attack Remedy: Duration 24 seconds.

Static Ingredients
Quality Rubrix Ore x3


Quality Natural Essence x10


Rare Natural Essence x10

Aurora Seafood Platter

Aurora Seafood Platter Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Aurora Seafood Platter:

  • Type: All Crowd Control Chance +40, All Hit +50, Skill Damage Boost +40
  • Description: “A colorful seafood platter of trimmed aurora starfish stuffed with fish fillets and steamed to perfection.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 15
  • Possible Results
    • Aurora Seafood Platter: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Aurora Seafood Platter: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Aurora Seafood Platter: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Lemon Grass x1
Clam x2
Wine x1
Aurora Starfish x1


Dolly Varden Trout x5
Belphoret Bass x5
Pink Cod x5
Silver Anchovy x5
Striped Mackerel x5
Largemouth Bass x5


Arowana x3
Amberjack x3
Lanquis Barracuda x3
Banded Butterflyfish x3
Taion Moray Eel x3


Blacktail Snook x1
Barracuda x1
Ballan Wrasse x1
Imp Catalupa x1
Pajama Cardinalfish x1
Fonsine Barracuda x1

Aylmar Feast

Aylmar Feast Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting a BBQ Platter:

  • Type: Boss Bonus Damage +15, Boss Heavy Attack +40, Boss Critical Hit +70
  • Description: “A feast for hardy fold to help them survive in harsh environments. When used, a feast table is set on the floor for maximum of 6 people.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 25
  • Possible Results
    • Rare BBQ Platter: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare Cellana Toreuma Soup x1
Rare Fried Fan Leaf Squid x1
Rare Grilled Fish x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

BBQ Platter

BBQ Platter Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting BBQ Platter:

  • Type: Bonus Damage +7, Buff Duration +3%
  • Description: “A hearty dish of meat and corn, sauced and grilled on a griddle, served with onions and cheese.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 12
  • Possible Results
    • BBQ Platter: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality BBQ Platter: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare BBQ Platter: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Onion x4
Cheese x2
Corn x2
Curry Powder x1


Wolf Meat x5
Pork x5


Bird Meat x3
Bland Meat x3


Thick Meat x1
Chewy Meat x1
Fresh Ingredients (100% Rare) x1

Canned Salted Fish

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Canned Salted Fish:

  • Type: Cooking Mastery Bonus +20%
  • Description: “A preserved meal of chopped fresh fish marinated with salt and herbs.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 22
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Canned Salted Fish: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Canned Salted Fish: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x3


Lanquis Bass x5
Black Bream x5
Flathead Gray Mullet x5
Blue Filefish x5


Kahawai x3


Mahi Mahi x1

Crab Meat Pie

Crab Meat Pie Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Crab Meat Pie:

  • Type: Sollant Bonus +50%, Abyssal Contract Token Efficiency +10%
  • Description: “A sweet and savory pie with tender crab meat baked with salt and sweet sauteed onions.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 9
  • Possible Results
    • Crab Meat Pie: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Crab Meat Pie: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Crab Meat Pie: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Onion x4
Salt x1
Golden Rye x1


Hermit Crab Tail x3


Sea Crab Nipper x1

Dawn Crab Platter

Dawn Crab Platter Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Dawn Crab Platter:

  • Type: All Evasion +70, Skill Damage Resistance +40, All Crowd Control Resistances +40
  • Description: “A gourmet dish of fresh crab from Daybreak Shore, steamed in wine with aromatic herbs.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 14
  • Possible Results
    • Dawn Crab Platter: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Dawn Crab Platter: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Dawn Crab Platter: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Saffron x1
Uncommon Fish Oil x1
Wine x1


Hermit Crab Tail x3


Sea Crab Nipper x1

Daybreak Shore Banquet

Daybreak Shore Banquet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Daybreak Shore Banquet:

  • Type: PvP Evasion +120, PvP Endurance +120
  • Description: “A colorful feast served by merchants at the Daybreak Shore market. It features the freshest seafood and ingredients Daybreak Shore is known for.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 20
  • Possible Results
    • Rare BBQ Platter: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare Dawn Crab Platter x1
Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x1
Rare Golden Apple Pie x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

Defense Remedy

Defense Remedy Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Defense Remedy:

  • Type: Damage Taken -20%
  • Description: “A superior remedy made from condensed natural essences. It boosts defense for a short period of time.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Defense Remedy: Duration 15 seconds.
    • Rare Defense Remedy: Duration 24 seconds.

Static Ingredients
Quality Emeret Ore x3


Quality Natural Essence x10


Rare Natural Essence x10

Enticing Cream Pudding

Enticing Cream Pudding Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Enticing Cream Pudding:

  • Type: Boss Hit +100, Wildkin Bonus Damage +12, Wildkin Damage Reduction +12
  • Description: “A delicate dessert of sweet cream pudding topped with crispy fried insect wings.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 16
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Enticing Cream Pudding: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Fermented Rotein x5


Ant Wings x1

Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid

Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid:

  • Type: Damage Reduction +10, Skill Damage Reduction +60, Damage Reduction +10
  • Description: “A fragrant fan fried meal made of chopped fan leaves and squid.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 24
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Vegetable Oil x1
Fan Leaf x2


Squid x3

Fish and Seaweed Soup

Fish and Seaweed Soup Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Fish and Seaweed Soup:

  • Type: Skill Damage Resistance +70, Attack Speed +3%
  • Description: “A soup made of a fish, seaweed, garlic, and herbs.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 23
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Fish and Seaweed Soup: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Fish and Seaweed Soup: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Garlic x1
3x Silk Mollusk x3


Pennant Coralfish x5
Discus x5
Heliber Goldfish x5
Sunspot Rockfish x5


Luderick x3
Small-Mouthed Rockfish x3


Peacock Bass x1

Fish Pottage

Fish Pottage Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Fish Pottage:

  • Type: All Endurance +60, All Heavy Attack Evasion +60
  • Description: “A thick, satisfying stew of simmered fish, cream, and garlic.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 7
  • Possible Results
    • Fish Pottage: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Fish Pottage: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Fish Pottage: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Garlic x5
Celery x1


Pink Cod x5
Silver Anchovy x5


Amberjack x3
Branded Butterflyfish x3
Taion Moray Eel x3


Barracuda x1
Ballan Wrasse x1

Fish Steak

Fish Steak Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Fish Steak:

  • Type: All Hit +60, Skill Damage Boost +40
  • Description: “A perfectly roasted fish steak seasoned with herbs.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 8
  • Possible Results
    • Fish Steak: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Fish Steak: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Fish Steak: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Garlic x5
Basil x3


Belphoret Bass x5
Largemouth Bass x5


Arowana x3


Fonsine Barracuda x1

Forest Goulash

Forest Goulash Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Forest Goulash:

  • Type: All Evasion +50, All Crowd Control Resistances +75
  • Description: “A hearty delicacy combining honey-marinated wild game and a Terror Bird egg.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 11
  • Possible Results
    • Forest Goulash: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Forest Goulash: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Forest Goulash: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Terror Bird Egg x4
Basil x1


Pork x5


Bird Meat x3


Thick Meat x1
Chewy Meat x1

Fried Egg

Fried Egg Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Fried Egg:

  • Type: Boss Hit +90, Boss Critical Hit +90
  • Description: “A dish made by frying eggs in a hot pan with oil. The flavor varies, depending on which egg you cook with.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Fried Egg: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Fried Egg: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Terror Bird Egg x5
Egg x5


Lizard Egg x3


Sandworm Egg x1

Golden Apple Pie

Golden Apple Pie Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting a BBQ Platter:

  • Type: Mastery Bonus +50%, Abyssal Contract Token Efficiency +10%
  • Description: “A sweet and tart pie made with sugared slices of rare golden apples and acidified with tangy fruice.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 11
  • Possible Results
    • Golden Apple Pie: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Golden Apple Pie: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Golden Apple Pie: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Fruice x1
Salt x1
Golden Rye x1


Golden Apple x1

Golden Rye Banquet

Golden Rye Banquet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Golden Rye Banquet:

  • Type: Boss Damage Reduction +15, Evasion +60, Endurance +60
  • Description: “A hearty feast for guests at the Golden Rye Pastures. Ingredients are carefully grown and harvested on the farm. When used, is set up on the ground. Up to 6 players.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 16
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Golden Rye Banquet: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare White Meat Mortis x1
Rare Mushroom Stir Fry x1
Rare Soft Steamed Bird Egg x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

Grilled Crown Fish

Grilled Crown Fish Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Grilled Crown Fish:

  • Type: Bonus Damage +7, Skill Damage Boost +50
  • Description: “An indulgent dish of flaky crown fish flavored with saffron.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 13
  • Possible Results
    • Grilled Crown Fish: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Grilled Crown Fish: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Grilled Crown Fish: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Saffron x1
Salt x1


Dolly Varden Trout x5
Belphoret Bass x5
Largemouth Bass x5


Arowana x3
Lanquis Barracuda x3


Imp Catalupa x1
Pajama Cardinalfish x1
Fonsine Barracuda x1

Grilled Fish

Grilled Fish Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Grilled Fish:

  • Type: PvP Hit +100, All Crowd Control Resistances +75
  • Description: “A salted Mackerel that was grilled to perfection.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 23
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Grilled Fish: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Grilled Fish: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
3x Salt


Horse Mackerel x5
Rainbow Ray-Finned Fish x5
Bluegill x5
Stripped Crimson Seabream x5


Mackerel x3


Lanquis Carp x1

Healthy Milk

Healthy Milk Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Healthy Milk:

  • Type: Mana Recovery +500 per second.
  • Description: “A delicious and healthy combination of fresh milk and savory rotein. Just one glass is enough to energize you.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 8
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Healthy Milk: Duration 18 seconds.

Static Ingredients
Rotein x1


Milk x5


Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick

Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick:

  • Type: All Critical Hit +60, All Heavy Attack Chance +60
  • Description: “The plump, chewy thigh of a Terror Bird flavored with mushrooms.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 6
  • Possible Results
    • Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Shiitake Mushroom x1
Salt x1


Bird Meat x3

Herba Banquet

Herba Banquet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Herba Banquet:

  • Type: Boss Damage Reduction +15, All Evasion +70, All Endurance +70
  • Description: “The Herba Village’s colorful feast for special guests made of natural ingredients from Talandre. When used, a feast table is set on the floor of maximum of 6 people.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 25
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Herba Banquet: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare Mushroom Stew x1
Rare Wild Grape Pie x1
Rare Shark Crab Soup x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

Honey Rye Cookie Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Honey Rye Cookie:

  • Type: Health Recovery +500 per second.
  • Description: “A cookie made with golden rye flour, honey, and salt. It’s sweet, chewy, and very filling.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 4
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Honey Rye Cookie: Duration 18 seconds.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Salt x1


Golden Rye x5

Honey Sponge Cake

Honey Sponge Cake Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Honey Sponge Cake:

  • Type: Health Recovery +500 per second, Mana Recovery +500 per second
  • Description: “A fluffy sponge cake made with rye flour and plenty of honey and milk. It’s both delicious and nutritious.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 10
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Honey Sponge Cake: 18 seconds.

Static Ingredients
Healthy Milk x1


Honey Rye Cookie x1

Kastler Banquet

Kastler Banquet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Kastler Banquet:

  • Type: Boss Bonus Damage +15, Hit +60, Critical Hit +60
  • Description: “A bountiful feast served by the people of Kastleton on occasions of celebration. Fresh ingredients are sourced from the plains around Kastleton. When used, is set up on the group. Up to 6 players.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 14
  • Possible Results
    • Kastler Salad: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Kastler Salad: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Kastler Salad: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare BBQ Platter x1
Rare Quarba Omelet x1
Rare Kastler Salad x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

Kastler Salad

Kastler Salad Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Kastler Salad:

  • Type: EXP Bonus +50%
  • Description: “A sweet, refreshing salad. A Kastler family tradition.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 3
  • Possible Results
    • Kastler Salad: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Kastler Salad: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Kastler Salad: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
1x Salt x1
1x Vegetable Oil x1


Quarba x3
Celery x3


Herba x1
Fresh Ingredients (100% Rare) x1

Laslan-Style Braised Meat

Laslan-Style Braised Meat Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Laslan-Style Braised Meat:

  • Type: All Evasion +50, All Endurance +60
  • Description: “Juicy, shreddable meat braised with plenty of honey.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 9
  • Possible Results
    • Laslan-Style Braised Meat: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Laslan-Style Braised Meat: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Laslan-Style Braised Meat: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Garlic x5
Salt x1


Chewy Meat x1

Laslan-Style Fish Stew

Laslan-Style Fish Stew Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Laslan-Style Fish Stew:

  • Type: All Evasion +60, All Endurance +60
  • Description: “A rich, creamy stew made with plenty of fish and garlic.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 3
  • Possible Results
    • Laslan-Style Fish Stew: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Laslan-Style Fish Stew: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Garlic x5


Pink Cod x5
Silver Anchovy x5


Banded Butterflyfish x3
Taion Moray Eel x3

Lobster Sandwich

Lobster Sandwich Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Lobster Sandwich:

  • Type: All Endurance +90, Critical Hit Damage Reduction +8%
  • Description: “A quality rye bread sandwich filled with decadent lobster meat and a crisp sauce made of basil, wild grapes, and butter.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 24
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Lobster Sandwich: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Lobster Sandwich: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Basil x1
Talandre Wild Grape x2


Mantis Shrimp x3

Meat and Onion Soup

Meat and Onion Soup Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Meat and Onion Soup:

  • Type: All Defense +150
  • Description: “A thick soup of shredded meat and sauteed onions simmered for a long time.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Meat and Onion Soup: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Meat and Onion Soup: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Onion x4
Salt x1


Wolf Meat x5
Pork x5


Bird Meat x3
Bland Meat x3


Thick Meat x1
Chewy Meat x1

Mushroom Stew

Mushroom Stew Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Mushroom Stew:

  • Type: Recovers Stamina Immediately On Use
  • Description: “A hot stew of mollusk, mushrooms, and various vegetables.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 21
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Mushroom Stew: +40 Stamina Recovered
    • Rare Mushroom Stew: +60 Stamina Recovered

Static Ingredients
Silk Mollusk x2
Fan Leaf x1


Shiitake Mushroom x6
Pine Mushroom x6


Winter Truffle x2

Mushroom Stir-Fry

Mushroom Stir-fry Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Mushroom Stir-Fry:

  • Type: Max Mana +300, Mana Regen +20
  • Description: “A simple but tasty meal of meaty shiitake mushrooms and sweet onions.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 2
  • Possible Results
    • Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Onion x4
Salt x1


Shiitake Mushroom x3

Pickled Fruit Candy

Pickled Fruit Candy Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Pickled Fruit Candy:

  • Type: Cooking Mastery Bonus +15%
  • Description: “Tranapples, honey, and bright herbs make for a sweetly sour treat.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Pickled Fruit Candy: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Pickled Fruit Candy: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Lemongrass x1


Tranapple x1

Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry

Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry:

  • Type: Skill Heal +2.5%, Mana Cost Efficiency +4%
  • Description: “A traditional dish of pan-fried, bite-sized pieces of mushrooms and poultry.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 12
  • Possible Results
    • Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Shiitake Mushroom x1
Curry Powder x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Bird Meat x3

Purification Remedy

Purification Remedy Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Purification Remedy:

  • Type: On use Bind, Silence, Sleep, Stun removed.
  • Description: “A hearty dish of meat and corn, sauced and grilled on a griddle, served with onions and cheese.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Purification Remedy: Removes CC on use

Static Ingredients
Abyssal Aggregate x1
Quality Stalon Ore x3


Rare Natural Essence x10

Quarba Omelet

Quarba Omelet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Quarba Omelet:

  • Type: Health Regen +35, Mana Regen +35
  • Description: “Omelet made with fresh Quarba slices and a generous helping of bird’s eggs.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 6
  • Possible Results
    • Quarba Omelet: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Quarba Omelet: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Quarba Omelet: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x1
Quarba x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Terror Bird Egg x5
Egg x5


Lizard Egg x3


Sandworm Egg x1
Fresh Ingredients (100% Rare) x1

Roaring Steak

Roaring Steak Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Roaring Steak – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Roaring Steak:

  • Type: Boss Hit +100, Humanoid Damage Boost +50, Humanoid Damage Resistance +50
  • Description: “Healthy steak made from the heart and flesh of a monster with steel-like strength.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 18
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Roaring Steak: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Fermented Rotein x5


Orc Heart x1

Roasted Honey Apple

Roasted Honey Apple Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Roasted Honey Apple:

  • Type: PvP Hit +90, PvP Critical Hit +90
  • Description: “Roasted apples with honey.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Roasted Honey Apple: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Roasted Honey Apple: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1


Apple x3


Golden Apple x1

Rye Bread

Rye Bread Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Rye Bread – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Rye Bread:

  • Type: Fishing Mastery Bonus +15%
  • Description: “Nutritious bread made with finely ground golden rye flour and delicious milk.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Rye Bread: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Rye Bread: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Salt x1


Golden Rye x5

Scorpion Tail Fritters

Scorpion Tail Fritters Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Scorpion Tail Fritters:

  • Type: Move Speed +3.5%, Attack Speed +3%
  • Description: “A dish of fried scorpion tails with chewy, firm flesh that has been de-venomed and deep-fried in high-quality oil and sprinkled with salt.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 17
  • Possible Results
    • Scorpion Tail Fritters: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Scorpion Tail Fritters: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Uncommon Fish Oil x1
Salt x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Scorpion Tail x1

Shark Crab Soup

Shark Crab Soup Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Shark Crab Soup – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Shark Crab Soup:

  • Type: All Critical Hit +75, Critical Damage +5%
  • Description: “A smooth soup made of Shark and Crab meat, decorated with a Red Water Lily.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 25
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Shark Crab Soup: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Shark Crab Soup: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Sea Crab Nipper x1
Red Water Lily x1


Blacktip Shark x1

Skipjack Tuna Tadaki

Skipjack Tuna Tadaki Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Skipjack Tuna Tadaki:

  • Type: All Hit +6-, All Crowd Control Chance +75
  • Description: “A fresh meal made of Skipjack Tuna, sauced with scallop gravy, then charred on the outside while keeping the inside raw.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 25
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Skipjack Tuna Tadaki: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Skipjack Tuna Tadaki: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Uncommon Fish Oil x1
Silk Mollusk x1


Skipjack Tuna x1

Soft Steamed Bird Egg

Soft Steamed Bird Egg Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Soft Steamed Bird Egg – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Soft Steamed Bird Egg:

  • Type: Sollant Bonus +50%
  • Description: “A mixture of large bird eggs and milk, stirred well, skimmed of foam, and steamed to a smooth consistency.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 5
  • Possible Results
    • Soft Steamed Bird Egg: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Soft Steamed Bird Egg: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Soft Steamed Bird Egg: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Salt x1


Terror Bird Egg x5
Egg x5


Lizard Egg x3


Sandworm Egg x1

Sweet Grilled Mushrooms

Sweet Grilled Mushroom Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Sweet Grilled Mushrooms:

  • Type: All Hit +60, All Critical Hit +60
  • Description: “Grilled pine mushrooms and onions with honey.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 2
  • Possible Results
    • Sweet Grilled Mushrooms: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Sweet Grilled Mushrooms: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Onion x4


Pine Mushroom x3

Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms

Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms:

  • Type: Bonus Damage +12
  • Description: “Grilled meat and aromatic mushrooms with sweet cheese.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 10
  • Possible Results
    • Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Milk x1
Cheese x2
Pine Mushroom x1


Dolly Varden Trout x5
Belphoret Bass x5
Largemouth Bass x5


Arowana x3


Pajama Cardinalfish x1
Fonsie Barracuda x1

Terror Bird Stew

Terror Bird Stew Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Terror Bird Stew:

  • Type: All Evasion +60, All Heavy Attack Evasion +60
  • Description: “A sweet and savory dish of stewed terror bird and caramelized onions.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 5
  • Possible Results
    • Terror Bird Stew: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Terror Bird Stew: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Onion x4
Golden Rye x1


Bird Meat x3

Thrilling Papillote

Thrilling Papillote Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Thrilling Papillote – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Thrilling Papillote:

  • Type: Boss Hit +100, Wildkin Damage Boost +50, Wildkin Damage Resistance +50
  • Description: “An invigorating steamed dish of attack-repelling scales and tender meat.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 17
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Thrilling Papillote: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Fermented Rotein x5


Lizard Scale x1

Tranapple Tart

Tranapple Tart Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Tranapple Tart:

  • Type: EXP Bonus +30%, Sollant Bonus +30%
  • Description: “A splendid dessert of sliced tranapples flavored with copious honey and topped with fresh fruit.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 7
  • Possible Results
    • Tranapple Tart: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Tranapple Tart: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Tranapple Tart: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Salt x1
Golden Rye x1


Tranapple x1

Vegetable Stir-Fry

Vegetable Stir-fry Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Vegetable Stir-Fry – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Vegetable Stir-Fry:

  • Type: Max Health +300, Health Regen +20
  • Description: “A dish made by slicing vegetables into small pieces and stir-frying them crisp with just a little oil and salt.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 1
  • Possible Results
    • Vegetable Stir-Fry: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Vegetable Stir-Fry: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Quarba x3
Celery x3


Herba x1

Vienta Banquet

Vienta Banquet Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Vienta Banquet:

  • Type: PvP Hit +100, PvP Critical Hit +100
  • Description: “A sumptuous feast that is a must-try for anyone visiting Vienta Village. A variety of ingredients are sourced from the sea and desert around Vienta. When used, is set up on the ground. Up to 6 players.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 18
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Vienta Banquet: 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Rare Aurora Seafood Platter x1
Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x1
Rare Tranapple Tart x1


Rare Marind x5
Rare Processed Marind x5
Rare Marind Ore x5

Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters

Vienta-Style Seafood Feast Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters:

  • Type: Incoming Heal +2.5%, Amitoi Heal +50%
  • Description: “An assortment of fresh seafood deep-fried in high-quality oil and sprinkled with salt.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 15
  • Possible Results
    • Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Uncommon Fish Oil x1
Salt x1
Vegetable Oil x1


Hermit Crab Tail x3


Sea Crab Nipper x1

White Meat Mortis

White Meat Mortis Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting White Meat Mortis:

  • Type: Damage Reduction +9, Debuff Duration -3%
  • Description: “A delicate dish made by boiling eggs and mushrooms and carefully deboned fish.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 13
  • Possible Results
    • White Meat Mortis: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality White Meat Mortis: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare White Meat Mortis: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Pine Mushroom x1
Salt x1
Tomato x1
Egg x4


Pink Cod x5
Silver Anchovy x5
Striped Mackerel x5


Amberjack x3
Banded Butterflyfish x3
Taion Moray Eel x3


Blacktail Snook x1
Barracuda x1
Ballan Wrasse x1

Wild Game Steak

Wild Game Steak Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Wild Game Steak – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Wild Game Steak:

  • Type: All Hit +60, All Heavy Attack Chance +60
  • Description: “A mouth-watering steak, roasted to perfection with coarse Salt.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 4
  • Possible Results
    • Wild Game Steak: Duration 15 minutes.
    • Quality Wild Game Steak: Duration 30 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Salt x1
Tomato x1


Wolf Meat x5
Pork x5


Bird Meat x3
Bland Meat x3


Thick Meat x1
Chewy Meat x1

Wild Grape Pie

Wild Grape Pie Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Wild Grape Pie:

  • Type: Max Stamina +15, Stamina Regen +4
  • Description: “A fresh, purple pie filled with honeyed Talandre Wild Grapes.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 21
  • Possible Results
    • Quality Wild Grape Pie: Duration 30 minutes.
    • Rare Wild Grape Pie: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Honey x1
Red Water Lily x3


Talandre Wild Grape x3

Wild Pot-au-feu

Wild Pot-au-feu Cooking Recipe - Throne and Liberty
Wild Pot-au-feu – All Cooking Recipes in Throne and Liberty

Below are all the details and ingredients for crafting Wild Pot-au-feu:

  • Type: Boss Hit +100, Demon Damage Boost +50, Demon Damage Resistance +50
  • Description: “A vibrant steamed dish made with the byproduct of a powerful monster.”
  • Required Cooking Level: 19
  • Possible Results
    • Rare Wild Pot-au-feu: Duration 60 minutes.

Static Ingredients
Mana Blood x5


Beast Fang x1

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